Witness consciousness in in control. It cannot become involved because of its' nature. Every situation has its' own witness. That being the case, no one gets away with anything. Whatever crimes you commit, there is a witness. Don't imagine the witness protection program will help you; it won't. I've got my eye on you.
Love; I cannot live without it.
I am not going to hold my breath
waiting for you to give me some.
Only the man
who has
to lose
can take
a risk.
When I came to this country, 25 years ago, I told everyone that I met what I had seen in meditation whilst living in the Outback of Australia, hundreds of miles from anywhere. One of the things I told people was 85% of the population would be wiped off the face of the earth. As you can no doubt guess, I was ridiculed with various derogatory names and insults. That did not deter me. I still did my work.
A short while back, I was in a situation in life where I was able to warn a man that 85% of the worlds population would be eradicated. His reply to me was, "That's not etched in stone." My reply to him was, "Do you have a computer?" "Yes". said he. "Then Google the Georgia Guidestones." said I. I haven't seen that man since. but if I do, I will let you know his response.