A man once said to me,
"You can't be the Guru,
you don't fit the mold."
"That's why I am.", said I
I AM the Guru. Should you not validate that for me then you can't have it either. This is for you, not I. I don't need your validation. I AM enough for myself.
You exist as I AM but obviously that is not enough for you so tack on to the end as you will.
The benefit of detachment is,
you can have anything you want.
For those who are not detached,
the 'want' has you.
The more you ignore the highs the less the lows will affect you, till eventually, through the breath, the mind regains its balance & is able to maintain it through thick & thin.
Beyond thick & thin lies
unshakeable invincibility.
The pre-requisite for having a 2-way conversation is, First; you have to know His name. God is a title. Who is it that bears the title? The answer is written on my forehead. It is written in blood, sweat & ink.
Would you sacrifice
your life for Peace?
If not, don't bother.
You will only
get in the way.
Don't imagine that Peace is passive.
It takes over your whole life.
And you complain
when the oil companies
take a few more dollars
from you for a
gallon of juice.
Have you ever seen a man,
standing on a street corner,
with a placard that reads,
'The end is nigh?'
He may not seem so crazy after all.
Whatever you do,
don't become a prophet.
Once the shit has hit the fan
they are no longer required.
Once the shit
hits the fan
we won't need
the internet
The drama can't keep going
without your interest.
It lives on your attention.
I will not debate.
Debates are for
the ignorant.