The death
of the known
is the birth
of the unknown.
Death of ignorance
is the birth
of enlightenment.
It's what you know
that will be your downfall,
not what you don't know.
How many people have you ever met in your life that have said too you, "I don't know. I'm ignorant in that area but I'm willing to learn if you can find it in your heart to teach me." Until I hear those words, I don't sow seeds in barren land. Should you care to question my words don't come to me, Find a barren women and she will help you.
Once mans' seed is copywritten
you will need permission to breed.
The seed
in the ground
is non-different
from the seed
in the man.
The Soul-Seed.
Wrap your mind around it.
Give it the water of attention.
It will yield to you the fruit of love.
Your denial of the Truth
speeds up your demise.
Death cannot kill life.
It is a catalyst.
Debt creates heat in the paper money world & eventually burns up the paper money. We are in the beginning of a Golden Age now; paper money won't cut it.
If that's the drama;
what doesn't it
want me to look at?