The biggest scam ever run on people is that they have choices. What you are not aware of is choosing for you.
Living the way Americans live, now, is very short term.
I grew up with pigs. They're cleaner than a lot of people I have met.
Even a fool knows
how to spend money.
I have always seen life as work.
I have worked for life my whole life.
Work, now, is letting life work for me.
What now?
Move on.
People miss the most obvious things.
Relying on anything time-bound for your happiness is doomed to failure.
Needing anything to make you happy is a failure.
In a roomful of nudes
there are no characters.
They come with the clothes.
Give up your childish ways and toys, now before I take them from you.
I cannot give you anything. I can only take away your dreams and fantasies.
When one is identified with dreams and fantasies - they will fight to to protect them.
Civil war is coming soon!