The Seed of the Golden Age
is Equality Consciousness.
Equality Consciousness
manifests joy
for everyone.
If it's
not necessary
what use is it?
Whatever is separated
by Time & Space
is no use to a
Timeless Being.
I'm recognizing Now
that it is Now.
Not tomorrow,
Not yesterday,
or maybe.
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Once I am taken out of the game, the 5 behind me will be left standing.
The first shall be last and the last shall be first. The first have already had their time. It's over. The dominos are falling into place. The 6th domino from the end is the World Savior. I AM the 6th Domino from the end.
Once a Society is so far gone
you cannot change it,
it has to transmute.
Change is temporary,
transmutation is permanent.
Control the language,
control the people.
Life pushes one
beyond their
The body,
for example.
If you don't do it
for the right purpose
why bother doing it at all?