What's the difference between
happiness & sadness?
Joy ~ it's a quality-less state.
Build an Empire on the
death and destruction
of another culture &
it will not have
a happy ending.
'Thank you'
The mantra
of Gratitude.
When nothing appears
to be happening;
there's a lot happening.
All one can do is
remain stable in
conditions like this.
I don't help anyone
unless they ask me.
That way, I know
they're ready.
Stubbornness & resistance
stop people asking for help
when they need it.
who care
too much
about survival
are motivated
by fear.
I am
by love.
If you want to support me ~ then support.
If you don't ~ keep out of my way.
I don't need your sabotage.
However you see yourself
is how others will see you.
It is harder
for a educated mind
to stop
than it is
a simple one.
These writings are based on
Fact::Brutal Truth.
All philosophy is,
is creating a language
to try and explain the
Philosophies change.
Religions come & go.
The Truth stays the same.
In 65 years of living
I have not changed a bit,
in spite of everything.
Once you know there's
no security in an insecure world,
what do you want the world for?
Only people with nothing to hide can think 'outside the box'.
Once you have nothing to hide you don't need the box.
There are no boxes in the field of all possibilities.