My job on this planet is to take souls from the underworld to the overworld.
Some are ripe and ready for the transmutational process.
Some are ripe and transmute easily.
Some are unripe and come kicking and screaming.
Eventually everybody will transmute back into Pure Intelligence.
One way or the other,
It is foolproof.
Sharing the burden
lightens the load.
Generosity is a facet
on the diamond of kindness.
What if? is the mantra
of fear and ignorance.
Of what you know you are free of.
You are the prisoner of what you don’t know.
Outside of the mind there is nothing to know.
It is the mind that says
‘I know – I don’t know.’
There is no end to discovery
There is only an end to ignorance.
Ignorance is lack of attention.
Peace exists in everyone.
Remove what disturbs it
and you will find it.
The only thing that separates ‘you’ from ‘I’ is thought.
The right conditions have to be created for unconditional love to manifest. In the process of manifestation, unconditioned love destroys the conditions. Therefore, unconditioned love is not creative, it is highly destructive. It is what makes creation possible. There can never be too much destruction.
is no thought.
Uncover the complex root system.
The root cause has to be cut.
The root cause of all problems is fear.
There is no need to check
because there is no room for doubt.
What makes it possible is always there.
What makes seeing possible?
Once one is agreeable
to oneself they are free.
Until then,
internal war
Time exists by agreement.
In a disagreeable situation
there is no time for anything.
When the mind is perfectly still
there are no pictures.
Total awareness.
Constant identification
with something
solidifies it.