Where does money come from?
It is inherent in the word.
In the beginning
there was
the WORD.
When you are more interested
in the WORK
than its result,
you're on your merry way.
Hair problems end
when you're bald.
character assassination
a form of murder?
I've gone from wanting
everyone to know me,
who I AM,
to not wanting
anyone to know me.
Recognize you,
recognize me.
I come
from the Silence
to set
you free.
You can wander the 7 Seas;
eventually everyone
has to go home.
One lives
to experience
love, right?
is the only thing
in the Universe
worth attaining.
It's a bit hard
to argue that
the Universe
is not God.
This guy, he's an atheist. He is stuck with the belief that there is no God. Now this guy, he's religious and he believes that there is a God. The common factor is belief. Remove belief and the believers go with it.
God knows
He exists
as I AM.