If you don't want
someone around
tell them the truth.
It works every time.
I live life on
the front line
of the war
on ignorance.
I'm perfectly capable
of controlling my own mind.
Once I could
love myself
more than God did,
I didn't need Him.
The mother
is God to
the child.
There is a secret to feeling good.
It's called, 'Do the right thing'.
gets in
the way.
You think when you're not supposed to &
you don't think when you're supposed to.
Once I knew
there was
a way out
of the misery,
I pursued it.
Better to give up your toys now
or have them forcibly taken.
No one can be creative
unless they are supportive.
If I don't deal
with it today,
I'm still going
to have to deal
with it tomorrow.
Nothing magically
goes away.
Over the years I have told people what the future was bringing. Invariably their reply was, "Not in my lifetime. I haven't heard that saying in quite a few years.