Guruji tattooed this drawing of the Rainbow Serpent that he did on his own leg.
The safest state is not knowing
& the safest place is the unknown.
Only a desire-less man
can desire for others.
Heaven is a desire-less state.
It's open & available to everyone.
Are you qualified?
You can't experience heaven
if you're living in hell.
If you have the good fortune
to see me once, it's all over.
You will lose everything.
Then you will be like me
~ a nothing & a nobody
I spent many years looking for a way out & I can guarantee you, there isn't one! It's part of the illusion of being born. Once you accept the illusion of being born, it's all downhill from there on in.
Everyone brings me their world, their dream.
Were they to convince me of its reality
it would continue. If not, it shatters.
If you can't
keep your mind silent,
at least try
to use it correctly
for all our sakes.
Once you know, beyond any doubt
that you are That; where is the
need for a higher power?
Whatever is born dies.
Be careful what you take
your identity from.
When you take your identity
from the limited,
don't be surprised
when it ends.
Philosophy is a way of trying to explain the un-explainable
which you only need to do when you're not living it.
Philosophy also helps an insecure mind to feel secure.
Squashing it
is harder than
living with it.
"Ain't that the Truth Yorky Mate!"
In the end
you have to.
It's all over
barring the
Were people
to put
their own
world in order
it would create a
new world order.
The Truth is not popular because
there is no market for it
nor will there ever be.