The switch that turns
the TV off
is the switch that turns
interest on.
Nothing can be taken from me.
I've already given it all up.
The only thing
one can do is
not add to it.
It can't get
any worse then,
can it?
If it can't get any worse,
it can only get better.
It has to be
a catalyst
for change.
There has to be
a shield in life;
love & laughter.
The lesser of
2 evils is
still evil.
If you want to know
if you are doing
your best, look
to the future.
How do I know
I've done my best?
By doing.
The non-doer
does it best.
If you want to experience what it's like to be a saint you have to get rid of the sinner, hence, saints are not a 'dime-a-dozen.
When people start to treat each other
as Gods & Goddesses there will be
no need for religions.