Sunday, January 30, 2011
The more discipline one has
to control their mind,
the less there is left
for someone else to control.
Who is going to
investigate misery? If you don't,
you are a prisoner of it.
They both come together,
the chicken and the egg.
There is no first.
Once you've eaten the cake,
how can you claim to have it?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
I came here empty-handed,
I will take you all
with me when I go.
All you need
is interest.
Skills are only as good
as ones working ability.
First, you have to become aware of it.
That implies watching ones actions.
'By their actions shall ye know them.'
How to live
When there's nothing
left to lose
even the weakest man
will fight.
The inhalation of the breath
is the creation of the world.
Exhalation of the breath
is death of the world.
The foundations
of this society
were built on violence,
therefore, it will crumble
in violence.
The violence comes out
in the weakest first,
then makes it's way up the ladder.
All the decisions
that were made
in my life
came out of
Whatever you want in life,
if you didn't get it,
would that be alright?
Drop it and forget about it!
Do not be surprised
when it comes chasing you.
Don't worry,
when all your
fantasies and illusions
are shattered,
I will be there for you.
What will hunger eat
when there is no more food?
If you get lost in drama,
make sure you have a compass
to find your way out.
The past is a moment
that feels like an
once gone,
never to return
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Funny, when you take the
'What If?' away it
becomes the real.
You know the problem with 'aloneness'?
There's no one to thank.
A corridor in time
is the difference
between night & day.
Blame never
healed anything.
Had my life not been like it was
these words would be empty rhetoric.
As it is, they're infused with life force.
My loss is your gain.
Your part is the
courage to take it.
Life is a marriage. Find out what you're not & whatever is left is you & yours, for better or for worse, to love & to cherish, in sickness & in health, to have & to hold till death do us part. AMEN!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Once one
responds correctly
to the situation,
it alleviates itself.
In the thought-free state
there is no such thing
as a mind.
True support
will never allow
you to get
stuck in the world.
Put a weak man
in a power position &
there will be nothing
but trouble for everyone.
has to be
in oneself
There cannot be
much happiness
without interest.
Every child carries their mothers' burdens
out of love & they express it in different ways.
The perfect relationship;
the one with yourself.
If it's someones
intention to do it,
they do it.
People don't know how to live
for the sake of living.
They have to live for something.
You can only act
on what you
are aware of.
Once you make a commitment
you don't need to do your best.
Good habits will
look after your
You can't do Sadhana
without brutal honesty.
Hence Sadhana,
so one doesn't
have to live
a life of fear.
Anyone can go to heaven
but can they stay there?
The first step one takes
is to open their eyes.
The next step is
meaningful action.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Everything has to go
in order for it
to be different.
That way, everyone
will be equal.
I can't see the rich
pulling the poor up.
Can you?
You can't sink any lower than torture.
Acceptance of torture creates the end times.
Hence Sadhana, so one doesn't
have to live a life of fear.
Living a fearless life & longevity
don't generally go together.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Instead of looking for
someone to love you,
why don't you look
for someone who is
worthy of your love?
There's nothing behind you, hence,
there's nowhere to go back to.
To prove me wrong you'll have to
stand up and fall backwards.
There's nothing wrong with habits
as long as they're serving me &
I'm not serving them.
If you don't give up the lesser
you can't have the greater.
It can't be any simpler than that.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
All bubbles
must burst
for consciousness
to become one.
What you believe
or don't believe
makes no difference
to the Truth.
The Truth
Live life
to the
with what's
All facts
are unchangeable.
That's a fact!
The fact is,
our indifference
to the suffering of others
will bring suffering to our door.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
"Why did you come here?"
"I believed I could help. I made a mistake.
I never make the same mistake twice."
The good thing
about giving love
is one gets it
straight back.
You can't enjoy anything
unless you appreciate it.
If you want to know
if a politician is lying,
watch his tongue.
If it moves,
know that he is lying.
The biggest scam
ever run on people is
that they have choices.
What you are not aware of
is choosing for you.
Living the way
Americans live, now,
is very short term.
I grew up with pigs.
They're cleaner
than a lot of people
I have met.
Even a fool knows
how to spend money.
I have always seen life as work.
I have worked for life my whole life.
Work, now, is letting life work for me.
What now?
Move on.
People miss
the most
obvious things.
Relying on anything time-bound
for your happiness
is doomed to failure.
Needing anything
to make you happy
is a failure.
In a roomful of nudes
there are no characters.
They come with the clothes.
Give up your childish ways and toys
now before I take them from you.
I cannot give you anything.
I can only take away
your dreams and fantasies.
When one is identified
with dreams and fantasies
they will fight to protect them.
Civil war
is coming
Saturday, January 8, 2011
comes out
of the Blue.
Learn to use
not abuse.
It will serve
you well.
of man.
If there was only
one man left on Earth,
what would he use
as a mirror?
Action & Reaction;
they are
not above
There is necessary drama
& unnecessary drama.
I AM not interested
in convincing you
of anything.
If you're interested
that's enough.
What religion are you
when you're asleep?
Tell me one thing that you could do
that would fix everything
and if you can, why don't you do it?
Friday, January 7, 2011
Knowing is within the mind.
Beyond the framework
there is nothing
to know.
It manifests as
Direct Knowledge.
Whatever has dimensions
is destructible.
Only Dimensionless Reality
is indestructible.
The world, in and of itself,
has no reality whatsoever.
It is your own private dream.
It is your own creation.
If you have a problem with it,
do not blame.
Ask yourself why
you created such a world.
There is a world within every word. When you take your focus off of a few thoughts that you had, those worlds die and you don't even bat an eyelid.
The eyes blink at 1/60th of a second.
Anything faster than that is seen as MAGIC!
When you want to know how the magician does it,
you have to watch the illusion
from beginning to end, without blinking.
Guaranteed you will catch him.
comes along with
Those who are attracted to the destructible,
they are addicted to fear.
Those who are attracted to the indestructible
are addicted to love.
I found the goldmine
within myself.
It gives off the most
incredible golden light
that I have ever seen.
The Power of the Sun
illuminates it.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
In the world,
the equation is
The Unknown = Fear
is based
on fear.
It is not possible
to care for someone
& not feel their feelings.
That in itself proves
the existence of God.
It was the desire of the work
that I came to live here 21 years ago.
The desire
to live
is the
of death.
Desires fulfilled
breed more desires.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
on one thing
and you will get it.
on the whole,
lovingly, &
you will get everything.
True compassion means
leaving them alone.
Only the corruptible
can be corrupted.
When you've done your best
and it's not enough,
move on.
Once you've done your best,
if you don't get the desired result,
all you can do is move on.
has a voice.
Use it wisely.
It is a
Divine Instrument.
Once a man said to me,
"I never hear the voice of God."
I asked him,
"Have you ever stopped talking
long enough to hear it?"
You have the power to stand for it or not. I stand for the destruction of ignorance in whatever shape and form it takes.
I know no other way.
I am not programmed.
I have always been like this.
Once you stop desiring results,
then there is no need to do your best.
You, yourself, will be the end result
which is what you were
before you went to sleep.
America will never
be invaded
while there is
True happiness in incredibly intense.
Are you really sure you want it?
After all, it is there
for the taking,
when you so decide.
There is no solution
save total destruction.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Can a
hurt you?
If you don't like it
don't read it.
If you don't understand it~
keep reading.
Reality show.
Mass movement
of people
will come
to a stop
once the
The only way the Middle East will survive is if they put their differences aside and become allies.
It's all the same
to the man
that's seen it all.
It's all the same
to the man
that's beyond it all.
Where is the information coming from?
I get mine directly from the Source.
Where do you get yours from?
At the end
of the day,
nothing matters
without love.
Don't create problems
& then pretend
you're a victim.
Witness consciousness
never gets sucked
into anything.
There is no such thing
as a happy life
without a disciplined mind.
One cannot do anything
independently, on their own,
unless the Planets support it.
If it benefits everyone
it's the right thing to do.
That frees you up from thinking about it.
That's all you have to ask yourself.
Don't forget to prune
the dead wood from the
Tree of Life this year.
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Universal Law is
clean up after yourself.
Ask the Aboriginal black Tracker.
No Tracks...
Nothing to follow.
Nothing to track.
The Truth
is Love in action.
How do you get hundreds of millions of people to pull together for the benefit of the whole?
Create a common enemy!
People who have direct knowledge of the Divine
do not look for recognition from anyone.
They have already given it to themselves.
Nothing will change
while the system of Government
stays the same.
The only ones who can change the system of Government is the people.
People who have done
a lot of hard work
have strong character.
I relieve peoples suffering
by not adding to it.
You can only
remember the past NOW.
You can only
imagine the future NOW.
Everyone is
in the NOW.
no future
When you reach a stage
where there's nowhere to go,
you'll find out
there's nowhere
to come back to.
In order to come back
you have to go.
People are not interested in the unknown
because they have never experienced it,
therefore, they don't trust it.
Do understand - there can be no chicken without an egg. There can be no egg without a chicken. Only a fool would ask, "what came first the chicken or the egg?" They appear and disappear together as one.
If there wasn't such a thing as 'God', Then why do we have a word 'God'? Years ago there was no such thing as space travel. We made a 'rocket' and the word 'rocket' became part of our vocabulary. When we didn't have the word 'car' in our language, there was no such thing as 'cars'.
God and the word 'God'
are inseparable.
Chasing happiness
is a fools game.
Keep still &
it will manifest
of its own accord.
I would like
everyone to
be happy.
When one is doing
what they truly love
there is no
such thing as time.
Love is not time-bound.
It is a timeless state.
Everyone has experienced
love in their life.
Love & God
are inseparable.
Whatever you need in life,
it will be there for you
when you need it.
You brought it with you
when you appeared.
Once you mortgage your life
to something, don't complain
that you have no time.
If you would like
your life to change,
first you have to know
what you would like it to change to.
Before change,
your work
is in the imagination.
After change,
you deal with facts.
I used to think I knew everything
that was going on in my life &
where I was going, until I took Sanyas.
From then on, I realized nothing.
That was 20 years ago.
Today I know even less.
If you see me through a quiet, disciplined mind you will have instant recognition of me as I AM. If you see me through an undisciplined mind that is fraught with waves, then you will see me as you want to see me. How I appear to you is none of my business.
Look at your reflection in a pool of water.
Then throw a stone in the water &
tell me what the difference is.
I appear &
the world appears.
I disappear
& the world disappears.
That is the nature of appearances.
I don't
need a car.
The body
needs a car.
I had a hard time with that one.
That was difficult for me, years ago,
seeing myself in others and others in myself.
Needing anything to
make you happy is a failure.
Relying on anything
time-bound for your happiness
is doomed to failure.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
As you
see me
You cannot
have a country
without people.
It reverts back
to land.
The imaginary line
has been erased.
How do you
change the changeless?
It isn't possible.
That is the
challenge for everyone.
Go ahead, try and change it.
I wish you well!
I will benefit from it.
If it's not fact
I'm f&*^ed!
Either way I win.
Everyone loves attention. Me too!
I AM the supreme attention whore.
But let me tell you this,
too much of it is not good
as you will forget how
to give it to yourself.
He's not coherent because
his mind is overheated.
Cool the mind & rearrange
its molecular structure.
Even the commander
on the battlefield
takes orders.
I take orders
from no one.
End of story.
If you want to know
what the planets are doing,
don't look to the heavens,
look to its affect on Earth.
Whatever happens down here
is a reflection of
what's happening up there.
No one actually lives
'on' a planet.
The planets exist
within consciousness &
affect consciousness.
You have access
to consciousness.
Even in deep sleep
something has to stay awake
in order to tell you,
you are asleep.
The first thing it tells you
is that you are asleep.
The second thing it tells you
is what woke you up.
The third thing it tells you
is I love you.
Peoples' love comes and goes
but their fear remains constant.
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