People who truly have peace
in their heart, manifest it
and live it.
George once said to me (at 6 years old),"Boy, if you ever get married, get married to an ugly woman with a wooden leg." I (obviously) asked him, "Why?" "Because she'll always be there, at home, with your dinner sitting on the table for you when you get home!
My will is Gods' will.
When two are together
nothing bad can happen.
When you won't accept the world as it is, then get off your ass and change it. If you don't, then obviously what you're seeing as the world is the Unchangeable. One has to accept the Unchangeable.
Insecurity and stubbornness
is a formula for disaster.
Everything needs everything,
(and we're still killing
each other?)
The sillier it sounds
the more likely it is.
If I don't exist,
the world doesn't
If you want to photograph something in the light, you have to stand in darkness. When you stand in the light, you illuminate the darkness. Light appears to the mind as darkness.
Everything that comes out of me comes from the Inner Source. It has to be the Truth. I didn't wale through a mountain of books. They would have got in the way.
There needs to be a certain amount of Self-Awareness in order to live. If it isn't there you're not alive. You're a corpse that hasn't laid down yet.
Everyone alive has to be political
if they want to continue living.
Knowledge is another acquirement.
True knowledge
manifests as
Whatever you focus the mind on with Love, you become with Love.
Stick with the basic, simple facts and you cannot go wrong.
There is a fine line between a madman and a genius. In my case, I erased that line.
The Yogi finds the Zero point within himself.
Nothing but the Source of everything.
Certain situations
create awareness.
When the unknown manifest,
it's much better than what
you risked.
There is no such thing as personal feeling. All feelings can be traced back to the same Source.
The world and you
appear and disappear
See the good, the honest and the true.
You can't get free from what you don't understand.
First comes understanding.
Second comes Peace.
Understand the mechanics of the mind and be free from its illusions.
War, never ever bore the fruit of peace!