The words in this blog
will not fill your mind,
they will empty it.
My life is
an open book.
Read my forehead.
It's all there
The nature of greed is
that it destroys itself
& all that are addicted to it.
Why look for permanence when you're only here temporarily? Why look for security in an insecure world? Why talk about silence when your very talking about it disturbs it?
Greed is limited.
It can be destroyed.
It is not much of a power.
I gave my life
for this shit-hole &
all I got back was misery.
Why make differences
where differences
don't exist.
What use is a remote viewer
when there's nothing to see?
A wise man shatters his
dreams, fantasies & illusions
& experiences true freedom.
I AM a very simple man;
least amount for maximum impact.
Thinking different
makes it different.
Acting on it
solidifies it.
This is my
to you.