My name is Guru Om.
This is my challenge to the American Society, as a whole.
WHAT ARE YOU PREPARED TO DIE FOR, IN ORDER THAT THE SOCIETY AS A WHOLE CAN CONTINUE? When you go to bed tonight, before you close your eyes and go to sleep, with as much brutal honesty as you can muster...ask yourself that question;
If you cannot come up with anything, then my guarantee to you is that you will not survive what is coming.Were I to take you to any number of countries on this Planet, I can introduce you to thousands and thousands of everyday people just like yourself who are compelled, by violence, to ask themselves that question. A true Patriot is either a man, woman or child who is PREPARED & WILLING to die for his country in the event that a foreign military attacks.
There are thousands of true Patriots in countries around this world under occupation. 'Support Our Troops' bumper stickers and cheap, chinese-made American flags will not 'cut the cake'.
There is nothing wrong with repetition until people understand. I will repeat again; In the household that I grew up in, the head of the household whose name was George, was a front-line foot soldier in the First World War. He went to war, at 15 years of age, with 2 weeks training. The first command he received from the military was, 'KILL OR BE KILLED!', as they threw a 303 Royal Enfield Rifle at him with a two-foot bayonet on the end, with a 'blood track' in the blade.
As a child, I once refused food that was put on my plate. He looked at me, a look that caused me to shrink. This is what he said, "Listen to me boy, your problem is you are too well-fed and too well-looked after. You don't even bloody well know that you are alive. When I was in the trenches in France, I saw men crying like babies and desperately trying to eat their own shit and drink there own piss in order to survive. Don't ever tell me that you don't like a certain food. One of the major problems with you, boy, is that you've never really experienced hunger." His other favorite statement that he repeatedly used to tell me was this, "The problems with our country and our society, increased tremendously when they got rid of conscription (the draft)".
I do not ever write anything that is not my direct experience.
I have lived in America now for 24 years. I came here at 39 years of age. Up until that time, I lived in the Outback of Australia. Never in my life had I lived in a city. The biggest shock I received, living here, was the amount of food that was wasted through likes & dislikes. I said it then and I will repeat it again, Wasting food through likes & dislikes is a crime against humanity. I will even take it one step further. In the not-too-distant future, this society is going to pay an unimaginable high price for that crime. Never will a starving man say, "I don't like that!"
A few days ago, I read an article on the Internet about a small group of people who fled their homeland because of war crimes that were being committed against them. They fled their homeland in a small boat (to my memory there were 7 or 8 people on that boat.) After a few days at sea, they got washed off course and were completely lost. 4 or 5 of the people on the boat died as they ran out of food and fresh water. The remaining few, weeks later, were rescued by a passing vessel. After they had somewhat recovered, they told their story of how they cut pieces of flesh off of the corpses to survive. This is not a fantasy, these are documented facts from the survivors own mouths. These people did not live a privileged life in the country that they fled from. They were every-day people who had grown up in their country and lived a life of great hardship. As the shit hits the fan, in this country, what do you think the man who has lived a life of privilege is going to do when he finds himself in a similar situation? From what I have seen, with my own eyes, after living here for 19 years, I would say, without a doubt, a very large majority of citizens of this country have lived a privileged life, in comparison to what is termed, third world citizens of third world countries.
In India, there is a sect know as Aghouras. They live in the cremation grounds. There food supply is half-burned corpses. That is a fact. (Check it out. Go on YouTube and key in Aghouras.) I have lived and interacted with these people at various times whilst living in India. One thing I noticed was that they did not kill the people and then barbeque them in order to eat them. The people had died of whatever had killed them...old age, accident, etc. In Western societies people are directly responsible for the killing and mass-slaughter of animals for their food supply. You may imagine that you are eating a piece of steak, when in fact you are eating a dead animal. One of the root causes of violence comes from eating flesh.
I am not telling you what to do and what not to do but I will tell you this; if you don't have the guts to go out into the Paddock and catch the animal, then cut its throat and bleed it, skin it and gut it, hang it up for 24 hours in a meat house for its flesh to set, then you are a hypocrite, which means you are getting someone else to do the dirty-work for you.
It is not necessary to eat dead animals in order to survive. When cattle or sheep are driven by force and violence into a slaughter house, their flesh is riddled with with adrenaline which is produced by horrendous fear. Man comes along and eats that animal, along with the huge amounts of adrenaline that it contains. At some stage, that adrenaline will manifest as violence in man. I have yet to see a military that is comprised of battalions of vegetarians.
Facts are facts: No amount of projecting fantasies over them will change them. No amount of justification can change facts. You wouldn't eat your own dog if it died of natural causes because you obviously have a relationship with it. You will eat a beefburger, obviously, because you don't have a relationship with the animal that it came from.
As a child, I was sat at the dinner table on a Sunday afternoon, eating a piece of chicken. My sister was sat across from me. She picked up a drumstick, took a bite of it, chewed it up and swallowed it. She then announced, "This is the best chicken I have ever eaten in my life." She was as happy as a pig in shit, till I made her aware that it was her pet chicken we were all eating. At that point, she dropped the knife and fork, broke out in tears and her father became the meanest man that ever lived. Whilst she was still in ignorance, the chicken tasted wonderful. Once her ignorance was destroyed by a fact, she could no longer eat the chicken. Whilever there is a demand there will be a supply...until the supply runs out!
Were your first cousin to be killed in an accident you would experience grief, yet your 10,000th cousin who lives in a third-world country killed purposely because he's sitting on an oilfield, you don't bat an eyelid!
Question: do you want the President to bring our troops home because they are getting killed or do you want him to bring the troops home because they are killing innocent women and children? Maybe you want him to bring the troops home because wars are incredibly expensive (on a monetary level). When all of a countries wealth is spent on agressive wars what's going to be left for you?
Someone once complained to me that they were sick and tired of our troops being killed in the Middle East. I asked them a simple question, "Are you ready to give up your car?" Their answer (obviously) was no. My answer was, "Then take your bullshit somewhere else!"
Whilever societies are based solely and wholely on supply and demand, nothing will change.
Not too long ago, I spoke to a man who was pushing a bicycle. I asked him why he was riding a bicycle. He told me,"I do not agree with the bombing and killing of women and children so that I can have oil to drive a car. I cannot stop others doing it, but I could not justify me doing it. In the beginning it was very difficult. Over the years, riding a bicycle everywhere has taught me many great lessons."
If you don't care that people have to die in order for you to maintain your lifestyle and you tell me that; I don't have a problem with that because at least, in your ignorance, you are being as honest as you will allow yourself to be (in the situation), but do not wind the window down on your car and tell me that you care about middle-eastern women and children being killed in a war that is fought over oil!
Do not tell me that you care about children being turned into slaves and working in diamond mines while your wife walks around with a diamond engagement ring on her finger.
Needs are legitamate and as Needs they will be fulfilled. Wants are neurotic and illigitamate and can only manifest grief and suffering for yourself and others.
Hypocrites are a 'dime-a-dozen'.