Saturday, August 12, 2017


Respect is the foundation
that a relationship
can be built on.
Love is what
makes it possible.

Everything that you
need in life
is within you.

Vigilance is
a Siddhi Power.

The Guru is the
Grace Bestowing Power
of God.

When you know
what you are not
you don't need

When a Society is built
on a foundation of violence
no good can come of it.
That is why all Empires have fallen.

Violence can only be
suppressed for so long.

The building bricks of a Society are the children. They sit directly on the foundation. Everything is built on top of them. The children are always the first that violence destroys. The rest is history.

manifests it.

Only the
lesser of 2 evils
will vote for
the lesser of 2 evils.

When you've spent your lifetime believing,
telling & accepting lies,
how are you going to re-cog-nize the Truth?
It could hit you in the face like
a wet kipper & you wouldn't even know.

Self-governed Societies
have no need for courts,
laws & rules.

Your indifference to
the sufferings of others
has brought suffering to your door.
It is a law of Nature.

Break the
laws of Nature
at your own peril.

You can't put me
in a pigeon-hole.
It's 'What I AM',
not 'Who I AM'.

Friday, August 11, 2017




Q: Do you mind my asking you a few questions about the tattoos on your head?

A: Not at all. Go ahead.

Q: Why did you tattoo your head in the first place?

A: When I first came here, to America, thirty-two years ago, it was not to achieve name and fame as most people do, nor was it for the fulfillment of desires. I came here to warn people of the pending doom that was rushing from the future into the present if they did not change their ways. Plus, a promise is a promise. There is a story of a promise that I made, when I was saved from drowning. I was a boy of 7 when that happened.. 

("Remember when you were a little boy and you were drowning? You said that if I saved your life you would do ANYTHING for me. Well, I want you to tattoo these symbols on your forehead. You will be my billboard! You will carry the Formula for the Destruction of Ignorance for all the world to see! Without destruction how can there be Creation?")

Q: Did people heed your warnings?

A: No, in fact, I was labeled a Prophet of Doom and ridiculed.

Q: Did that bother you?

A: Not in the least. Speaking the truth has never bothered me, it simply made me more determined.

Q: The tattoos must have been very painful for you.

A: They were, but not as painful as what mankind is on the brink of going through now.

Q: In what way?

A: Eighty-five percent of humanity is going to be wiped of the face of this Earth. The only way that the remaining fifteen percent is going to survive is through Unconditioned Love.

Q: That sounds quite extreme to me.

A: Yes it is, you and millions more think that.  One must be extreme to reach the Supreme. In the twenty-five years since I tattooed the Formula for the Destruction of Ignorance on my head only three people have asked me what it meant . One was a stranger who walked across the street to ask me, one was a drunk and the other worked in the Post Office.

Q: Why do you think that is?

A: The pain and suffering isn't great enough yet but it's getting there.

Q: How can you be sure that is going to happen?

A: I saw it years ago in meditation whilst living in the outback of Australia. It took me five years to understand it. Whatever I see in meditation, as regards mankind, always happens. It hasn't let me down yet.

Q: Did tattooing the Formula for the Destruction of Ignorance on your head change your life?

A: Yes, it surely did. It ruined my worldly life. It shattered my few remaining fantasies, one of which was that people would be interested in their own survival. I also found out that I was not a world savior. (I saved myself)  My commitment is to the death.

Q: Are you sorry you did it?

A: No, I am at peace with myself. I have no regrets. I do have one desire; Peace on the Earth and good will between all mankind. Will you support my desire?

Q: How do I do that?

A: There is an ocean of peace within each and every one of us. When you are ready to support my desire, you will manifest that peace within yourself.

Q: I don't feel like I have much peace within myself, so what can I do?

A: There's plenty you can do. Find out what disturbs your peace and get rid of it.

Q: Easier said than done.

A: Easier done than said.

Q: Can we talk about the meaning of the symbols on your head?

A: Of course.

Q: The red dot?

A: The red dot is symbolic of the sun. Without the sun there would be no life on this earth. Without life on this earth there would be no one to ask about God.

Q: The crescent moon below the sun, what does that stand for?

A : In the beginning, the Earth was covered in water. Without the moon it would revert back to its original state.

Q: Below the crescent moon there are three lines. What do they reperesent?

A: The three lines stand for Creation, Sustenance, and my favorite, Destruction. That is the foundation of the mind; it creates an idea, plays with it for a while and then destroys it.

Q: I like the green star above the Sun, what does that represent?

A: The green star symbolizes the Pole Star. It is the only Star in the Universe that does not move. Knowledge of the Stars and Planets can be understood by meditating on the Pole Star.

Q: What about the two snakes wrapped around your head, what do they mean?

A: One is called Ida and the other is called Pingala. They represent the in-breath and the out-breath. For example, let me ask you a question, are you breathing?

Q: Yes, of course.

A: Good, then you should be able to stop for twenty minutes, Right?

Q: Wrong, I couldn't do that.

A: Then doesn't that imply that you are not breathing? Breathing is going on even when you're asleep. And you imagine that you're doing it? Which also implies, if you were responsible for breathing and you forgot about it because you were involved in something very interesting, you would die, and so would every one else who believed as you do.

Q : What about the tattoo on the top of your head!

A: The top of the head is where the Nectar is.  The seven stars around the mandala represent the seven major planets.

Q: The two symbols above your eyes look like writing to me, am I correct?

A: Yes, you are quite correct. The language is Sanskrit..the original language of this planet, Earth. It reads HAM & SAH which means,
                                                 I AM THAT I AM.
It is also the divine sound the breath makes as it is sucked in and out of the body due to the void at the end of each breath. But, from the stand point of reality there is only one void.
The sound the breath makes, as it moves in and out of the body, is the music of God, (This goes beyond the prison of religion). Those who do not hear the music are sleep walkers, dead men who walk. When the breath exits the body no one can guarantee that it will re-enter and thus sustain life. No one ever gives it a second thought. Were the breath to not stop, once it had filled up the lungs, wouldn't they explode? Man in his ignorance, claims, that he is controlling this Divine Play.

Q: On the back of your head I see a cobra surrounded with flames. There is also writing above the fire, what does that mean?

A: That is the Kundalini Naga (Snake). Once the Guru awakens her she makes her way up the inner core of the spine (the Sushumna) to the top of the head. Her only desire is to re-unite with her Lord, Shiva her consort. The Sanskrit writing above the flames reads,


There you have it in a child-like simple way. The truth is never complicated. It is available to all who seek it.

Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. (Knocking is attention)

I AM in your every breath.

God dwells within you as you.

God exists in feelings.

It only takes one match to set a whole forest on fire. 
No one who is stuck in quicksand can free another. 
One who has the key to the prison cell of programming can unlock the door. He has the key, as he has freed himself.

Thursday, August 10, 2017


God makes it possible
for you to deny Him.
He also makes it possible
for you to love Him.

They feed on fear.
Starve the bastards.

Knowing that
I'm not special
makes me special.
(You too can be like me)

What makes a good musician?
The one who waits for someone to tell him,
"You're a good musician, mate."

In order to dream
one has to be asleep.

One is dreaming a dream called 'The World'.
The world of dreams is endless
unless the unimaginable wakes you up.
The imaginable cannot wake you up
because it's a dream.
I shatter dreams & fantasies &
I'm not very well liked for it.

It's not
what I do,
It's what


Things get better
after you die;
don't worry.

People only talk about
what they can imagine.
The unimaginable
is beyond talking.

What are you
going to do
when you run
out of projections?
You'll have to
see things
as they really are.

There's nothing
behind you
but the void.
Without turning
or imagining;
prove me wrong.

One has to have
a good balanced mind.
It's essential
for survival.

How can man be free
if he can't wander
his Planet at will?

First, you have
to know
what you want
to be free from.

If you want
to be free of debt,
stop spending.

Those who surrender
their 'wants'
are guaranteed
their 'needs'.

There is no such thing as satisfaction in a temporary world. Satisfaction comes about by destroying temporary worlds. When you come across a temporary-appearing world that you cannot destroy; you will have found the real thing.

Everyone dreams,
Therefore the 'shattering'
will affect everyone.

At 5 years of age, I found out the hard way, through direct experience, the game is rigged. The pain I experienced, from a very short time of believing, is nothing in comparison to what you will feel after a life-time of believing.

How can you laugh
at what you haven't
dealt with?

There can be no justice
without equality consciousness.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Attention to the Mantra
produces true happiness.


There is no God without me.
Without God there is no me.
I AM because God is.
God is because I AM.

The man of Honor
is shunned
wherever he goes
in a

The violence in this society has been suppressed for years by what is called 'legal drugs. A drug addict doesn't distinguish between legal & illegal. When there's no more pills, that's when the violence will rear its ugly head.

I live with my madness.
I've made peace with my madness.
My madness will cure your madness.


15% of love
can destroy
85% of ignorance.

All the programs shatter when one thing appears that is not contained within the programs. That one thing is called The Catalyst. I cause direct transmutation without myself becoming contaminated.

25 years ago, when I first came to America, this was my Statement of Fact;
"85% of this world population is going to be wiped out. The remaining 15% will only survive through Unconditioned Love". Without exception, to a man, everyone said, 'Not in my lifetime!'. Well, here we are, teetering on the brink of destruction. One massive, natural disaster and over we go.

As above
so below.
As below
so above.

CEOs' come and go but the corporations policies stay the same.
Wars start & finish but the policies of war remain constant.

Radical change
requires radical action.
Don't buy the
Radical change is
necessary for survival.

Survival is not
your desire.
That desire comes out of
name, shape and form.

I have never changed.
I AM the constant.
I live behind
name, shape and form.
It is the perfect hiding place.

as close to you
as your breath.

Some desires are fulfillable, some desires are unfulfillable. Don't waste time desiring unfulfillable desires. Desire the biggest desire you can. It contains all of the lesser desires. My desire is PEACE ON EARTH. What's yours? Write it down on paper. Pull it down out of the Ether.


A man can live without his sight. He can live without his taste. He can live without his sense of smell, & many live without their hearing. It is impossible to live without feelings. Therefore, everyone is alive by the Grace of God.

has a
sense of
Focus on it.

Introduce something
to the mind
that it cannot control &
the circuits will blow.

All the mind
is interested in
is survival.

Be careful
what you wish for.
My heart has no limits ~
you will get it.

'Thank your lucky stars.'
'Never look a gift horse in the mouth.'
'Be grateful for what you've got,
there are others less fortunate than you.'

True Charity

don't respond.
to your

Balanced breath.
Balanced life.

The mother
cannot go back
to being
a single woman.

Anytime you start a sentence with 'I think'
know that you don't know. Knowing that,
why not just admit 'I don't know & it's alright'.



Sunday, August 6, 2017


The insanity cannot be fixed.
It has to play itself out.

The Man of Peace is the most dangerous.
The Man of Peace can stop wars.
Wars cannot disturb the Man of Peace
So sayeth I,
The Man of Peace.

It's a disaster to be born.
Living is the challenge.

Live the simplest way possible.
You will never be the loser.
Losers are losers because
they have lost their simplicity.

If you really
want to help them,
leave them alone.
Unless, of course
they ask you. In that
case don't keep
them waiting.

The only man who can help
is the one who has destroyed
all his concepts about helping.

The only one who can love
is the one who has destroyed
all his concepts of love.

'Lead me
not into

Leaving them alone
goes beyond do and don't.

God helps those
who help themselves
is absolutely true.

When is

no gender.

Man is not
the performer of action,
therefore, who is?

is not

Separate man
from his breath
and you'll find out
who's pulling the strings.

One lives a lifetime of suffering
without love.
One lives a moment of suffering
with love.

When God stops imagining,
man will no longer exist.
If God did not do that
man would not be able to imagine.

You were
out of

Man would not
be able to dream
if his Creator
didn't dream.

When I discovered
there was no hope for me,
I had to learn to live without it.

When the
unknown manifests,
the known quakes
in its' boots.

What is the use of
investing in ignorance?

In order to unite people one has to find something that everyone will support. It can't be peace, otherwise we wouldn't have wars. How about survival?

"It's not that simple!" he said.
I said, "Yes it is. It's your mind
that won't allow it to be."

When you reach
your destination
the journey is over.

Everyone gets what they imagine.
It just doesn't come in
the shape & form they recognize.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Nobody, ever, in life,
encourages you to say NO.

In the morning,
when you wake up
from a dream,
all the characters
in the dream are dead.
That is the nature of dreams.

Your indifference to the
sufferings of others has
brought suffering to your door.

really does
conquer all.

is an art.

Spontaneity happens
when the mind is
in abeyance.

If you can't
tell the difference
between paper & gold,
you are not
going to make it
to the Golden Age.

The Sun is
the Son of God.
Without the Sun
there is no life.
No Sun, no World.

This is my madness.
I manifested it
for all to see.
You're still
hiding yours.



In a dog-eat-dog society
it comes down to survival.
It's the only way to evolve
out of ignorance.

There can never be
too much of it.



'Abandon hope all ye who enter here.'
Once you abandon hope what
you are left with is Trust.

There's not a
'hope in hell' chance.
It's about Trust.

Only when you have failed
to change the unchangeable
will you accept it.

One mans profits are another mans loss.
(& we don't need anymore prophets.)