There has to be
something present
to say I AM.
There is no
legitimacy in
There has to be
an equal amount
of presence for
existence and denial
to exist, as an idea.
has never
let me down.
There has to be
someone there to
accept the
existence of God;
likewise with denial.
What lies
Were you to deserve
what you claim,
you wouldn't have to
put it on the card.
Before you
You had better pray to your God that the price of Gold not go down. Were gold to go down to $250 an ounce, 85% of the people on this planet will be gone.
They don't use
paper money
in a Golden Age,
they use Gold.
Why give a man a sharp knife
when you know he's stupid enough
to cut his own throat.
As a child I wanted everything I saw.
It caused great disappointment.
Once I taught myself to focus on need,
the wants fell away like leaves on a tree.
People call
it a dream.
The people who
were not allowed
to participate
in the American Dream
will do very well
in the future.
Find out how many laws have been written & acted upon to guarantee your freedom. Then count how many laws have been written to restrict your freedom.
There is no
such thing
as a 'free world'.
Any nation in debt is owned
therefore, it cannot be free.
The slave master
has a set of rights
over his slave.
Were that not
to be the case the
slave would not work.
The credit card companies are
supported by the laws of the land.
They have more rights to
get their money back
than you have to walk away.