All beginnings
have to start
How about NOW?
Seeing as ENOUGH is ENOUGH!
We sin
& cause others to suffer.
Others sin
& cause us to suffer.
If you
truly believe
you can
have your cake
& eat it
then don't
profess surprise
when you
end up in debt.
If your bucket
has a bigger hole in it
than the volume of water
you're pouring into it,
don't be surprised
when you end up
with an empty bucket,
after all your hard work.
Listen to the sound.
Listen to the tone
of our society.
Listen to the
sound of water
going down a drain hole.
Tell me there's a difference
because I can't hear it.
The world
is full of answers,
but very few
good questions.
the Government
know it
to be true.
What was it like being born?
What was your experience of it?
I'd love to hear it.
Focus on what never moves.
How do I know it never moves?
If it does,
that's obviously
not it!
No one can hurt your feelings.
Everyone is responsible for
their own feelings.
Timeless truth.
It applies
at all times,
As a child, I was dependent on my Mother
until the first time she let me down.
From that point on, I became self-dependent.
One can not go beyond what they do not comprehend. To go beyond anything one needs a good command of the language. To enter my world one has to master the language of Silence.
To quieten
the mind
of idle chatter,
give it some
interesting work
to do.
"If brains were gunpowder, you wouldn't
have enough to blow your hat off."
~ George, My Father said to me.
The more pain and suffering one is in
the easier it is to say,"please help me!"
The less resistance there is,
the easier it is to say,
"please help me!"
When a man is swimming around having fun he doesn't ask for help. He has to be drowning to ask for help. At that point, it's too late.
While everyone is talking about something, nothing will happen. Not until the talking stops will the doing start. Talking about it is a sure-fire way of stopping it.
If you don't have anything
of substance yourself,
how can you give?
People who are
riddled with fear
need belief systems.
Do it right.
Do it once.
You won't have
to do it again.