26 years ago, when I first came to America, this was my Statement of Fact;
"85% of this world population is going to be wiped out. The remaining 15% will only survive through Unconditioned Love". Without exception, to a man, everyone said, 'Not in my lifetime!'. Well, here we are, teetering on the brink of destruction. One massive, natural disaster & over we go!.
As above
so below,
as below
so above.
CEOs' come and go but the corporations policies stay the same.
Wars start and finish but the policies of war remain constant.
Radical change
requires radical action.
Don't buy the
Radical change is
necessary for survival.
Survival is not
your desire.
That desire comes out of
name, shape and form.
I have never changed.
I AM the constant.
I live behind
name, shape & form.
It is the perfect hiding place.
as close to you
as your breath.
Some desires are fulfillable, some desires are unfulfillable. Don't waste time desiring unfulfillable desires. Desire the biggest desire you can. It contains all of the lesser desires. My desire is PEACE ON EARTH. What's yours? Write it down on paper. Pull it down out of the Ether.
A man can live without his sight. He can live without his taste. He can live without his sense of smell, and many live without their hearing. It is impossible to live without feelings. Therefore, everyone is alive by the Grace of God.
has a
sense of
Focus on it.
Introduce something
to the mind
that it cannot control &
the circuits will blow.
All the mind
is interested in
is survival.
Be careful
what you wish for.
My heart has no limits ~
you will get it.
'Thank your lucky stars.'
'Never look a gift horse in the mouth.'
'Be grateful for what you've got,
there are others less fortunate than you.'
True charity
heals the heart.
Balanced breath.
Balanced life.
The mother
cannot go back
to being a single woman.
If it's not supporting &
you don't have the power
to destroy it, then you have
to live with it.
Learning how
to live
with myself
Interact with the world in a minimum way & it will have a minimum effect on you. Interact with it in a big way & it will have a big effect on your life.
The Electricity
is the key.
is beginning
to shatter.
Before I will
accept anything,
it will have to
fulfill the