Without feelings man is dead.
Only a man who can feel
everyones pain is truly alive.
Where there is life
there are feelings.
Where there are feelings,
there is love.
You can not buy qualities.
You have to earn them.
I love to feel.
I feel to love.
I only know my own truth.
I live my own truth.
If it ever lets me down,
I will know it's not the truth.
One cannot have duality
without duality.
The curse of Enlightenment is,
one feels humanities pain.
If you can stand to live with humanities pain
you are entitled to Enlightenment.
I sacrifice my own pain to feel the pain of humanity.
I live with humanities pain every day of my life.
Interest is life force.
The more interest you have in life
the more life will make itself available to you.
I am an ocean of peace.
Whatever disturbs that peace
has to go.
It is as bad to acquire as it is to give up.
By all means give up the unnecessary
and acquire the necessary.
The only reason one creates
God and heaven is because
they are living in hell.
Live conceptually free.
True freedom is from concepts.
Why would one trust a concept
when they have their own self
which was there before
and after everything
and nothing.
The only thing one cannot live separate from is life.
There will be no peace on this earth
until man sees it as his duty to manifest it.
That is a worthy cause to live for,
to manifest peace on earth.
One can only appreciate time
when they are free of it.
Worthiness creates ability.
Whatever the mind dwells on long enough
it becomes.
There is only peace in security.
There is only security in peace.
There is no security in an insecure world.
The only way one can survive terrorism is to manifest more peace than the terrorist can manifest terror.
It makes one incredibly strong when they’ve only got themselves to rely on.
When dreams turn into nightmares they wake you up.
If you don’t enjoy nightmares don’t go to sleep.
By all means take rest.
To live your dreams you have to be asleep.
The shock of enlightenment is
that nothing changes.
The day is soon approaching when every one will share a common interest - Survival.