For those or you out there
who refuse to move, know this,
that your days are numbered.
Who do you do when
'too big to fail'
becomes 'too big
to survive'?
The next stage
after that
is cannibalism.
You can only imagine the known.
The unknown is unimaginable.
Do less &
If you need a reason
to do something
then don't do it
because it isn't
coming out of love.
Love in action
doesn't need reasons.
A little bit of gratitude
goes a long way.
Imagine what a
big bit will do?
If you like your life
don't take Sanyas.
It will never be the same.
I can assure you of that.
People have made
a lot of mistakes
buying pictures.
Peoples' war;
religion & resources.
A massive ocean of greed & lies;
The last wave is upon us.
It's what every body wants.
It's what every body needs.
And no one has
the guts or balls
to take it.
I give everyone the medicine
but I cannot force you to take it.
God gives you the tools.
The Guru shows you
how to use them.
No light.
No world.
No food
No culture.
You end up
from wrong
No book can give you
the direct experience.
What you are
looking for
is not in books.
Words, in and of themselves, are dead.
It is you who infuses them with life force.
Take another step and you will find
there is no world without you.
Once you know that,
you are free to create
as many worlds as you like.
There's nobody better than me
& there's no one worse than me.
'Doing the work'
means not getting
in the way.
The Planets
write the Blog.