In a desire-less state
it's easy to say 'no'.
The only way
can go is
through transmutation.
When thought
with the Truth,
it's called ignorance.
There is no paranoia
in witness consciousness.
This is how benevolent the Truth is. It made you the non-doer so that you did not have to experience being guilt-ridden.
The one who is going to save the world is the one who is not born. Were you born? It is your direct experience that you were born? Is the event in your memory bank? Or do you simply believe as others do?
A man went into a bank to withdraw money. "Can you identify yourself?" said the teller. The man took out a mirror from his coats inner pocket. He looked into the mirror & then said to teh teller, "Yup, that's me."
Heaven is a desire-less place.
How long do you think you'd last there?
One doesn't know what they're capable of doing until they are called upon to do it.