Saturday, January 31, 2015


A few days later Defoe gave six of the older boys 5 pounds each and a train ticket to a Bush town.
"The Cocky will meet ya at the station, so good luck lads. This is Gods' own country and with a bit of hard work and a few brains ya should do all right for ya selves."
We said our goodbyes to each other and that was the last I saw of them. As the days went by Bill Defoe kept getting phone calls from Mr. Mansell, the Aussie Director of the BBM. Each time he got a phone call, a few more boys were shipped out until only 2 of us remained, me and Morris.
One day I said to Bill, "What about me and Morris Bill? Haven't ya got a place for us to go to yet?"
"Ya sure ya won't change ya mind about going in the Army, Yorky?"
"Quite sure Bill. I'm itching to get out to the Bush. I've been looking forwards to that for 2 years now."
"Alright mate." He said. "Ya old enough to leave home so I guess ya old enough to make decisions for ya self. You and ugly Morris will be leaving tomorrow morning so better roll ya swag bright and early."
He walked away resigned to the fact that Army life was not for me.
It was difficult for me to sleep that evening 'cause all I could think of was red dust and kangaroos. When morning finally came I was packed up within half an hour so I made mi way across to the kitchen for some breakfast.
After breakfast we said goodbye to the cook and went back to the Nissan hut. Before long Bill Defoe came through the doorway and said, "Here's ya ticket Morris. There's 5 quid for ya start in life. Here's your ticket Yorky and here's a fiver mate. Make sure you look after it 'cause you'll have to work bloody hard in the Bush for a fiver."
"Thanks Bill." I said. "You're a real good bloke. You've really helped me a lot since I've been here."
"Root ya boot Yorky." He said with a slight waver in his voice. "Ya train leaves at 2 O'clock from Sydney Central so don't go fuckin' around Sydney and miss 'em or you'll be sleeping on the station all night."
An hour or so later one of the Jackeroos loaded our cases into his car and drove us both down to Cabramatta Station and before long Morris and I were humping our cases onto the Central Stations' platform.
It was now about 11 and we had to wait until 2 in the afternoon for Morrises' train. Mine didn't arrive until 4:15 so we sat around the station smoking fags and eating hot chips covered in tomato sauce.
There was no one left in my life now to say. 'Don't do this' or 'Don't do that!' All I had to listen to now was the inner voice of silence that lives in the center of my heart.
The train Morris was due to take arrived on time and I helped him put his 2 large bags on board.
"Look after yourself Morris." I said as he climbed up the steps. "Keep practicing with your knife mate and best of luck to ya."
"Same to you Yorky." he said and then went inside to find his seat.
I watched the train slowly pull out of Central Station and unbeknownst to me, a couple of years later I found out from one of the boys I accidentally met while traveling around the fairgrounds that poor old Morris was gored to death by a large stud bull. The bull was in heat and really cranky. Morris was walking through the paddock when the bull decided to charge him. Morris ran for the fence but he was not fast enough. The bull stuck one of its horns straight through Morrises back and broke it. Then it gored him into the ground. At the time the boy told me this story I knew that none of us can escape our destiny.
I was now left sitting on Central Station by myself. I felt rather sad as I sat there, thinking about all the people I had left behind, mi mother, dad and sisters, the 15 lads I'd lived with for the past 9 weeks, Bill Defoe. They were in the dead past now and all I was left with was myself.
'Oh well', I thought, as I wiped away a couple of tears that slowly trickled down the front of mi cheek, 'I'm left with what I stared out with, myself.'


"Is this the train to Burgooney?" I said to a platform ticket man.
"It sure is mate. Ya got a long ride ahead of ya. You'd best hop on her 'cause she's pulling out soon."
"Thanks mate." I said and threw mi 2 large suitcases up the 3 steps and into the carriage. After I found my reserved seat and put mi cases where I could keep an eye on 'em, then made misen comfortable. Pretty soon the old train gave a big jerk and a few clunks and it slowly pulled out of Sydneys' Central Station.
'Well, here we go.' I thought. 'There's no turning back now.' I realized that the other boys must all have been thinking the same as me when their train pulled out of Central.
There was only a couple of people in my carriage, a woman and a man, so I put mi feet up and looked out of the window at the suburbs which were now flying past. The train to Lake Cargelligo was an Express. The word Express had nothing to do with the speed of the train, which was quite slow in comparison to the English Steam Trains. On the floor, under where my feet were supposed to be was a sort-of half-round tin can. It was about 18" long, 10" wide and about 5" deep. It was the strangest contraption that I'd ever seen on a train before and when I made some investigations I discovered that each seat had the same tin can underneath it.
The first stop was Paramatta. It was a small suburb of Sydney and lay at the bottom of the Blue Mountains. I had read in the brochures that the BBM sent me in England that Parramatta was once a penal town. There was a well-known jail there, which used to house the convicts in the early settlers days. In the 1700s' there was no road or rail across the Blue Mountains so when the convicts escaped they always took 2 or 3 weaker mates with them so that they'd have some food when they ran out. The stronger convicts killed off the weaker ones and ate them just to survive. That will give you an idea of how rough that mountain range was in those days.
It was getting dark now as the old train made its way slowly up and over the Blue Mountains. Once we got through Luera and Blackheath, the train picked up some speed and headed out due west to the Bush.
"Tickets please." Said the conductor. I handed him my ticket and he said, "Burgooney, eh mate?"
"Ya just come out from the old country have ya mate?"
"Yes, I've been here for about nearly 2 weeks now."
"Jesus Christ mate, you're in for a right eye-opener."
"What do you mean?"
"You'll find out sport." He said as he punched the ticket.
"What's this can for?" I said.
"Oh, ya never seen one of those before mate? At about 8 O'clock tonight one of the stewards will fill it up with hot water. Keep ya feet warm mate. It gets pretty cold out West this time of year. There's a blanket overhead. You'll need that or you'll freeze ya arse off. You can get ya self some sandwiches and hot tea when the canteen opens. You'll need that too. Give us a holler if ya need anything else. There's hardly a soul on the train so I've got lots of spare time this trip."
"Thanks." I said and put mi ticket in mi back pocket so I wouldn't lose it.
After, I bought some sandwiches, hot tea, a bottle of pop and a couple of bags of chips. I ate them all and then set about rolling myself a big fat Havelock cigarette. It was pitch dark out the window now so I read an old newspaper that someone had left behind.
All through the dark night we traveled, almost non-stop. The tin of hot water was great to put mi feet on because by now it had gotten really cold. I dozed and nodded the night away and when the sun came up at 6 in the morning I could no longer recognize any of the scenery. Looking out the window all I could see for miles around was wide-open spaces. Some of the red land was quite barren in places and in others there was only Mali for miles and miles. (Mali country is best described as dense bush.)
"Lamb chops, bacon and eggs do ya for breakfast?" said the steward.
"That sounds great."
"It's being served up in the dining car in about 10 minutes so you'd might as well go through now."
I had not rested too well that previous evening because it was so cold and the thought of bacon, eggs and lamb chops with a hot cuppa tea was all I needed to get mi
stiff little body mobile again.
Soon as breakfast was over I went for a walk around the train. There was only 3 people left on the whole train now so I was beginning to wonder where the hell Burgooney was. After the train left Parks, one old couple got off and at Forbes the remaining old lady left the train. I was the only paying passenger left besides the conductor and the steward. That was it!
We passed a small bush town called Condoblin and the train chugged on for another hour or so.
"Your stops coming up shortly mate." said the conductor as he walked through the carriage.
I got mi 2 big suitcases ready by the door so it wouldn't take me so long to get off. The train started to slow down but as yet I could see no station in sight. Five minutes later the brakes started to squeal as the old train ground to a halt.
"Here ya go mate." Said the conductor. "This is Burgooney. Give us one of those cases; I'll give ya a hand off with it. Someone coming to meet ya are they?"
"Yes, a bloke called Burt Booth is supposed to pick me up."
"Christ, I hope he's not too late mate. She must be a hundred degrees in the shade today."
I jumped down off the train and the conductor handed me mi 2 large suitcases.
"Best of luck lad. You better hang out in the shade or you'll fry in this heat. It's a good job that you've got that Bush hat to keep the sun off or ya wouldn't last but 5 minutes today."
The guard/conductor blew a loud, shrill whistle and the old train and its 4 carriages took off slowly down the railway track.

Burgooney station consisted of one small-corrugated tin shed, which was securely locked, and a half-moon sign that read:
I was now in a state of shock. Almost immediately hundreds of small bush flies decided to give me a warm welcome. It must have been at least 100 degrees as I tried in vain to keep the bush flies off mi face. I opened one of mi cases and found a tin of Air-o-guard but it made no difference at all. When I looked in one direction there was nothing as far as my eyes could see and in the other direction all I could see was Mali bush trees. It was the most frightened and despondent time I have ever felt in mi whole life up till that point.
Miles away in the distance I could see a small cloud of red dust. Everywhere I looked was shimmering heat waves and in some places the heat mirages looked like big waves of water. As I sat there in the heat on one of mi suitcases, the sweat was streaming down mi face and the bush flies were tormenting me to death.
'Now you've really done it Richard!' a small inner voice said. 'The farmer has probably forgotten you and you'll starve to death out here and no one will ever find you. Why did you leave your mothers' warm, cozy house? At least you had food and water there and Jim Bailey was a good bloke compared to this hell-hole!'
'Piss off!' I said to the voice, out loud. The curse shattered the hot, dusty silence for a split second then got lost in the wide-open space. The only form of life I could see was 3 black crows that sat in a gum tree and cawed out loud every now and again.
I decided to move around 'cause the hundreds of bush flies were just about driving me insane now. I could feel the heat of the ground burning its way through mi shoes as I walked around the tin shed.
When I looked through the dusty window of the shed I made the mistake of putting mi hand on the tin wall, which was burning hot. Instantly, I pulled it away and cursed.
"Shit! Fuck! Bastard!" I said as I shook mi hand and then looked at the large red patch that had just formed. I was now close to tears so I walked around the back of the station shed to investigate further.
All of a sudden I noticed a great big lizard who was sat in the sunshine staring straight at me. He was a couple of feet long and had hard, thick scaly skin. Around his neck was a big frill of scales. I did not know if he would attack me or not so I bent down and grabbed a broken limb and hurled it in his general direction.
The tree limb almost hit him so he took off at full speed straight under the tin shed. As he ran he kicked up a small cloud of red dust behind him. All over the ground were these small brown burrs with tiny barbs sticking out of them. Growing up the back-side of the shed wall was a patch of brittle looking thistles about 4 feet high. The ground was as hard as concrete and it looked as though it had never rained for years in these parts. A bit further along I saw a huge mound of dirt, which had holes the size of a sixpence all over it. Picking up a hot, flat rock, I threw it at the mound. Within seconds the biggest ants I had ever seen came marching out to investigate the violent intrusion. I stood well back as I watched them scurrying over and around the mound. They had 2 little pincers at each side of their mouth and they looked very much to me like miniature black crabs. Later on I came to know they were called Bull ants and could give a nasty bite to an unsuspecting victim.
Off in the distance, the small cloud of red dust was now beginning to get bigger and bigger and after 10 minutes or so I could see a small white dot in front of the cloud of red dust. A few minutes later I recognized the white dot as a pickup truck.
Ten minutes later the pickup ground to a halt in front of me in a cloud of red dust that got up my nose and made me cough a bit. In the back of the truck were 2 black dogs with pricked ears and yellow eyes. They stared straight at me and as soon as I moved they started to bark.
"Sit down ya bastards!" roared a broad Australian voice from inside the cab. The drivers' side opened and a rough-looking Bushman climbed out from behind the dusty steering wheel.
"G'day." He said, "My name's Burt Booth. You must be Richard, are ya?"
'Yes, that's right."
"Throw your ports in the back of the Ute mate and we'll git moving."
"What about the dogs?"
"They won't hurt ya mate. They're chained up to the front."
The dogs lunged and growled at me as I lifted both mi suitcases and stacked them in the back.
"Sit down, ya fucking bastards!" yelled Burt Booth at the 2 mean-looking black dogs.
"Come on mate, git a move on!" said old Burt Booth as I arranged mi two cases so the dogs wouldn't chew 'em. "Hop in the other side." He said, so I walked around the Ute and opened the passenger door. "Christ, she's a warm one today." He said as he put the Ute into first gear.

Friday, January 30, 2015


Michelle York here,
Can you tell me wherever have you seen anyone, on this planet, with the formula for the Destruction of ignorance tattooed on their forehead?


Many years ago, 10 years after Guru Om had done this (sacrificed his life so that everyone would have the opportunity to destroy the ignorance that is covering ones' natural enlightenment), whilst listening on the radio to a 'shock-jock' who was interviewing a man who was making claims about his commitment to an idea. He was adamant that he was committed. The interviewer said to him, "Bullshit! If you were really committed you'd tattoo it on your forehead!" We both heard that statement & ecstatically pumped fists in the air.

In the 25 years that Guruji has lived in America 2 people have asked him what the tattoos stood for or why he would do such a thing. I asked someone once if they weren't curious even as to what the tattoos meant? I mean, there they are on his forehead for everyone to see. Their response was, "I didn't want to be nosy. I thought they were personal." When I told Guruji this, he said, "If they were personal I would have tattooed them on my ass!"


Before taking Sanyas Guruji shore sheep for 18 years, in the Outback of New South Wales, Australia. He can tell you everything you need to know about sheep (sheeple).He also bought & sold properties that are now worth millions of dollars. He had an impressive financial life ahead of him. He gave it all up and took Sanyas (Google it if you don't know what that term means) believing that this action would help end misery in anyone who was interested in getting free. He can do this as he has done if for Himself. It has not made his life easy.

Sanyas is the death of wants, hopes & dreams.

The tattoos on his forehead, for all the world to see, came out of the promise of a 6 year old boy who was drowning in the ocean. He prayed to God to save him, promising that he would do anything that was asked of him if only He would save his little life. After going down for the third time someone on a nearby boat saw him & pulled him up & saved his life. Need I say what God asked him to do in his later life? He is Gods' walking billboard & God stands behind His product.

Sanyas is a stage in life, usually when a man reaches 50 years of age, he gives his wife into the care of his sons & leaves his family life to seek out spiritual knowledge. He has performed his duties as a householder to his wife & family & now it is his time to seek out the Truth. A ceremony is performed with a sacred fire & mantras are chanted that are used in death ceremonies. This signifies that the one sitting in front of the fire is dead to the world of desires. He has no more desires (for himself) but that said, he can now desire for the whole of humanity.

There is no mold for him to fit in.

The Dalai Lama can put on a suit, go to a restaurant & who would know him? Ghandi could put on a suit like he wore as a lawyer in South Africa & one would think he was a school teacher & lose himself in the crowds of Delhi. Where can Guruji go? He cannot even grow his hair & cover them.

What is ignorance?
War is ignorance.
Misery is ignorance.

The child-like state, ones' natural state, is Enlightenment..covered over with ignorance. Children are by nature curious. They want to discover.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


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Once the
game's over
there are
no winners
or losers.

The only thing that
makes me different is;
I know I am
the same
as you are.

What I was interested in
wasn't in books, therefore,
I didn't have any & I still don't.

Once two know,
it's not a
secret anymore.

Know your
own secret.

If you allow it,
don't complain
about it.

When man goes to sleep,
there is no world.
The world is dependent
upon man to stay awake.

You can't live
in a day dream
& a night dream
at the same time.

Why not go
beyond the doer
& accomplish the lot?

No matter
how big or how small
the addiction is,
it's still an addiction.

Do less,

In a global society with global wealth and global problems, as in the amount of people that are being killed on this Planet or are starving in Africa, If you don't do something about it - guaranteed you are next!

The reason people can't
turn the TV off
is because it will
turn their life off.

Those who can
live without television
are doing.

Why would you have
something in your life
that you're not addicted to?

Next time you
look in the mirror,
know that the image
you are seeing
is created by
your likes & dislikes.

I am not here
to teach

After a lifetime of Sadhana
I have come to the point -


Everything affects everyone &
while you're still contributing to it
then you are responsible.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015



Everything you see is
Supreme Intelligence
in a limited form.

The Unlimited you are.
Act on it.
It will become
rather than

As in the child-like state.

All talk
about Silence
disturbs it.

He told me he was
going on a silence retreat.
I told him, "Better not
take your mind with you then".

My words will not
fill your mind,
they will empty it.

The absence of disturbances
will lead you to it.

To 'want' is a symptom
of a disturbed mind.

Genuine needs
are always met.


When you look inside;
if you can't focus your mind,
what are you going to see?

Being in debt
is not a
laughing matter.

Do you want
or your concept of




If the only flowers
on the Planet were roses
it would be quite boring.

The violence is
in the culture.
In order to get well
it has to come out.
There are only two ways
the violence can come out;
hard, physical labor
and war.


You can't have stability
without discipline.
Without discipline
you are not living;
you are merely existing.


One creates
all their own problems
through what they entertain.
Be careful who you
invite to the party.

Equality consciousness
starts at home.

I'll leave the construction business to you.
I'm in the destruction business.

You can do years of Sadhana
to attain self-realization.
If you don't fancy that,
a massive crisis will
do it instantaneously.

It's much easier to love yourself then to try & change yourself. I know because I tried. This is the voice of experience.

Life feeds on life
quite naturally,
on its own.
It doesn't
need your help.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015



If you're not happy in the world then the fastest way out is to stop thinking about it & believing in it. You will end up in my world then & I guarantee you, you will be happy.

If you want your power
to manifest in the world,
you have to create the
correct situation as a vehicle.

In order to survive
in the world for
as long as necessary,
make the best of it.

For those who truly would
like to experience God,
put yourself in a dark room
& call out your name several times.

Integrate imagination,
& when there's no stone unturned..that's it.
Beyond imagination.

Nothing is beyond the realm of

Imagination has limits.
Once you reach those limits,
you're free of it &
see things as they truly are.

A minimum of drama
indicates refined

If you can't save yourself,
how can you become a world Saviour?

As a child, I went in the Ocean and got out of my depth. I couldn't swim, therefore, the drowning process began. As I went down for the third time, I knew beyond any doubt that I didn't have the power to save myself. As I am here to tell you the story, obviously, the world Saviour saved me. My world, at that time, ran out of air.

Experience joy,
a quality-less state.



I had my first tattoo at 13 years of age. Reason being, to emulate my father who had tattoos. At 15 he joined the military and fought in World War I.

In the early 60s', in the Outback of Australia, any form of tattoo was frowned upon. Only 'no-hopers' and criminals had tattoos (of which I was neither). I am telling you this so you can understand, a tattooed head was the last thing I needed, let alone another tattoo. It was the furthest thing from my mind. That said, take a good look at my head. You can only imagine the hours of pain I went through having it done. the symbols on my head all stand for something supremely important. Collectively, the tattoos are a formula for World Peace.

My companion Uma, out of curiosity, has asked many people that we have met, "Why would you not ask Guruji what those symbols on his head stand for?" Some people have said, "What symbols?" Others said, "Oh, I thought they were private." My consistent reply has always been, "If they were private I would have tattooed them on my ass!"

As you, no doubt, see from the world picture, that the Peace symbols on my head have been of no utter use to me or anyone else, for the past 24 years.

As a four year old child I almost drowned in the Ocean due to the fact that I could not swim. Blue in the face and going down for the third time, I called on Gods' help. Lightning thought told me if there is such a thing as God, then I need saving as I cannot save myself. At that stage, as I sank lower for the third time, I made a promise to God that if He were to save my life, I would carry His orders for as long as I lived on this Earth. From that day to this, I have remained true to my commitment. As you can see from my forehead, no matter how difficult and painful it was, I have fulfilled that order and committed myself to it, to the death of the body.

The knowledge tattooed on my forehead is in seed form at the center of every living beings heart. Even a mass-murderers' actions are a desperate plea for help, though not a very intelligent way of asking.

Everything is perfect. There will be no mistakes.

Indifference to the sufferings of others is bringing that suffering to our door.

I am not programmed to lie. I am alive by the Grace of God. I have lived very simply, for the past 57 years, on borrowed time. I consider myself very fortunate. I met the God of Death in 1952 and survived to tell the tale. How many of you can read this knowledge and claim to be as fortunate as I am?

Each day I live, hundreds of thousands of children die prematurely from lack of food and water and the violence of war, which comes out of greed. Listen to me carefully when I tell you, these children are mine and I am not happy about it.

The last shall be first and the first shall be last, that I can guarantee you!


Monday, January 26, 2015



How many people alive today
have had the experience of
selfless service?
How many people
have experienced
the joy of
selfless service?

Selfless service
takes one
beyond fear.

'Business as usual'
is built on the
foundation of fear.

I'm here to help
but no one wants it.

Whatever I'm given
I pass it on. I'm not
addicted to knowledge,
therefore, I pass it on.

To stay open & loving;
go beyond belief & disbelief.

If I needed support
to do what I do,
I wouldn't get very far,
would I?

Sunday, January 25, 2015



What does it matter
if you believe the truth
or disbelieve it?
It makes no difference.

Laughing & praying are equal.
They are both great ways to
communicate with God,

All my talking
is about ending
pain & suffering.

The world means delusion.
The World is not 'out there',
The World is in the mind.

What caused the world to arise
in you in the first place?

A Person
is a limited way
of seeing oneself.

Friday, January 23, 2015



I came here empty-handed,
I will take you all
with me when I go.


All you need
is interest.

Skills are only as good
as ones working ability.

First, you have to become aware of it.
That implies watching ones actions.
'By their actions shall ye know them.'

How to live


When there's nothing
left to lose
even the weakest man
will fight.

The inhalation of the breath
is the creation of the world.
Exhalation of the breath
is death of the world.

The foundations
of this society
were built on violence,
therefore, it will crumble
in violence.

The violence comes out
in the weakest first,
then makes it's way up the ladder.

All the decisions
that were made
in my life
came out of

Whatever you want in life,
if you didn't get it,
would that be alright?
Drop it & forget about it!
Do not be surprised
when it comes chasing you.

Don't worry,
when all your
fantasies & illusions
are shattered,
I will be there for you.

What will hunger eat
when there is no more food?

If you get lost in drama,
make sure you have a compass
to find your way out.

The past is a moment
that feels like an
once gone,
never to return.

If you don't like the world then turn it off. It's your move you created it. You wouldn't hire a movie from the store then watch it all the way through if it was a bad one. Return the movie to whense it came.

is free.

You can go to heaven
anytime you like.
But how long
will it be
till your desires
pull you out?

Always in contact
with that love.

What debt slaves don't realize is
that if you don't have the money
you're not supposed to have it.

I was taught, at an early age,
'A fool and his money are soon parted.'

I am not interested in the
politics or the beliefs.
I am only interested in the love.

Don't cause suffering to others
because you don't like it.

"Who does he think he is?"
He doesn't think he's anybody.
He knows what he's not
& that's enough for him.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015



Want to change the world?
Change your language
to the language of Love & Peace.

Sometimes it costs you your life to keep your integrity intact. Most people don't have any integrity therefore they have nothing to worry about as they are dead already; they just haven't laid down yet.

It's the only way to live.
There is no other way to live
other than live & let live.

Witness consciousness
is the ultimate multi-tasker.

Reality is unspeakable.
That doesn't mean you
can't spend your life trying.

What do you want
to be successful at?
May I make a suggestion?
How about
your humanity.

Can you believe it?
The cheek of it.
The mind imagining
it's going to
perfect its Creator.

Patience gets you
through the day &
a good attitude
is the icing
on the cake.

It's insanity
not to question
& blindly accept.


Be careful
what you create,
you may not
be able to destroy it.
That being the case,
it will destroy you.

the catalyst
that transmutes
lead into Gold.

the touchstone.
Touch me once &
turn to Gold.

I make
the rich man poor &
the poor man rich.

The first echo
is the real one,
all the rest
are false.

When you don't
treat people
in a humane way,
you deny them
their feelings.
Only a 'non-feeler'
can do that.

The possibility
of things changing
for the better
for you tomorrow
is always there
but it is of
no use to you today.
The reality is
you haven't moved
off of square one.

Before you can improve it
you have to disprove it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Prisoners of time, felons of the mind
We break the laws, commit the crimes
We sell our soul for nickels and dimes.

Man where are you going with your technology?
It's based on greed and violence
And it's called democracy.
No time to stop and listen
No time to ponder why
We're headed for disaster
The Universe will cry.

Prisoners of Time
Felons of the mind
We break the laws, commit the crimes
We sell our soul for nickels and dimes.

Children there are many
Values there are few.
No time to stop and play with them
Because the credits due.
It's business as usual
A frozen pack will do.
The TV's going constantly
Designer clothes and shoes.

Prisoners of Time
Felons of the mind
We break the laws, commit the crimes
We sell our soul for nickels and dimes.

Vote for me, send me a fax
Vote for me, I'll cut your tax
Vote for me, please vote for me
I'm all for the death penalty.
Vote for me, I want your power
Vote for me this very hour.
Vote for me and don't despise
The fact that I am full of lies.

Prisoners of time
Felons of the mind
We break the laws. commit the crimes
We sell our soul for nickels and dimes.

We say that we want answers
But I don't think we do.
The pain of feeling separateness
Well, that's addictive too.
Who am I without problems?
Who am I without name?
Who am I without shape and form?
Who am I without fame?

Prisoners of time
Felons of the mind
We break the laws, commit the crimes
We sell our soul for nickels and dimes.

For those of us who will not share,
For those of us who do not care
For those of us who will not bend
Well, it's fast coming to an end.
'Cause time is an illusion,
created by the mind
And once the mind stops moving,
There's no such thing as time.

Prisoners of time
Felons of the mind
We break the laws, commit the crimes
We sell our soul for nickels and dimes.

Monday, January 19, 2015



Everything you see is
Supreme Intelligence
in a limited form.

The Unlimited you are.
Act on it.
It will become
rather than

As in the child-like state.

All talk
about Silence
disturbs it.

He told me he was
going on a silence retreat.
I told him, better not
take your mind with you then.

My words will not
fill your mind,
they will empty it.

The absence of disturbances
will lead you to it.

To 'want' is a symptom
of a disturbed mind.

Genuine needs
are always met.


When you look inside;
if you can't focus your mind,
what are you going to see?

Being in debt
is not a
laughing matter.

Do you want
or your concept of


If the only flowers
on the Planet were roses
it would be quite boring.

The violence is
in the culture.
In order to get well
it has to come out.
There are only two ways
the violence can come out;
hard, physical labor & war.

You can't have stability
without discipline.
Without discipline
you are not living;
you are merely existing.

One creates
all their own problems
through what they entertain.
Be careful who you
invite to the party.

Equality consciousness
starts at home.

I'll leave construction to you.
I'm in the destruction business.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


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is a big

There is a difference
between liberal &
lack of discipline.

Give stupidity a little bit of power
& you have a problem on your hands.

Manifested Power.


Instability of
mind + power
= disaster.

One of the
hardest aspects
of the work
is to sit
& do

If we are all different
then why do we all
chase pleasure
& run away from pain?

It's the idea of Enlightenment
that gets in the way of it.

Friday, January 16, 2015



On Friday night, after the shed had finished, Don Freeman said to me, "We're starting a camping-out shed on Monday Chummy, so we'll be leaving the lake on Sunday, lunchtime. Make sure you've got enough gear for the week, including booze and fags 'cause we'll be way out in the bush, miles from nowhere."
"Where we goin' Don?"
"Down towards Hay, on the One Tree Plain. I contract that shed every year. We'll be there for roughly three weeks mate."
"OK mate, I'll be ready."
That evening, being Friday night and the end of a shed, Gundy was firing on all 8 cylinders already.
"Hey Chummy!", he yelled. "Come over and meet Cyclone. This is our pommy roustabout.", said Gundy to Cyclone. "This is Cyclone, chummy. He's a gun shearer!"
Cyclone was as bad, if not worse an alcoholic than Gundy. Once he had a few bucks in his pocket he would not shear another sheep until it was all gone. Cyclone, like Gundy, was a hell of a good-natured man but the booze had him. He was his worst enemy. Very seldom in the Bush will one man tell another man what he should do. Everyone figures that as soon as a boy starts to work, he's old enough to be his own master. 'cause for one thing, he's working and living in a mans' world.
When Sunday lunchtime arrived, Don Freeman picked up Boney and me, Gundy and Cyclone. We drove a long way down to the One Tree Plain. Boney and I had to sit in the back of the Ute 'cause there was no room in the front.
The back of the Ute was filled with stores for the cook. A section of the back was reserved for me and Boney, along with the cartons of beer and numerous flagons of Brown Muscatel wine.
Freemans' dogs had to balance on top of all the boxes. They almost fell out a couple of times as we sped along the Bush roads at 80 miles an hour. After a few hours of driving, we arrived at the shearing shed. There it was, a big, corrugated iron shed sat on wooden pylons out in the middle of nowhere!
The landscape was almost barren as far as the eye could see in all directions. The ground was hot and dry and every so often there was a clump of rough, dry bush grass. It was called the One Tree Plain because nowhere in sight could anyone point out a tree of any size or shape. It was so hot that numerous whirly winds chased each other round and round in circles as they sped across the barren land. There was nothing edible that Merino sheep could live on and how they survived had got me beat!
The yards were already full of big, rough-necked wethers and a few hundred were packed in under the shed in case of a freak rainstorm. Miles and miles off in the distance was a cloud of red dust. This was probably the Jackeroos mustering another large mob of sheep. It would take a full day to bring them in to the shed to wait for their turn for shearing.
The shearers' living quarters were about a hundred yards away form the shed so Freeman drove the Ute in that direction. There was no shade to park it in so it just stayed where it was stopped until it had been unloaded.
Most shearers quarters at camp-out sheds are pretty clean and have good mattresses and beds. The beds, are in most cases, two to a room. Boney and me selected a clean room at the end, before any of the other blokes arrived.
The Shearers Union, which is called the A.W.U. was very supportive towards the shearers. That's the reason the quarters were in such good shape. If it was left up to the Cocky, he wouldn't care if the shearer had to sleep on the floorboards because, by his reckoning, the quarters were only used once or twice a year at shearing and crutching time, so why bother to make them livable.
Each room had a small set of cupboards between the beds for our clothes. The one window had a fly screen to keep out he bush flies and mosquitoes. There were no fans to keep it cool and at nighttime it could be around 90 degrees in those tin rooms. There was no electricity so the two refrigerators in the kitchen ran on kerosene. Half of one fridge would be used o keep the beer cold and the rest of the grog would be wrapped in wet hessian bags and stuck under the floor outside. Whatever bit of breeze there was would keep the beer slightly cool but nowhere near cold.
Boney and I helped Don to cart the stores from the back of the Ute to the kitchen, After we'd finished, Boney said, "Come on Chummy, let's go over to the shearing shed and check it out mate!"
It was about 5 O'clock now and the heat was still stifling. Mirages of water appeared everywhere as we walked across the windy plain. The hot breeze made doing anything hard work so we took our time, laughing and joking as we walked.
We got to the big shed and walked up the steep wooden stairs, hanging onto the steel railing. I was in front, so I pushed open the small corrugated door and we went inside.
"Gaw'd fucking hell!" said Boney as we stood in the shed and looked around. "Just look at all that parrot shit on the floor! It'll take us two or three hours to clean up this mess!"
"Yeah. Just look up there Boney!"
The shearing shed rafters were packed tight with Galahs.
(A Galah is a grey and pink parrot about 9" high. They are very common around NSW and make an awful racket when they sit around on the trees. Bush people even call each other 'silly Galahs.'.)
As we walked around I said to Boney, "Why are they all hanging around in the shed, mate?"
" 'Cause there's no fucking trees around Chummy so they've taken over the shearing shed."
The shed had been closed for months on end so due to the heat inside and the layers of parrot shit all over the place the stink was awful.
"Fucking hell Chummy, we've got to get rid of these bloody Galahs and clean up this board before we can even start shearing."
"Yeah, it's a real mess Boney. How d'ya reckon we should go about it?"
"We'll kill as many of 'em as we can because if not they'll come back at nighttime and shit all over the place again."
"How we gonna' do that mate? If we shoot at 'em and miss, the bullets will put holes in the roof."
"Ya probably right Chummy. Give me a minute to think, mate."
There must have been at least 300 Galahs in the shed. Some were sitting while others were flying around and squawking like hell. As I looked around, there was shit on the floor, shit on the wool table, all over the wool press, the wool packs were covered in it and it was even in the wool stalls.
"Tell ya what we'll do Chummy. Let's take that full bale of wool and roll it over to that end of the shed."
After that was done, Boney said, "Alright mate, grab that end of the wool table and we'll carry it over to the opposite side."
As soon as the table was in place, he said, "Here Chummy, take this."
"What's the straw broom for?"
"It's not a fucking straw broom!" he said with a big grin on his face.
"It looks like a straw broom to me, mate."
"Use your imagination Chummy. It's a double-handed shuttle-cock racquet!"
"Where's the shuttle-cocks?"
"Up there stupid!" as he pointed to the Galahs.
"Now, I've got the picture mate! I'll use the table and you use the bale."
"That's the idea Chummy. You scare 'em down to my end for a while and I'll smash 'em with the broom. We'll take turns at batting. Let's see who can get the highest number."
He drew a line in the parrot shit and said, "That's your half and this is mine. We'll count 'em up later."
I shooed all the Galahs down to Boneys' end of the shed and as they approached him, he swung the straw broom with a double back-hander.
'WHACK!' He knocked three Galahs out of the air in one blow. A double-handed forearm smash sent two more crashing to the floor.
"Alright Chummy, your turn.", he said as he giggled out loud. "I'll shoo 'em down to your end now mate. You take a couple of serves. The double-handed forearm smash seems to be a good point-scorer!"
As I stood on the table at the ready, the long-handled straw broom was over mi shoulder, cocked and ready to serve.
"Here they come Chummy!", yelled Boney.
Three hundred Galahs were now squawking like hell and flying straight for me. As soon as the live shuttle-cocks were in range, I let fly with a powerful over-head serve! One large Galah was knocked out of the air. An unconventional, two-handed upward reverse stroke sent two more to the deck. A clumsy double-handed sideswipe sent three more crashing through the ether!
"OK, your serve Boney!", I yelled, amidst the loud squawking.
I shooed the Galahs back down to Boneys' court. A well-aimed sideswipe sent three Galahs to bird heaven. A single-handed clumsy shot missed altogether and Boney fell off the big wood bale into a pile of Galah shit.
"Fault!", I shouted from my end as he slipped around in the white shit trying to scramble back up on the 'baseline' pack. Another mighty double-handed backhand sent three more Galahs to the deck.
"Alright Chummy, your serve!", yelled Boney as he shooed them back again.
After half-an-hour of strenuous badminton on center court we called 'Time-Out'
for a rest and cleanup. It wasn’t' too bad but Boney was covered in Galah shit and feathers as he walked up to me, smiling from ear to ear.
"We'll take a breather and swap ends Chummy. That wool pack is a bit hard to balance on. You've got the advantage on the table."
"Alright mate.", I said as we laughed. "We'll swap ends and play one more game and then we'll open the doors and chase the rest out. I don't think they'll come back in a hurry.
At the end of the game, we counted up the Galahs and then opened the two large doors. The remaining parrots flew out and were never seen again. It took Boney and me three hours to scrub the floor with hot, soapy water we'd boiled in the outside copper.
By this time all the other blokes had arrived. The cook made up some tucker and after dinner we sat around in our rooms reading, talking or playing cards. Gundy and a couple of the other shearers sat around drinking plonk till about 11 O'clock.
It was pretty hard to sleep that night 'cause it was so hot. We just lay on our backs sweating like hell, drifting in an out of sleep.
The following morning being Monday, everyone was up bright and early. Even Gundy didn't look too worse for wear. Breakfast was at 6 and Dons' brother Jazzer was doing the cooking. Jazzer was a few years younger than Don, which would have made him around 40. Don was a fairly handsome sort of bloke which was more than could be said for Jazzer! He was about 5'9" and a thick-set bloke. Most of his bulk was comprised of fat. He had a mop of black, curly hair and a pretty large beak for a nose and a ginormous set of choppers on him. His teeth would not have looked too bad had he have cultivated the habit of cleaning them. Instead, they were a greeny-yellow color. He had a habit of standing with his mouth open and the teeth could easily be seen protruding below his top lip. He was also quite a heavy smoker. He used to grip the ends of the tips in his large teeth. Have you ever seen a horse with its' lips peeled back as it chomps on the bit? Well, stick a fag in-between the horses teeth and there you have Jazzer!
As far as his cooking skills went, he was rated at half-a-star. Jazzer was also able to shear. When he pulled into gear his named changed to Jabber. (That's another story!)
After breakfast, we all made our way over to the shearing shed. As we entered the shed Gundy noticed a large pile of dead Galahs off to the side of the steps. When Boney related the game of Badminton, Gundy had to smile which was unusual for him at 6:45 in the morning.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015



Why bother with
side effects
when the real deal
is within you.

You may not know
anything else but
I can assure you;
ignorance is not
your natural state.

The Fruits of my Sadhana
are open & available to each
& every one of you.

I can not be blackmailed.
I am not reward-oriented.

Unconditioned love
is dangerous.
It is unpredictable.

The only obstacles
that stand between
you and Enlightenment
are your ideas about it.

I have heard many 'spiritual' people say,
"Before Enlightenment, chop wood.
After Enlightenment, chop wood."
Were they to know the depths of
what they were parroting,
they wouldn't say it.

The best place to rest
is in the heart.

For those of you who believe in reincarnation; it's very simple, before you leave, clean up your garbage, then there will be nothing pulling you back.

Ignorance is a very
expensive state
to live in.
You will be taxed
out of existence.

For those of you who
live your lives,
striving for more quality,
you will be fine.
For those of you who
have focused on quantity,
I don't like your chances.

Life is a gift if you don't waste it.
If you waste it, the bill is death.

People do not make decisions.
We respond to situations.
Depending on our response,
the situation decides for us.
Correct responses dissolve the situations.


After you have antagonized the pit bull, the correct response would be to run. The incorrect response would be to stand there. The pit bull now decides the situation.

If you have a lazy mind,
put a 'choke chain' on it.
That will wake it up!

Monday, January 12, 2015


A few days later Defoe gave six of the older boys 5 pounds each and a train ticket to a Bush town.
"The Cocky will meet ya at the station, so good luck lads. This is Gods' own country and with a bit of hard work and a few brains ya should do all right for ya selves."
We said our goodbyes to each other and that was the last I saw of them. As the days went by Bill Defoe kept getting phone calls from Mr. Mansell, the Aussie Director of the BBM. Each time he got a phone call, a few more boys were shipped out until only 2 of us remained, me and Morris.
One day I said to Bill, "What about me and Morris Bill? Haven't ya got a place for us to go to yet?"
"Ya sure ya won't change ya mind about going in the Army, Yorky?"
"Quite sure Bill. I'm itching to get out to the Bush. I've been looking forwards to that for 2 years now."
"Alright mate." He said. "Ya old enough to leave home so I guess ya old enough to make decisions for ya self. You and ugly Morris will be leaving tomorrow morning so better roll ya swag bright and early."
He walked away resigned to the fact that Army life was not for me.
It was difficult for me to sleep that evening 'cause all I could think of was red dust and kangaroos. When morning finally came I was packed up within half an hour so I made mi way across to the kitchen for some breakfast.
After breakfast we said goodbye to the cook and went back to the Nissan hut. Before long Bill Defoe came through the doorway and said, "Here's ya ticket Maurice. There's 5 quid for ya start in life. Here's your ticket Yorky and here's a fiver mate. Make sure you look after it 'cause you'll have to work bloody hard in the Bush for a fiver."
"Thanks Bill." I said. "You're a real good bloke. You've really helped me a lot since I've been here."
"Root ya boot Yorky." He said with a slight waver in his voice. "Ya train leaves at 2 O'clock from Sydney Central so don't go fuckin' around Sydney and miss 'em or you'll be sleeping on the station all night."
An hour or so later one of the Jackeroos loaded our cases into his car and drove us both down to Cabramatta Station and before long Maurice and I were humping our cases onto the Central Stations' platform.
It was now about 11 and we had to wait until 2 in the afternoon for Maurices' train. Mine didn't arrive until 4:15 so we sat around the station smoking fags and eating hot chips covered in tomato sauce.
There was no one left in my life now to say. 'Don't do this' or 'Don't do that!' All I had to listen to now was the inner voice of silence that lives in the center of my heart.
The train Morris was due to take arrived on time and I helped him put his 2 large bags on board.
"Look after yourself Morris." I said as he climbed up the steps. "Keep practicing with your knife mate and best of luck to ya."
"Same to you Yorky." he said and then went inside to find his seat.
I watched the train slowly pull out of Central Station and unbeknownst to me, a couple of years later I found out from one of the boys I accidentally met while traveling around the fairgrounds that poor old Morris was gored to death by a large stud bull. The bull was in heat and really cranky. Morris was walking through the paddock when the bull decided to charge him. Morris ran for the fence but he was not fast enough. The bull stuck one of its horns straight through Maurice's back and broke it. Then it gored him into the ground. At the time the boy told me this story I knew that none of us can escape our destiny.
I was now left sitting on Central Station by myself. I felt rather sad as I sat there, thinking about all the people I had left behind, mi mother, dad and sisters, the 15 lads I'd lived with for the past 9 weeks, Bill Defoe. They were in the dead past now and all I was left with was myself.
'Oh well', I thought, as I wiped away a couple of tears that slowly trickled down the front of mi cheek, 'I'm left with what I stared out with, myself.'


"Is this the train to Burgooney?" I said to a platform ticket man.
"It sure is mate. Ya got a long ride ahead of ya. You'd best hop on her 'cause she's pulling out soon."
"Thanks mate." I said and threw mi 2 large suitcases up the 3 steps and into the carriage. After I found my reserved seat and put mi cases where I could keep an eye on 'em, then made misen comfortable. Pretty soon the old train gave a big jerk and a few clunks and it slowly pulled out of Sydneys' Central Station.
'Well, here we go.' I thought. 'There's no turning back now.' I realized that the other boys must all have been thinking the same as me when their train pulled out of Central.
There was only a couple of people in my carriage, a woman and a man, so I put mi feet up and looked out of the window at the suburbs which were now flying past. The train to Lake Cargelligo was an Express. The word Express had nothing to do with the speed of the train, which was quite slow in comparison to the English Steam Trains. On the floor, under where my feet were supposed to be was a sort-of half-round tin can. It was about 18" long, 10" wide and about 5" deep. It was the strangest contraption that I'd ever seen on a train before and when I made some investigations I discovered that each seat had the same tin can underneath it.
The first stop was Paramatta. It was a small suburb of Sydney and lay at the bottom of the Blue Mountains. I had read in the brochures that the BBM sent me in England that Parramatta was once a penal town. There was a well-known jail there, which used to house the convicts in the early settlers days. In the 1700s' there was no road or rail across the Blue Mountains so when the convicts escaped they always took 2 or 3 weaker mates with them so that they'd have some food when they ran out. The stronger convicts killed off the weaker ones and ate them just to survive. That will give you an idea of how rough that mountain range was in those days.
It was getting dark now as the old train made its way slowly up and over the Blue Mountains. Once we got through Luera and Blackheath, the train picked up some speed and headed out due west to the Bush.
"Tickets please." Said the conductor. I handed him my ticket and he said, "Burgooney, eh mate?"
"Ya just come out from the old country have ya mate?"
"Yes, I've been here for about nearly 2 weeks now."
"Jesus Christ mate, you're in for a right eye-opener."
"What do you mean?"
"You'll find out sport." He said as he punched the ticket.
"What's this can for?" I said.
"Oh, ya never seen one of those before mate? At about 8 O'clock tonight one of the stewards will fill it up with hot water. Keep ya feet warm mate. It gets pretty cold out West this time of year. There's a blanket overhead. You'll need that or you'll freeze ya arse off. You can get ya self some sandwiches and hot tea when the canteen opens. You'll need that too. Give us a holler if ya need anything else. There's hardly a soul on the train so I've got lots of spare time this trip."
"Thanks." I said and put mi ticket in mi back pocket so I wouldn't lose it.
After, I bought some sandwiches, hot tea, a bottle of pop and a couple of bags of chips. I ate them all and then set about rolling myself a big fat Havelock cigarette. It was pitch dark out the window now so I read an old newspaper that someone had left behind.
All through the dark night we traveled, almost non-stop. The tin of hot water was great to put mi feet on because by now it had gotten really cold. I dozed and nodded the night away and when the sun came up at 6 in the morning I could no longer recognize any of the scenery. Looking out the window all I could see for miles around was wide-open spaces. Some of the red land was quite barren in places and in others there was only Mali for miles and miles. (Mali country is best described as dense bush.)
"Lamb chops, bacon and eggs do ya for breakfast?" said the steward.
"That sounds great."
"It's being served up in the dining car in about 10 minutes so you'd might as well go through now."
I had not rested too well that previous evening because it was so cold and the thought of bacon, eggs and lamb chops with a hot cuppa tea was all I needed to get mi
stiff little body mobile again.
Soon as breakfast was over I went for a walk around the train. There was only 3 people left on the whole train now so I was beginning to wonder where the hell Burgooney was. After the train left Parks, one old couple got off and at Forbes the remaining old lady left the train. I was the only paying passenger left besides the conductor and the steward. That was it!
We passed a small bush town called Condoblin and the train chugged on for another hour or so.
"Your stops coming up shortly mate." said the conductor as he walked through the carriage.
I got mi 2 big suitcases ready by the door so it wouldn't take me so long to get off. The train started to slow down but as yet I could see no station in sight. Five minutes later the brakes started to squeal as the old train ground to a halt.
"Here ya go mate." Said the conductor. "This is Burgooney. Give us one of those cases; I'll give ya a hand off with it. Someone coming to meet ya are they?"
"Yes, a bloke called Burt Booth is supposed to pick me up."
"Christ, I hope he's not too late mate. She must be a hundred degrees in the shade today."
I jumped down off the train and the conductor handed me mi 2 large suitcases.
"Best of luck lad. You better hang out in the shade or you'll fry in this heat. It's a good job that you've got that Bush hat to keep the sun off or ya wouldn't last but 5 minutes today."
The guard/conductor blew a loud, shrill whistle and the old train and its 4 carriages took off slowly down the railway track.

Burgooney station consisted of one small-corrugated tin shed, which was securely locked, and a half-moon sign that read:
I was now in a state of shock. Almost immediately hundreds of small bush flies decided to give me a warm welcome. It must have been at least 100 degrees as I tried in vain to keep the bush flies off mi face. I opened one of mi cases and found a tin of Air-o-guard but it made no difference at all. When I looked in one direction there was nothing as far as my eyes could see and in the other direction all I could see was Mali bush trees. It was the most frightened and despondent time I have ever felt in mi whole life up till that point.
Miles away in the distance I could see a small cloud of red dust. Everywhere I looked was shimmering heat waves and in some places the heat mirages looked like big waves of water. As I sat there in the heat on one of mi suitcases, the sweat was streaming down mi face and the bush flies were tormenting me to death.
'Now you've really done it Richard!' a small inner voice said. 'The farmer has probably forgotten you and you'll starve to death out here and no one will ever find you. Why did you leave your mothers' warm, cozy house? At least you had food and water there and Jim Bailey was a good bloke compared to this hell-hole!'
'Piss off!' I said to the voice, out loud. The curse shattered the hot, dusty silence for a split second then got lost in the wide-open space. The only form of life I could see was 3 black crows that sat in a gum tree and cawed out loud every now and again.
I decided to move around 'cause the hundreds of bush flies were just about driving me insane now. I could feel the heat of the ground burning its way through mi shoes as I walked around the tin shed.
When I looked through the dusty window of the shed I made the mistake of putting mi hand on the tin wall, which was burning hot. Instantly, I pulled it away and cursed.
"Shit! Fuck! Bastard!" I said as I shook mi hand and then looked at the large red patch that had just formed. I was now close to tears so I walked around the back of the station shed to investigate further.
All of a sudden I noticed a great big lizard who was sat in the sunshine staring straight at me. He was a couple of feet long and had hard, thick scaly skin. Around his neck was a big frill of scales. I did not know if he would attack me or not so I bent down and grabbed a broken limb and hurled it in his general direction.
The tree limb almost hit him so he took off at full speed straight under the tin shed. As he ran he kicked up a small cloud of red dust behind him. All over the ground were these small brown burrs with tiny barbs sticking out of them. Growing up the back-side of the shed wall was a patch of brittle looking thistles about 4 feet high. The ground was as hard as concrete and it looked as though it had never rained for years in these parts. A bit further along I saw a huge mound of dirt, which had holes the size of a sixpence all over it. Picking up a hot, flat rock, I threw it at the mound. Within seconds the biggest ants I had ever seen came marching out to investigate the violent intrusion. I stood well back as I watched them scurrying over and around the mound. They had 2 little pincers at each side of their mouth and they looked very much to me like miniature black crabs. Later on I came to know they were called Bull ants and could give a nasty bite to an unsuspecting victim.
Off in the distance, the small cloud of red dust was now beginning to get bigger and bigger and after 10 minutes or so I could see a small white dot in front of the cloud of red dust. A few minutes later I recognized the white dot as a pickup truck.
Ten minutes later the pickup ground to a halt in front of me in a cloud of red dust that got up my nose and made me cough a bit. In the back of the truck were 2 black dogs with pricked ears and yellow eyes. They stared straight at me and as soon as I moved they started to bark.
"Sit down ya bastards!" roared a broad Australian voice from inside the cab. The drivers' side opened and a rough-looking Bushman climbed out from behind the dusty steering wheel.
"G'day." He said, "My name's Burt Booth. You must be Richard, are ya?"
'Yes, that's right."
"Throw your ports in the back of the Ute mate and we'll git moving."
"What about the dogs?"
"They won't hurt ya mate. They're chained up to the front."
The dogs lunged and growled at me as I lifted both mi suitcases and stacked them in the back.
"Sit down, ya fucking bastards!" yelled Burt Booth at the 2 mean-looking black dogs.
"Come on mate, git a move on!" said old Burt Booth as I arranged mi two cases so the dogs wouldn't chew 'em. "Hop in the other side." He said, so I walked around the Ute and opened the passenger door. "Christ, she's a warm one today." He said as he put the Ute into first gear.


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In a timeless state
time goes in no time.

No place
is different
or better.

God is not fussy,
He resides in everyone,
even atheists.

Don't get excited
over delusions.

My armor is
that I speak the Truth.

To recognize the truth,
you've got to have at least
a little bit of it in you.

No one can claim
to be a Christian
& go to war & kill!

The duty of every Christian
is to see God in each other.

War is the absolute refusal
to perform ones' duty.

It promises everything
and gives nothing.
It gives life
& takes it.

a God
a man.

No joy
No results.

Always speak the Truth.
It dis-empowers ignorance.

It is the duty of everyone
to manifest God Consciousness.

A man has only two hands.
When both of his hands are full
& he is offered a gift,
in order to take the gift
he has to put something down.

When thinking stops,
Love begins.

If you want to stay young,
stay in touch with your love.

You can't use love
against another.
You can only
use their fear
to control them.

Just as one rotten apple
in a barrel will
contaminate all the others,
so will one out-dated, rotten idea
do the same.

Don't let anyone
steal your heart or
they will control your mind.

Looking for happiness in others is like
expecting a barren women to give birth.

There is an abundance of happiness in each and every one of us. Prove me wrong. Stop creating misery! Creating misery and then complaining you're not happy is a fools' game!

is the
great revealer.

The only way to
transmute a society
is for everyone to experience
the same thing at the same time.
It has to effect everyone

You only need
one for a party.

Love does
not control.
Fear does.

Good habits keep
the bad habits out.

One can have power
in the world
when they have power
over their mind.


Joy is joy.
It doesn't
belong to anyone.
It's just there.

A prisoner
of ignorance.

People who have
ideas about God
are separate from God.
Their ideas separate them.

If you're together
you'll make it.
If you're not,
you won't.

Creative intelligence
comes from the
center of the heart.

Knowledge exists in the Heavens.
It is ones' duty to pull it down
for the betterment and upliftment of man.

Sunday, January 11, 2015



The nature
of life
is to grow.

First, you've got to know
that you are a loser
before you can
do anything about it.

You will not get
happy, well-adjusted
children by giving
them false heroes.

When things
get bad enough,
anyone will look.

Any idiot
can create drama,
Only a wise man
can manifest silence.

Saturday, January 10, 2015



Desire moves
It creates

In my world,
Love is the
Prime Mover.

There is nothing
outside of the mind.

"That's all
he used to call me,
'you pommy bastard'!"

You can only believe or disbelieve in fantasy, not facts. Facts are not subject to belief systems. They are - as are you.

The longer you
look at shortcomings
the faster they
turn into long-comings.

The Earth
demands blood;
can you
blame Her?

God helps those who help themselves.
He didn't tell me to help you.

Friday, January 9, 2015



"Why did you come here?"
"I believed I could help. I made a mistake.
I never make the same mistake twice."

The good thing
about giving love
is one gets it
straight back.

You can't enjoy anything
unless you appreciate it.

If you want to know
if a politician is lying,
watch his tongue.
If it moves
know that
he is lying.

The biggest scam
ever run on people is
that they have choices.
What you are not aware of
is choosing for you.


Living the way
Americans live, now,
is very short term.

I grew up, on a
farm,  with pigs.
They're cleaner
than a lot of people
I have met.

Even a fool knows
how to spend money.

I have always seen life as work.
I have worked for life my whole life.
Work, now, is letting life work for me.

What now?
Move on.

People miss
the most

Relying on anything time-bound
for your happiness
is doomed to failure.

Needing anything
to make you happy
is a failure.

In a roomful of nudes
there are no characters.
They come with the clothes.

Give up your childish ways and toys
now before I take them from you.

I cannot give you anything.
I can only take away
your dreams & fantasies.

When one is identified
with dreams and fantasies
they will fight to protect them.

Civil war
is coming