My loss
is my
The seeing of it
puts one beyond it.
In the silence
there is a presence.
If you want to truly find
out what God is
beyond your romantic fantasies & neurotic needs
then sit in that silence.
The world will not get you
free from the world.
Ignorance will not get you
free from ignorance.
Without discipline
you have to work
for everything.
With discipline
you make everything
work for you.
When like-minded people
support each other
all is possible.
For a timeless being
the time is always right.
Much better to be
divinely mad
One tests themselves
until they are acceptable.
Once you are
acceptable to yourself
Where is the need to test?
There is no such thing as
a world without each other.
Without a mirror
you do not exist.
The subconscious
of everything
we are not
aware of.
The first step:
One refuses to blame
anything for nothing
& nothing for everything.
All dependency
creates weakness.
Convenience speeds
up the weakening process.
Q: What has the most power
hunger or habit?
When all else fails
you’ve always got yourself.
Nothing is ever
as it appears to be.
That you can count on.
Time does not exist
when you are happy
doing what you love to do.
The space is more interesting
than the things that come out of it.
Uniqueness begins
Where programming ends.
There are no mistakes
Only experiments.