At the end of the day
everything exists
in the mind of man.
If you get
what you hoped for,
hope no longer exists.
There is no need
for a way out with
True freedom
does not depend
on anything.
Worldly freedom
is dependent
on everything.
Ain't that the truth.
No one
can have
Stay aware
so you don't
Live the simplest way possible (you will never be the loser). Losers are losers because they have lost their simplicity.
If you really want
to help them,
leave them alone.
The only man who can help
is the one who has destroyed
all his concepts about helping.
The only one who can love
is the one who has destroyed
all his concepts of love.
'Lead me
Leaving them alone
goes beyond do & don't.
God helps those
who help themselves
is absolutely true.
When is
knows no gender.
Man is not
the performer of action,
therefore, who is?
is not
Separate man
from his breath
and you'll find
out who's pulling
the strings.
One lives a lifetime
of suffering
without love.
One lives a moment
of suffering
with love.
When God stops imagining,
man will no longer exist.
If God did not do that
man would not be
able to imagine.
You were created
out of Gods' qualities.
Man would not
be able to dream
if his Creator
didn't dream.
When I discovered
there was no hope for me,
I had to learn
to live without it.
When the unknown manifests,
the known quakes in its' boots.
What is the use
of investing
in ignorance?
In order to unite people
one has to find something
that everyone will support.
It can't be peace,
otherwise we wouldn't have wars.
How about survival?
"It's not that simple!" he said.
I said, "Yes it is. It's your mind that won't allow it to be."
When you reach
your destination
the journey is over.