Why bother with
side effects
when the real deal
is within you.
You may not know
anything else but
I can assure you;
ignorance is not
your natural state.
The Fruits of my Sadhana
are open & available to each
& every one of you.
I can not be blackmailed.
I am not reward-oriented.
Unconditioned love
is dangerous.
It is unpredictable.
The only obstacles
that stand between
you and Enlightenment
are your ideas about it.
I have heard many 'spiritual' people say,
"Before Enlightenment, chop wood.
After Enlightenment, chop wood."
Were they to know the depths of
what they were parroting,
they wouldn't say it.
The best place to rest
is in the heart.
For those of you who believe in reincarnation; it's very simple, before you leave, clean up your garbage, then there will be nothing pulling you back.
Ignorance is a very
expensive state
to live in.
You will be taxed
out of existence.
For those of you who
live your lives,
striving for more quality,
you will be fine.
For those of you who
have focused on quantity,
I don't like your chances.
Life is a gift if you don't waste it.
If you waste it, the bill is death.
People do not make decisions.
We respond to situations.
Depending on our response,
the situation decides for us.
Correct responses dissolve the situations.
After you have antagonized the pit bull, the correct response would be to run. The incorrect response would be to stand there. The pit bull now decides the situation.
If you have a lazy mind,
put a 'choke chain' on it.
That will wake it up!