The human condition
is conditioned.
That's the problem.
One has to be aware
of the talking
in the mind.
Life is an objective experience –
not subjective.
Knowledge is in the
object not in the subject.
The artist is in the canvas.
The smoker is in the cigarette.
It is impossible to create happiness.
One can only create obstacles,
which are obstructions to happiness.
Before one can
entertain the silence
one has to be
introduced to it.
Only the silence
can introduce one
to the silence.
Consciousness is the disease.
The antidote prescribed is
to never have self-doubt.
The mind has an idea – the body.
The mind creates time
for it to move in
and space for it to live in
And then projects the body:idea into it.
What creates?
Ones most sacred possession,
the space between the breath.
and pain
cause change.
Awareness is thought-free.
Consciousness is dependent on awareness.
Awareness is not dependent on consciousness.
Consciousness can be conscious of itself,
but it cannot be conscious of awareness.
is just the
Fear is not of the known.
It is of the unknown.
The very fact that one knows there is a prison
is because they’ve been let out of prison.
The only way one knows they are in bondage
is because they’ve experienced freedom.
Attention & investigation
dissolves illusions.
First comes investigation.
Next comes detection.
Then comes light.
Satisfaction = Fullness.
Full of silence.
Full of unconditioned love,
which is a manifestation of the silence.
Satisfaction lies beyond the senses.
Silence is bliss.
Bliss is beyond qualities.
Bliss cannot be experienced
in the confines of the mind.
Once one loses everything,
once there is no more hope,
then and only then is it possible
for anything of any significance to happen.
The mind creates blockages.
The mind itself is a prison
and the mind is also the key.