An undisciplined mind
is a danger to all.
If you don't discipline
your own mind
then don't complain
when the Government
controls it for you.
People who control
their own mind
know what
propaganda is.
A disciplined mind
recognizes it.
I think
on behalf
of human beings.
I feel
on behalf
of human beings.
I feel
for the rest.
When you meet me,
you will know me.
I didn't set the rules;
that's just how it is.
Everything is both
true & false
at the same time.
False when you
talk about it;
true when you don't.
Anything that's happened before
is part & parcel of the game.
Once it's over, the next part
of the game is 'back to business
as usual'.
You pay
To live in Time
one has to live
according to the
laws of Time.
is born
will die.
One can't have
a fully functioning society
without the Planets.