I'm not here to save you.
You save yourself,
If you can.
The easiest way
to deal with God
is through understanding.
What comes first?
Seeing God in everything
or knowing God is everything.
Better to go without
then go into debt.
There are 'perks' to being rich.
There are 'perks' to being poor.
There are no 'perks' being middle-class.
They get shafted from all sides.
To reach the Supreme
you must be extreme!
(I AM the extremist.)
What I'm talking about doesn't come from an undisciplined and indulgent life.
Sacrifice comes out of a willingness to give up. Better than having everything taken away violently.
The ability to give up the unnecessary
creates great strength of character.
Free speech does not mean expressing a worthless idea.
True free speech is not motivated by fear.
God is the Doer - not man.
Knowing that, one lives an
anxiety-free life.
If it's not here and now then it's no good to me!
The peoples' vote only has as much power as the purity of the Constitution.
People are like packages.
What's inside is the same.
It's the outer wrapping
that's different.
(Take the wrapping off and see yourself.)
To find God you have to go beyond your concepts of Him.
My state is a state of not-knowing.
It produces great joy.
If you don't know then
there's nothing to worry about.
Before you can truly live you first have to find out what you're willing to dies for.
Having the patience to wait.