The only way to keep
the hamster off the wheel
is to take the wheel away.
Likewise with people.
One of the lessons
I learned in life was;
if you don't look after it,
it will be taken away from you.
All scams are based on ignorance
& the fall guys are the ignorant.
Dependence on
is misery.
If you could have ____________
would it make you any
happier than you are right now?
Nothing will ever
change in America
until you are ready to put
your life on the line.
Going through life,
leaving your shit behind
for someone else to
pick up is over.
All Empires are the same,
they are all built on
the backs of slavery
& that's why they failed.
A powerful man
has no crutches.
Don't believe the bullshit you're told.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
In the absolute there is no such thing as power.
In the world absolute power is found in the heart
& someone wants me to believe they're ignorant.
The only thing that will
wake the world up en-masse
is a nuclear war, which
will bring New Clear Energy.
Not trying to influence
has the most influence.
The desire to go beyond suffering,
isn't that an act of love?
Aches & pains belong to the body,
suffering belongs to the mind.
You may have to put up with the body
but suffering is not necessary.
When it comes down to
necessary & unnecessary
you will be surprised by
how little you really need.
What's beyond
great inconvenience?
I don't care
whether people
like me or not.
I like me.
my best
You claim the body to be yours,
then take it with you when you go.