Thursday, July 2, 2015



In my world you are either
ignorant or enlightened.
In my world there are
no half-measures.
There is no such thing as
being half-awake.

Love & fear cannot live
under the same roof
without friction.

Only a man who has found out
what he is willing to die for
can truly live.

Manifest your capacity
to love or die.
It's up to you.

If you truly want to experience love
don't go to the ocean with a thimble.
And don't complain you didn't get much.

Sometime ago, I was conversing with an Aborigine, in the Blue Mountains. We were discussing the collective state of humanity. He said to me, "Guru, men have been killing, cheating & robbing each other for thousands of years. What makes you think it's going to change?" My reply to him was very simple & truthful, "Because I'm here now George!" That mans' heart opened so wide, tears ran down my cheeks.

Love will never
fit your concepts.
It will always
destroy them.

Surrender happens
when you don't have
anything to protect.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Peter Smith came back out to old Burts' place to see me. He pulled up in Burts' yard one evening and jumped out of his blue Ute.
"G'day Yorky.", he said, as he walked around the back of the Ute.
"G'day Peter. How're you going?"
"Good mate. I brought ya something."
He leaned over the side of the Ute and pulled out a large wheat bag that was tied with a lump of bailing twine.
"What's in the bag Peter?"
"Open her up and have a 'butchers' mate, but be careful."
He handed me the large sack and immediately whatever was inside started to move around.
"What's inside Peter?"
"Open the bastard up mate, if ya wanna know."
I undid the bow which kept the bag shut tight and when I peered down inside it, I saw a young joey kangaroo.
"It's a joey Pete!"
"Yeh mate. I thought ya might like it. It'll be a bit of company for ya. Ya just have to feed it a bottle of boiled milk morning and night but don't be surprised if it dies on ya 'cause they're a bit hard to raise most times."
"Where am I gonna put it?"
"Come on inside ya hut. I'll show ya how to do it mate."
When we got inside the tin hut, Peter opened the bag and stuck his hand inside and then pulled the young joey out of the bag by its' tail. It was quite scared of being out in the light so it started to kick and make a clicking sound.
"Stick him up ya jumper mate. He'll quieten down then."
The young joey crawled up under mi jumper, back into the dark and was quiet as a mouse again, once he made himself comfortable under mi armpit.
"Ya leave the top of the bag tied like this mate, then ya hang it on a nail. This one over here will do. Next, ya cut a slit along the bag, like so. Then it resembles its mothers' pouch. That's it. That'll do mate."
"How do I feed it Peter?"
"Ya git old Kay to boil up a small amount of milk and then ya put it in a bottle and ya put a small amount of burnt cinder powder in it. That'll stop him from getting the scowers. Ya put the rubber teet on the end and the first couple of times you'll have to hold him and force it in his mouth but as soon as he knows the bottle's full of warm milk he'll hold the bottle himself with his hands and feed himself. We'll go over and see old Kay. She used to have a pet too but it got too big and cranky so she let him go. She'll be glad to give ya a hand looking after it. It'll remind her of the time she got her first pet roo, mate.", he said, with a knowing, cheeky wink.
Peter was no mug. When Kay Booth saw the joey she was more than happy to help so old Burt couldn't say a word about it. Kay proceeded to tell us all about her pet roo which took about half an hour and when Peter and I got back to mi shed he said,
"I told ya sport. She's on our side now. Better to have old Kay as a friend. It'll make ya life a bit easier out here. How's things going anyway, Yorky?"
I told Peter about old Burt doing his nut and chasing me with the axe.
"Gawd Streuth mate! We've gotta git ya out of this place while ya still in one piece! I've got a place in mind for ya to go but the bloke is still waiting for a contract to come through and as soon as it does, ya outa' here. I'd take ya back to my place tonight but there's no room and there's no work so I can't do that. Ya think ya can hang on at this place for a while longer?"
"Yeh, I'll be alright. He's been a bit better since he chased me with the axe but I don't like old Burt. He's as miserable as chickenshit."
"Ya not wrong there mate and you're not the only one who thinks that. Anyway mate, I'll be back to see ya again soon so look after ya self Yorky and don't let the bastard git ya down, alright?"
"Alright mate. Thanks for the joey and thanks for looking out for me."
"No worries mate. I'd do the same for a white feller."
"Oh that's a good joke Peter. I'll save that one for old Burt one day."
After Peter left, Mrs. Booth came over with a bottle of milk with a lambs teet on the end of it.
"Do you want to see if he's hungry Richard?"
"Yeh, let's try him. They shot his mother along with the rest of the mob so he's probably a bit hungry now and he won't feel so frightened once he gets some warm milk into him."
The young joey kicked and scratched as he tried to get away from me when I took him out of his new pouch.
"Hold him firm while I get the teet in his mouth.", said Kay.
Once the joey tasted the warm cows milk, he started to settle down until he had finished three-quarters of the bottle. Then he pissed on mi trousers and started to struggle again so I put him back in the old wheat-bag pouch. As soon as he saw the tear across the front of the bag he hopped in headfirst and rolled over on his back then curled himself into a tight ball and went to sleep.
After a week or so, joey could get out of the bag himself. He could sit right up on his back legs and tail. Already he had learned to hold the bottle himself. He looked so sweet as he sat on the floor of mi hut feeding himself and looking around.
Sometimes at night I'd put him in mi bed but one night he pissed all over the sheets so sleeping in the bed with me was now out of bounds to him. Another week and he could hop up on the bed himself but he could not distinguish between the bed and the old dressing table so many a time he would hop up on the table and knock the photos and mi other knick-knacks all over the place. One night when he saw his reflection in the mirror he tried to kick it to death and almost cracked the mirror.
Joey was a lot of fun. Peter was right, it made staying at old Burts' place a bit more tolerable but life being what it is, it soon took joey away from me.
One cold morning at about 4 O'clock, I woke up with a start for some unknown reason. I switched on the one light bulb. Nothing seemed out of place but something did not feel right. Joey was sat in his pouch with his head out of the slit in the bag. His big black eyes were staring across at me.
"Put ya head back in mate, it's a cold morning.", I said but he never moved. "Git back in the pouch where it's warm, joey, or you'll git cold."
I got out of bed and walked across the cold oil-cloth to where joeys' bag was hanging. When I touched his furry head he was as stiff as a board and at once I knew he was dead.
"Oh fuck! Why did you have to go and die just when we were having a good time together?"
When I tried to get joey out of the bag pouch, I saw the reason for his death. A loose strand of bag had gotten twisted around his neck as he got back in his pouch, head first and as soon as he tried to turn around, the piece of frayed string had tightened around his throat and choked him. I had a good cry to myself as I cut the string from around his neck and pulled his stiff little body out of the bag.
Before breakfast, I showed old Kay what had happened and she was also quite upset about it. When Burt found out he said,
"They're pretty hard to raise. If they don't get the scowers they git a cold and if it's not any of those two things, it's something else."
"What do I do with him now Burt? Shall I bury him somewhere?"
"Na mate, just chuck his body to the pigs. It's no good to him now so the pigs may as well eat it. Everything has some use in the bush, mate. We''ll all end up as tucker for something one of these days."
For once, I could see that old Burt was right. Joey could no longer use a dead roos' body, so I hardened my heart and threw the dead body into the pigs pen and walked away.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


Michelle York here.
Guruji allows me to post words that I hear from him on this blog. I have been doing this since I was gifted with a computer in 2007. I support, financially & emotionally, the work that Guruji does. As the Destroyer of Ignorance, the 16th Domino, He has the power to bring about Transmutation on this Planet.

I design & make jewelry in order to support Gurujis' work.
I am using these pieces as fund raising tools for a project I am extremely passionate about.
Look & contact me @
I can also custom make something according to your own design.

I will be posting more pieces in the near future.
Always your well-wishing friend.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Where you present at your birth?
Do you remember dying?
Do you really understand?
Or do you spend your lifetime trying?
People tell you who you are
And what you should be doing.
But you never stop and look yourself,
You just spend your lifetime fooling.

Give it up,
Give it up,
The World is an illusion.
Give it up,
Give it up,
It causes too much confusion.

If you stop just for a moment
And you care to look inside
You'll find out what I'm saying
Is so easy to realize.
Then you won't have to be and do
Just what they want you to.
You can be yourself at any cost
And do well what you do.

Give it up,
Give it up,
The World is an illusion.
Give it up,
Give it up,
It causes too much confusion.

You pretend that you don't know
Just what you want to do.
'Cause it saves you from the pain
If you cannot follow through.
And freedom is a heavy word
You've learned to go around.
It keeps you stuck in your small world
And pulls you further down.

Give it up,
Give it up,
The World is an illusion.
Give it up,
Give it up,
It causes too much confusion.

Sunday, June 14, 2015


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It's the unseen
that keeps the
seen alive.

When you don't
take care of the past,
don't expect a
different future.

If you are going to be selfish
then at least do it right.
See yourself in everyone &
everyone in yourself.

Now, the beauty is were someone to say to you, "you are a selfish bastard!" You will reply with a huge smile & say, "I AM..thank you for noticing."

Lack of compassion
leads to pain & suffering.

There is no such thing
as failure with the Guru.

my own

I have been through pain & suffering
so I know what it's all about.
I don't wish it on anyone.
I wish you well.

It is childish to wish for something for yourself.
It is child-like to wish for others.
I AM the wish-fulfilling tree.

Everything that is dangerous comes with a warning. Here is my warning. "Be careful what you wish will get it."

I AM living the unimaginable.
This is not how I imagined
life to be, on this Planet.

The People have the Power.'They' have no power. That does not mean they are stupid. They create so much fear that the people willingly give them the power to go to war!

What is the Catalyst
that brings up fear?

That's all
I can do
is give.

for everyone.

The mirror doesn't
care who looks
into it.

When one knows what is
acceptable & not-acceptable
then all one can do is wait.

Everyone gets what they imagine.
It just doesn't come in the
shape & form they recognize.

Attraction to the Mantra
produces True Happiness.

Life-Supporting actions

God makes it possible for you to deny Him.
He also makes it possible for you to love him.

They sing 'hymns'
not hers.

Everything that you need,
in life, is within you.
It's a self-contained package.
And Love is what makes it possible.
Respect is the foundation that a
relationship can be built on.

Vigilance is a
Siddhi Power.

The Guru
is the

Love is a very,
very dangerous power.

Success is a
Facet of Love.

You can't write about
what you haven't seen.

The painting is in the canvas.
The world is in the void.

By identifying with the limited
you take on its nature.
Hence you believe in birth & death.

You can have control
over the whole Universe
but only as WITNESS.

Will you ever know
the joy of discipline?

You believe
because you
don't know.

The Foundation
of it all

"If brains were gunpowder boy,
you wouldn't have enough to
blow your bloody hat off!"

When the fruit is ripe
it falls from the tree.

'I'm forever blowing bubbles'
should be the theme song
for the Federal Reserve.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


 photo wajinaspirit.jpg

What's the point of
doing anything
if it doesn't
produce joy?
The alternative is
focusing on misery.

You claim to
have choice
then use it!

What can I
tell you ~

It was a good day.
It had to be
we got through it.

Doing the will of love itself.
What higher purpose in life?

If you want proof
look to yourself.
You are the proof for you.
There is no world without you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Peter Smith came back out to old Burts' place to see me. He pulled up in Burts' yard one evening and jumped out of his blue Ute.
"G'day Yorky.", he said, as he walked around the back of the Ute.
"G'day Peter. How're you going?"
"Good mate. I brought ya something."
He leaned over the side of the Ute and pulled out a large wheat bag that was tied with a lump of bailing twine.
"What's in the bag Peter?"
"Open her up and have a 'butchers' mate, but be clever."
He handed me the large sack and immediately whatever was inside started to move around.
"What's inside Peter?"
"Open the bastard up mate, if ya wanna know."
I undid the bow which kept the bag shut tight and when I peered down inside it, I saw a young joey kangaroo.
"It's a joey Pete!"
"Yeh mate. I thought ya might like it. It'll be a bit of company for ya. Ya just have to feed it a bottle of boiled milk morning and night but don't be surprised if it dies on ya 'cause they're a bit hard to raise most times."
"Where am I gonna put it?"
"Come on inside ya hut. I'll show ya how to do it mate."
When we got inside the tin hut, Peter opened the bag and stuck his hand inside and then pulled the young joey out of the bag by its' tail. It was quite scared of being out in the light so it started to kick and make a clicking sound.
"Stick him up ya jumper mate. He'll quieten down then."
The young joey crawled up under mi jumper, back into the dark and was quiet as a mouse again, once he made himself comfortable under mi armpit.
"Ya leave the top of the bag tied like this mate, then ya hang it on a nail. This one over here will do. Next, ya cut a slit along the bag, like so. Then it resembles its mothers' pouch. That's it. That'll do mate."
"How do I feed it Peter?"
"Ya git old Kay to boil up a small amount of milk and then ya put it in a bottle and ya put a small amount of burnt cinder powder in it. That'll stop him from getting the scowers. Ya put the rubber teet on the end and the first couple of times you'll have to hold him and force it in his mouth but as soon as he knows the bottle's full of warm milk he'll hold the bottle himself with his hands and feed himself. We'll go over and see old Kay. She used to have a pet too but it got too big and cranky so she let him go. She'll be glad to give ya a hand looking after it. It'll remind her of the time she got her first pet roo, mate.", he said, with a knowing, cheeky wink.
Peter was no mug. When Kay Booth saw the joey she was more than happy to help so old Burt couldn't say a word about it. Kay proceeded to tell us all about her pet roo which took about half an hour and when Peter and I got back to mi shed he said,
"I told ya sport. She's on our side now. Better to have old Kay as a friend. It'll make ya life a bit easier out here. How's things going anyway, Yorky?"
I told Peter about old Burt doing his nut and chasing me with the axe.
"Gawd Streuth mate! We've gotta git ya out of this place while ya still in one piece! I've got a place in mind for ya to go but the bloke is still waiting for a contract to come through and as soon as it does, ya outa' here. I'd take ya back to my place tonight but there's no room and there's no work so I can't do that. Ya think ya can hang on at this place for a while longer?"
"Yeh, I'll be alright. He's been a bit better since he chased me with the axe but I don't like old Burt. He's as miserable as chickenshit."
"Ya not wrong there mate and you're not the only one who thinks that. Anyway mate, I'll be back to see ya again soon so look after ya self Yorky and don't let the bastard git ya down, alright?"
"Alright mate. Thanks for the joey and thanks for looking out for me."
"No worries mate. I'd do the same for a white feller."
"Oh that's a good joke Peter. I'll save that one for old Burt one day."
After Peter left, Mrs. Booth came over with a bottle of milk with a lambs teet on the end of it.
"Do you want to see if he's hungry Richard?"
"Yeh, let's try him. They shot his mother along with the rest of the mob so he's probably a bit hungry now and he won't feel so frightened once he gets some warm milk into him."
The young joey kicked and scratched as he tried to get away from me when I took him out of his new pouch.
"Hold him firm while I get the teet in his mouth.", said Kay.
Once the joey tasted the warm cows milk, he started to settle down until he had finished three-quarters of the bottle. Then he pissed on mi trousers and started to struggle again so I put him back in the old wheat-bag pouch. As soon as he saw the tear across the front of the bag he hopped in headfirst and rolled over on his back then curled himself into a tight ball and went to sleep.
After a week or so, joey could get out of the bag himself. He could sit right up on his back legs and tail. Already he had learned to hold the bottle himself. He looked so sweet as he sat on the floor of mi hut feeding himself and looking around.
Sometimes at night I'd put him in mi bed but one night he pissed all over the sheets so sleeping in the bed with me was now out of bounds to him. Another week and he could hop up on the bed himself but he could not distinguish between the bed and the old dressing table so many a time he would hop up on the table and knock the photos and mi other knick-knacks all over the place. One night when he saw his reflection in the mirror he tried to kick it to death and almost cracked the mirror.
Joey was a lot of fun. Peter was right, it made staying at old Burts' place a bit more tolerable but life being what it is, it soon took joey away from me.
One cold morning at about 4 O'clock, I woke up with a start for some unknown reason. I switched on the one light bulb. Nothing seemed out of place but something did not feel right. Joey was sat in his pouch with his head out of the slit in the bag. His big black eyes were staring across at me.
"Put ya head back in mate, it's a cold morning.", I said but he never moved. "Git back in the pouch where it's warm, joey, or you'll git cold."
I got out of bed and walked across the cold oil-cloth to where joeys' bag was hanging. When I touched his furry head he was as stiff as a board and at once I knew he was dead.
"Oh fuck! Why did you have to go and die just when we were having a good time together?"
When I tried to get joey out of the bag pouch, I saw the reason for his death. A loose strand of bag had gotten twisted around his neck as he got back in his pouch, head first and as soon as he tried to turn around, the piece of frayed string had tightened around his throat and choked him. I had a good cry to myself as I cut the string from around his neck and pulled his stiff little body out of the bag.
Before breakfast, I showed old Kay what had happened and she was also quite upset about it. When Burt found out he said,
"They're pretty hard to raise. If they don't get the scowers they git a cold and if it's not any of those two things, it's something else."
"What do I do with him now Burt? Shall I bury him somewhere?"
"Na mate, just chuck his body to the pigs. It's no good to him now so the pigs may as well eat it. Everything has some use in the bush, mate. We''ll all end up as tucker for something one of these days."
For once, I could see that old Burt was right. Joey could no longer use a dead roos' body, so I hardened my heart and threw the dead body into the pigs pen and walked away.

Sunday, May 24, 2015



the penny drops
will be the same.

If I can
do it
any fool
do it.

On your deathbed
it's too late.

belief systems
are dreams.

You will be awake
when you know that
waking & sleeping
is a dream;
as with
coming & going.

What makes
a dream
to be real
excessive interest.

The power behind these words
is potent enough to destroy you
& what you believe yourself to be.

People do not
come looking
to me for hope;
they come looking
for me when all hope
is gone.


Death of this
is the birth
of that.

Cavemen mentality
is playing itself out
with modern weaponry.

What will
the military
do to survive?

All that
happens is
Fallout of Transmutation.


Even a crow
can recognize
acts of kindness.
Can you?

Friday, May 22, 2015



"Why did you come here?"
"I believed I could help. I made a mistake.
I never make the same mistake twice."

You can't enjoy anything
unless you appreciate it.

If you want to know
if a politician is lying,
watch his tongue.
If it moves,
know that he is lying.

The biggest scam
ever run on people is
that they have choices.
Whatever you are not aware of
is choosing for you.


Living the way
Americans live, now,
is very short term.

I grew up with pigs.
They're cleaner
than a lot of people
I have met.

Even a fool knows
how to spend money.

I have always seen life as work.
I have worked for life my whole life.
Work, now, is letting life work for me.

What now?
Move on.

People miss
the most
obvious things.

Relying on
anything time-bound
for your happiness
is doomed to failure.

Needing anything
to make you happy
is a failure.

In a roomful of nudes
there are no characters.
They come with the clothes.

Give up your childish ways and toys
now before I take them from you.

I cannot give you anything.
I can only take away
your dreams and fantasies.

When one is identified
with dreams and fantasies
they will fight to protect them.

Civil war
is coming

Committing is dangerous.
It will get you committed.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015



You can't fake interest,
You either are or you're not.

Needs are met
when neurotic
desires are gone.

How can a man
who is a slave
to his desires
ever be free?

You chase around the world trying to get all the things you want & what you have gets ignored.

Man is not the performer of actions, then who is?
Once you know that, you are beyond good & bad karma.

From Gods' mouth to my ears.
Once I hear it I can pass it on.

One who
lives in hope
dies in hope.

Isn't it enough
to know
I don't know?

If you want change
look to the world.
Don't look for it in That?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015



(I’ve only been resting about an hour,
when I hear Defoes’ loud Australian voice
booming and echoing through the Army-style barracks.)

Get out of those fart sacks you pommy fucking bastards! It’s time to eat, that’s if you mummies little darlings are not too fucking tired! (As he walks down the line of beds he says;)
Who the fucking hell took it upon themselves to clean up the fucking outer-dairy-yard without fucking asking first? Which one of you pack ‘a pommy bastards did it?
I did. (in a nervous voice.)

What do you mean ‘I DID’, you little fucking pipsqueak? Who the fucking hell helped you?

No one. I saw it hadn’t been done and it needed doing. I’m the one to blame.

(Defoe strides down the shed and stands in front of me.)

Show me you hands.

(I open mi hands. There are about 6 or 8 blisters on them.)

I would not have believed it unless I saw it with mi own eyes. Perhaps I misjudged you, ya scrawny looking Pommy bastard. That's what I like to see.

(He roars as he stands in front of me, looking back down the line. Then he turns to me.)

Good lad, you’re going to make it in the bush. Now go outside and piss on your hands. That’ll heal your blisters and toughen ‘em up. Where’s that ugly little bastard called Morris, and that big curly-headed pufta called Dave? Ah, there you are. You two can take the little bastards job in the kitchen and if you can work as good as him I’ll git ya a job in the Bush. Now fucking move you limey bastards, ya dinners getting cold!

(After the meal we all sit around a bit. Some of us talk and some of us write letters home to our families. At about 9 O’clock the lights in the large Nissan hut are turned out and we all try to get a good nights sleep.)

(Early the next morning I can no longer rest so I get up and dress myself in mi work clothes ready for my first days work. Just for a joke I grab mi old trumpet from under the bed. I pop the locks, put the mouthpiece in, then with a great lung full of air I blow the morning Reveille.)

Oh shit! Put that fucking trumpet away Titch. It’s only 5 O'clock!

(A few seconds later 2 or 3 pillows come flying across the room in my general direction. Then a large work-boot with a rubber heel bounces at my feet.)

Alright boys. Just a little joke, but don’t let Defoe catch you in bed ‘cause he’s likely to do anything, you know.

(At 6 O’clock we were all in the kitchen tucking into a large plate of lamb chops, eggs, bacon and toast and a tin mug of piping hot tea. Defoe comes into the kitchen, gets himself a large plate of breakfast, then disappears back outside again. After breakfast we all go back to our beds for an extra few minutes lay down while our big breakfast digests. It is not long before Defoes’ big, rough head appears in the doorway.)

Alright you Pommy fucking bastards,on your fucking feet. Time to go to work! Who blew that fucking trumpet this morning?

I did.

Get it out and play me a tune, Squirt.

(I pull out the trumpet and play Defoe a couple of Trad songs, then just for fun I play the theme music to the Lone Ranger. Defoe seems to love the trumpet and when I put it away he comes over and says)

Why do you want to work on a farm in the bush, Squirt?

‘Cause I can’t get it out of mi head. Ever since I knew it was possible for me to come out here to Australia, that’s all I ever wanted to do.

I’ll get you a job in the Army Cadets and after that you’ll get bumped up to the regular Army. You’ll make real good money and you won’t have to go through any shit in the Army band. You could make yourself a real beaut career out‘a music, Squirt. So have a good think about it, alright?

I can tell ya right now Mr. Defoe, I don’t want to join any Army band. I just want to get out to the Bush and work on a farm.

Just think about it.
(He turns and walks out of the Nissan hut.)

(That day we all busy ourselves milking cows, driving tractors, cleaning the place up and whatever jobs one generally does around a farm. In the afternoon Defoe says to us boys)

Can any of you lot ride a horse?
(A couple of the boys raise their hands).

Go and catch old Patches over there and saddle him up. You can all take turns in riding him. It’ll give you a bit of experience in case you need it some time.

(Patches is a big, strong-looking black & white Gelding. One of the boys throws a saddle across him and is trying to do up the cinch.)

Not like that ya Pommy bastard!. Go back in the barn and get me a saddle blanket.

(As soon as the boy returns, Defoe places the saddle blanket over old Patches back.Then he throw the Aussie Stock Saddle on the top of the blanket as he says,)

Don’t forget to pull the far side stirrup iron over the saddle,’cause if ya don’t, when ya throw the saddle over him the stirrup iron will hit him under the guts and that’ll spook him and make him kick. This old horse has seen more Pommy bastards then any other horse alive in Australia today and he’s not particularly fond of ‘em. So watch him cause he’s not afraid of kicking and he doesn’t mind biting a piece of Pommy arse now and again. Once the saddle is in place, once you’ve got the cinch up tight, walk him around a bit because he’s a cunning old bastard. He’ll puff his belly out to make you believe the cinch is tight and when you go to mount him he’ll let the air out and you and the saddle will go arse over head in the dirt,OK? Now after you’ve walked him around a bit, if he still keeps his belly puffed out ya give him a real good swift kick in the guts like this.

(Defoe kicks Patches right in the guts and in turn Patches kicks up both of his back legs high in the air and Defoe pulls hard on the cinch .)

Now you’re ready to mount, so watch carefully or you’ll get bit on the arse. You always mount from the left-hand side, and make sure ya hold the far-side rein tight so he can’t bite ya. Ya put ya left foot in the stirrup and then ya swing ya leg up and over in one easy movement like this.

(Defoe is now looming above us as he sits astride Patches.)

Ya give him a good, firm dig with the heel of ya boot, then away ya go, mate.
(After he walks Patches around the yard for a while, he gets off.)
Alright Squirt, hop on ‘im and have a go mate.

(I’d only ever ridden a donkey on Blackpool Beach as a kid for sixpence a ride but I take a deep breath and with great determination I stride up to Patches who put his head down as soon as he sees me approach him.

Grab those reins tight, Squirt! Pull on the far side one until he lifts his head up again!

(As I pulled on the rein, Patches swung his massive head around and tried to bite my bony little arse.)

Look out Squirt! The mean old bastard will have a piece of ya arse if ya not careful mate.”

(All the boys laugh. Patches knows he’s the center of everyones attention, He swings his head around for another go at my arse.)

That stirrup iron is too long for ya Squirt, so adjust the strap like his mate. That’s good enough mate. I’ll do the other side for ya.. Git up on him and watch out for the cunning old bastard. He’s likely to do anything. You got to be thinking one step ahead of that old bastard ‘cause if not, he’ll take over and run the fucking show on ya!

(I mount Patches just like I’d seen on the cowboy shows. I give him a couple of good kicks with the heel of mi boots and Patches starts to walk around.)

Good on ya Squirt.That’s the idea. He’s real hard in the mouth so you’ve got to ride him and show him who’s boss ‘cause if not he’ll take over. Oy! open that gate ya curly-headed pufta so the Squirt can go for a ride in the cow paddock.

(Dave opens the gate and Patches and me ride through into the paddock.)

Go down to the bottom of the paddock and keep ya wits about ya.

(Down the sloping paddock me and Patches ride.)

This is a piece of cake!
(Cowboy Dick rides along with one arm down at his side.)

What a great life it is, riding the Bush Range in Australia. Maybe I’ll get misen a job droving cattle around the Bush now that I can ride a horse.

(We reach the bottom of the long paddock. I’m still fantasizing misen as a cowboy. I almost pull out one of mi imaginary six-guns that are slung low at mi hips. Just then Patches turns around, totally unexpected, and takes off back up the paddock at full speed. All I can do is hang on as mi new bush hat flies off mi head into nowhere. Faster and faster Patches gallops up the field. I’m shit-scared but at the same time the excitement of the gallop is amazing.)

Oh oh! Now what do I do? 30 or 40 yards ahead of me is the barbwire fence where all the boys stand cheering and yahooing.

Ride the old bastard!


(The fence now looms dangerously close and my fantasies are long gone. All of a sudden Patches applies the horse brakes and I see misen flying through the air, headlong over the fence. The next thing I remember is Defoe pulling me up onto mi feet. The back of mi head has a throbbing, dull ache in it and mi arse feels like someone has just kicked it with a size 10 boot.)

Jeesus bloody christ mate! What the fuck are ya playing at! You’re supposed to stop when the horse stops! You’ll bloody well hurt ya self getting off a horse that way. Now git back up on the old bastard and try it again.

I don’t think I’m cut out for riding horses Mr. Defoe.

Fucking bullshit lad. You’ll make a fucking good jockey if ya stop eating. Now git back on him ‘cause if ya don’t you’ll end up scared of horses, and if ya scared of horses ya rooted for Bush life.

(Someone catches Patches and hands me the reins. Defoe gives me a leg up.)

Now watch the old bastard. He thinks he’s got it all over ya !

(Defoe is absolutely right ‘cause as soon as we go through the gate into the paddock Patches refuses to go anywhere.)

Give the rotten old bastard a decent kick in the guts!

(The heel of my boots makes contact with Patches sides. He did not take a liking to this command, so he decides to buck. Up on his hind legs he stands. Then he goes down again and at the same time he kicks his back legs high in the air.)

YaHoo! Ride him cowboy!

Show the bastard what you’re made of Pommy!

(I give Patches another good command. Up and down he goes, kicking and bucking for his worth. My arse and knees are now feeling the pain as Patches continues to try to hurl me to the ground again.)

Make the bastard go down the paddock again!

(By sheer willpower I get old Patches to walk forwards and down the paddock again, only this time there are no cowboy fantasies playing around in my head, only the dull throbbing ache. When we get to the bottom of the paddock I am one step ahead of Patches. I now know what Defoe is trying to teach me. Instead of letting Patches run the show, I hold the reins in tight so he can’t have his head. After a few seconds I say to Patches in mi broad Yorkshire accent,)

OK Patches, you fucking old bastard, this time I’m running the fucking show! Now move you Aussie bastard! Yahhhh!!!!”

(Patches needs no command from my boot heel but I give him one anyway just to let him know who'se boss. Off we go at full gallop. I give him another good heel and for good measure I give him a hefty slap on his arse with mi right hand. Yah! I yelled at the top of mi voice as Patches thunders back up the long paddock. We pass my new Bush hat and for a split second I think I might lean down and snatch it from the ground like a Russian Cossack but dismiss the thought at once.)


(Up the paddock we gallop, the barb wire fence is now getting closer. As we get about 10 feet away from it, Patches applies the brakes and this time I lean back in the saddle and pull on the left hand rein with mi feet stuck out at the front. Patches does not like this at all so he gives a few good bucks to show his disapproval.)

You’ve got it all over him now, Squirt. Ride him back here so one these other puftas can show off his horsmanship!

(I dismount and Patches swings his head around to bite my arse and gives me a look of disapproval)

Good on ya mate. We’ll make a fucking good Bushman out of you yet Squirt. Where ya from in England Mate?

I’m from Yorkshire, Mr. Defoe.

Well, in that case mate, I’ll just call ya ‘Yorky’ from now on and you can call me Bill. We can do away with that Mr. Defoe bullshit, ‘cause you’ve earned it lad. Now ya can lean on the fence and watch Patches give that ugly little bastard Morris a good fucking workout. Come on Yorky.

Come here Morris you ugly little fucking pufta! Up you fucking go mate and show us what ya made of!

(It felt very strange at first to call him Bill, but before long, I start to feel what it was like to be called a man.)

(That evening, after dinner, we hire a couple of taxis and go own to Cabramatta to check out the town. The Taxis arrive and we all pile in on top of each other. As we pull out of the farm Defoe appears.)

Keep ya fucking noses and cocks clean. I don’t want any of you pommy bastards coming home with a dose of clap. This is a fucking training farm not a fucking hospital! So, don’t go rooting around ‘cause there’s a few loose sheilas around Cabramatta. And don’t git in a fight with those bodgies and fucking widgies!
Fucking puftas! (He says to himself as the taxi drives away.)

Where ya lika go?

RALPH (Older boy)
Drop us off where the action is.

Not a problem mate. We’re overloaded, so if ya see the cops keep ya heads down or I’ll lose mi license.

(The Taxi Driver drops us off in Cabramattas’ main street. There’s not much happening so we buy some milkshakes and walk up and down the street looking in the shop windows. When we come to another café I go inside and buy misen 2 –2 oz. Packets of Havelock rolling tobacco. I can’t pass it up because it only costs 7 Aussie bob a packet. I see an Army Disposal store and I go in. I know exactly what I am looking for.)

G'day sport.What can I do for you mate?

I’m looking for a sheath knife.

No worries mate, I’ve got sheath knives coming out the Yazoo. Have a Captain Cook at some ‘a these, sport. Ya bound to find a beauty in that case. Give us a holler if ya need some help.

I’ll take this one.

That’s a good-looking knife, sport.
She’s got a beaut blade on her. That’ll set ya back 2 quid, mate.

(I pay the man his 2 pounds which leaves me with 15 shillings to mi name)

Look after yourself mate and don’t get that knife tangled up with a ‘Dago’.

What’s a Dago?

Christ, mate. Where the bloody hell have you been all ya life? Did ya just arrive on the last boat?

Yes. I’ve only been in Australia for two days.

Gawd streuth mate! You pommys are coming out here younger every year. I suppose ya all work up at the Big Brothers dairy farm, do ya?

Yeah. There’s 16 of us.

Well sport, a Dago is a greek and another name for ‘em is a ‘Grill’.

Why d’ya call ‘em those names?

‘Cause at the end of a days work they say ‘day go’ and most of them work the milk bars and they’re always grilling something or other. So that’s why they get the name ‘Grills’ from. Ya see sport? Now we’ve also got a lot of Italians in this great country of ours, so we call ‘em ‘Wops’ and the Abos are called ‘Bungs’ ‘cause if ya hit ‘em with the roo bar of the truck they make the sound ‘BUNG’. D’ya get it cobber?
(he has a good laugh to himself)
Now take you English gentlemen for example. In our country we don’t recognize your class system so we call you blokes ‘limeys’ or better still, ‘pommy bastards’ ‘cause you’ve got skin like pomegranates.
(laughs again)

Thanks for the information.

G'day sport, see ya around like a rissole.

(We boys are sitting around on a couple of street benches outside the Post Office. It’s 9:30 at night. The year is 1964. The local kids are tearing up and down the streets in their hotted-up Holden cars. A couple of young girls are walking down the street in their stiletto-heeled boots and hiked-up skirts. They’re absorbed in conversation as they come near to the benches we’re sitting on.)

(One of the oldest of our crew.)
Hello darlings. Where are you two lovelies going?

Root ya fucking boot ya pommy bastard!

Charming, I must say.

Fuck you, ya pommy bastard!

You’re a real charmer with the Ladies, Peter.

How would you like to take those two home and introduce them to your mum?

Not bloody likely! I hope that’s not an example of the everyday Aussie chick.

(It’s getting late so we call a taxi service and head back out to the Farm. We all pile out of the Taxis and pay off the driver.)

Look what I found in Town!
(Opens a brown paper bag and pulls out a small box of fireworks.)

You’d better not set them off here Ralph or Defoe will kick your ass.

Bullocks to Bill Defoe! There’s no bangers, there’s only Fizzers and Catherine

(Ralph walks over to the fence and stuck a couple of Fountains in the cracks of the
fence post. Then he pins 4 Cathrine Wheels to the fence post and lights them all at once.)

That’s it, the shows over! Let’s go to bed. I’m knackered and tomorrow we’ve got to get up at 5.


Get out of those fart sacks you pommy bastards. Who the fucking hell was setting off fireworks last night?

(Pulling the bed covers off his head.)
I was. Why? What do you want, shouting your head off at this time of night?

Get out-a bed you fucking yobo before I piss all over ya!
(He grabs Ralphs’ bed covers and rips them clean off the bed revealing Ralphs’ scrawny body curled up in the fetal position.)

Get ya plates of meat on the deck, boy, before I chuck a bucket of water on ya!

What’s the matter?

I’ll show you what the bloody matter is sport! Put ya boots on and come with me!

What about mi clothes?

Fuck ya clothes! You’ve got fuck all to brag about anyway! Come on! Hurry up!

(Ralph puts is boots on and follows Defoe out of the hut. He walks over to the fence post where Ralph had set off the fireworks. We all follow outside.)

(I see what made Defoe mad. Gray smoke is drifting out of the wooden fence post. The whole top of the post is now a large piece of black charcoal.)

OH SHIT!!!!!

Ya stupid, fucking pommy bastard! Look what you’ve done to mi fence post! Had ya have done that in dry bush country we’d have a bloody bush fire on our hands now mate! If ya had another brain in your head, lad, it would be fucking lonely, ya silly yahoo bastard! Go and get ya strides on and after breakfast I’ll show ya where the fence posts are kept. Ya can dig that bastard out and stick a new one in. Then I’ll show ya how to re-strain the fence back up!

(Ralph is standing in his boots and underpants, looking half-asleep so Defoe kicks him in the arse,)

Wake up to yourself, ya sleepy, pommy bastard. Go and get some gear on!

(Ralph gives Defoe a dirty look and takes off at the double, back to the hut to put his work gear on.)

(A few days later Defoe gives 6 of the older boys 5 pounds each
and a train ticket to a Bush town.)

The Cocky will meet ya at the station. Good luck lads’. This is Gods’ own country and with a bit of hard work and a few brains ya should do all right for ya selves.

(Later, after all the boys, except Morris and me, have left.)

What about me and Morris, Bill? Haven’t ya got a place for us to go to yet?

Ya sure ya won’t change ya mind about going in the Army?

Quite sure Bill. I’m itching to get out to the Bush. I’ve been looking forwards to that for 2 years now.

Alright mate. Ya old enough to leave home so I guess ya old enough to make decisions for ya self. You and Morris will be leaving tomorrow morning, so better roll ya swag bright and early.

(It is difficult for me to sleep,‘cause all I can think of is red dust and kangaroos. In the morning I am packed, so I make my way across to the kitchen for some breakfast.)

DEFOE (Enters Nissan hut)
Here’s ya ticket Morris and 5 quid for ya start in life. Here’s your ticket Yorky and here’s a fiver mate. Make sure you look after it, ‘cause you’ll have to work bloody hard in the Bush for a fiver.

Thanks Bill. You’re a real good bloke. You’ve really helped me a lot since I’ve been here.

Root ya boot Yorky. Ya train leaves at 2 O’clock from Sydney Central so don’t go fucking around Sydney and miss ‘em or you’ll be sleeping on the station all night.

(The jackaroos load our cases into his car and drive us both down to Cabramatta station.)


(Morris and I sit around smoking and eating chips waiting for our trains. The train Morris was to take arrived on time and I helped him put his 2 large bags on board.)

Look after yourself Morris. Keep practicing with your knife and best of luck to you

Same to you Yorky.
(Goes inside train to find his seat).

(There is no one left in my life now to say “don’t do this” or “don’t do that’. All I have to listen to now is the inner voice of silence that lives in the center of my heart.)

(I’m left sitting on Central Station by myself, feeling rather sad as I sit here thinking about all the people I’ve left behind, mi mother, dad and sisters, the 15 lads I’ve lived with for the past 9 weeks, Bill Defoe. They're in the dead past now. ‘O well’ I’m thinking, as I wipe away a couple of tears that are slowly trickling down mi cheek, ‘all I’m left with is what I started out with, myself’)

Monday, May 4, 2015


If you don't want
someone around
tell them the truth.
It works every time.

I live life on
the front line
of the war
on ignorance.

I'm perfectly capable
of controlling my own mind.

Once I could
love myself
more than God did,
I didn't need Him.

The mother
is God to
the child.

There is a secret to feeling good.
It's called, 'Do the right thing'.

gets in
the way.

You think when you're not supposed to &
you don't think when you're supposed to.

Once I knew
there was
a way out
of the misery,
I pursued it.

Better to give up your toys now
or have them forcibly taken.

No one can be creative
unless they are supportive.

If I don't deal
with it today,
I'm still going
to have to deal
with it tomorrow.
Nothing magically
goes away.

What is it that the people know
that they don't want to know?
Some would rather die.

Even an ostrich has to take his head out of the sand sometime & he is an expert. I don't like your chances.

Friday, May 1, 2015




When the electricity goes out
there will be no more electric cities.

The world is
Gods Grace.

The rot & corruption
come out
of a Society
that's had it
too easy.

In society,
that's one of
the obsessions;
shape & form.

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When the Unknown
becomes aware
of the Known
it makes it
as itself.
When the Impersonal
becomes aware
of the Personal,
the Personal
becomes Impersonal.

What are people working for? Are they not slaves to their desires? Can you imagine how much free time you would have for yourself if 50% of your desires just fell away?

Justifying neuroses,
no matter what shape & form
they manifest in,
is not acceptable.

Focusing on what you don't have
rather than what you do have is neurotic.
Focusing on what you don't have
causes the Neurons to misfire.
Try driving a car that's misfiring,
you'll know what I mean.

Manifest your desires, by all means.
Just don't forget,
you're living in a dream.

Dreams can never
become Reality.

Reality will
always shatter dreams,
like a stone
against a window.

Spend your time wisely.
Work hard for what
money cannot buy.
One day it will
serve you well.

Now there's something
you cannot buy.
You either have it
or you don't.

The Kingdom of God
lies within everyman.
Why chase trinkets?

To the man with
no roof
over his head,
a tent
would be
a mansion.


He who has the most toys
is the most fearful of all.

It will make no difference to the street man when the money market crashes. It will make no difference to the animals when the electricity goes out. It will make no difference to the birds when airplanes no longer fly.

No Equality,
No Democracy.

The amount of lies
a politician spews forth
is in direct proportion
to his corruption.

Put one rotten apple in the middle of a barrel of good ones and watch what happens. A few corrupt people will contaminate others. Can you imagine what a lot of corrupt people are capable of?

Hard work & a man
go hand in hand.
Remove the work.
Sacrifice the man.

First attain Manhood.
It's a pre-requirement
to Godhood.

Idle hands are the devils' tools.
A lazy mind is the devils' home residence.

Someone once asked me
why people die on the
streets of India.
My answer was very simple,
"They die where they live."

It takes quite a bit to wake up
one man who is fast asleep.
My question to you is
"What's it going to take
to wake up billions?"

A courageous man
welcomes the unknown
with open arms.
A fearful man clings
to the known
for his very life,
as he knows it.

Birth and Death revolve like a hamster on a wheel.
When the wheel stops, will you get off & walk away
or will you do your best to start it up again?

A true Aborigine knows when his time is due to expire.
At the appointed time he will walk off into the desert,
on his own, to face the God of Death.

Being born is a disaster.
A good death is a blessing.
Living a wanton life
does not an easy death make.

Beyond the idea of birth and death
is Life itself.

the opposites
& live anew.

How can a programmed man
claim free speech?

I'm happy.
I don't rely on skin
for my beauty.
The beauty shop
is inside,
not outside.

If you don't want to come back &
do this all over again,
don't leave a mess behind.

I am a Living Legend
in the Outback of Australia.
My Legend status
didn't start till I left.
I was wondering
what is going to happen
when I leave this Planet?

I can do this on my own,
guaranteed without failure.
The word 'failure'
has no place
in my vocabulary.

Everyone likes to be a winner.
Stick with me & you can't go wrong!

I want for you
what I want for myself.
I wish true wealth & happiness on all of you.
I wish you well.
I wish you peace of mind.
I wish you an abundance of joy.

Unless interfered with by man,
the Laws of Nature are
Just and Honorable.

Every ones' livelihood
comes from the Earth.
She is a great Provider.
'Give us this day our daily bread.'

It is the nature of this Planet to change it's shape and form. It is continually doing that. Sometimes it's hardly noticeable, at other times it is very radical.

Life, as we know it,
is dependent on
Earth, Water, Fire & Air.
We cannot afford
to lose any one of them.

At first, It's man using the drug.
Then, It's the drug using the man.

Eating meat
overheats the mind.

How many children believe
that milk comes from the Supermarket?

No one can get away
from this question:
"How many people
have died in
the name of Religion?"

Everything has to go
in order for it
to be different.
That way, everyone
will be equal.
I can't see the rich
pulling the poor up.
Can you?

You can't sink any lower than torture.
Acceptance of torture creates the end times.

Hence Sadhana, so one doesn't
have to live a life of fear.

Living a fearless life & longevity
don't generally go together.

Don't complain when the
government controls your mind
if you refuse to do it.

Unless you ask,
you're not ready
to know.

For all the world saviors out there. If you really want to help, dump your world savior complex on a narcissistic psychopath.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015



The difficulties in life
are there to remind one
that they are a great being.

The work is
It's the one
doing it
that ends.

If you want to live in a timeless state get rid of your clocks & watches. My clock has no numbers or hands & it's accurate.

If you haven't eaten food
grown by your own hand
then you haven't lived.

One can only live
in the moment,
in the now.

"How can I live in the now?"
"Very simple. You dwell in the past, now
& you imagine the future, now".

For those who can't find
their way out of ignorance
& delusion, are they not prisoners?

People who don't
handle change very well,
could always dive
into the void.

Monday, April 6, 2015



Peace is
bad for

No one can accuse you
of being ignorant
when you speak the Truth.

You can't practice
being in the Now.

You can't
the Now

The basis
of manipulation
is separation.

Trust in the Space
between the Breath.

We came with everything
we need to make us happy.

warts & all.

When one is afraid of their power
they don't deserve to live.

Talking is

All thinking & talking are expressions of the Matrika Shakti.
Words become infused with that power.
The power in words; the Matrika Shakti.

I guess I don't have much
because I don't want much.
I always found the
basic necessities enough.

Were I to be accepted by Society
& have followers then I would know,
for sure, that I was doing something wrong.

Only correct actions
bring correct results.

Sabotage restricts your
freedom of expression.


Q: Imagine that there is a goose in the bottle. Without smashing the bottle how do you get the goose out, intact?
A: There! it's out.

The goose and the bottle are in the mind. Your mind put the goose in the bottle, therefore, it has the ability to take it out. Likewise with everything else in life. You believe you were born. The world appears according to your belief. Employ the same technique and be free of it. Right action will follow.

Sunday, April 5, 2015



Lack of compassion
leads to pain & suffering.

There is no such thing as
failure with the Guru.

my own

What's the opposite of basic & simple? Complicated & corrupt. How would you rather live? I don't want an answer today, I'll ask you again in 12 months.

Complicated language
is designed to deceive.

The child-like state.
The natural state.

If you lived
a basic, simple life
you wouldn't be in debt.

A complicated mind
will never understand
the simplicity of Pure Being.

Any fool can complicate things.
A wise man keeps it simple.

The world is so full of negativity. If you don't have anything positive to say, don't add to it. It only makes it worse

Complexity of mind is alright if you want to impress someone in a coffee shop but if you want to live a peaceful, simple life, hang out with me. Read my forehead. If the Truth was complex I wouldn't have had enough room.

The Guru is the
Grace Bestowing Power of God.
How much more simple can it be?
 photo Grace-2.jpg

The hungry man devours a piece of bread. He doesn't waste his time wondering what strain of wheat it is or where did it come from or who grew it.

I saw a cartoon the other day. There was a mother & son sitting at the dinner table. The young son had left some food on his plate."Finish the food on your plate.", said the mother. "Don't you know there are children starving in America?"

Once the dollar crashes
& is no longer the reserve currency
debtors prisons will re-appear.

Why do you think
the bankruptcy laws
have changed?

Find out who your master is.
Then you will recognize him
when he comes for you.

Once the
rules of war are broken,
the next step is genocide.

Are you
prepared to die?
If not, your
chances of survival
are not very high.

Friday, April 3, 2015



Once you have the skill of
transmuting fear into joy,
you've cracked it.

Fear of death
simply means
fear of the unknown.

To the Enlightened mind
there is no such thing as
'what next'?
It's always
'What now'?

"What now'? is the
most loving thing
you can do for yourself.

'What next?'
has the potential
to create fear & panic.

You impart reality
to the world
through your existence
as a name, shape & form.

When you, yourself,
are profiting from war,
why would you want it to stop?
The same applies to slavery.

didn't bring me
to this place,
circumstances did.

that's alive
has to live
with the
fear of death
whether it
likes it or not.

What's the most loving thing
you can do for yourself?

The Mantra is
the most important
thing in life.
It's the difference
between life & death.

If I can't change it,
I have to accept it.
Nothing has changed.
It's always been like this.
It's you that wasn't aware of it.
The good news is, awareness of it changes it.


If you ask me with
love in your heart,
I'll do it.
I'll do anything
for love.

You can't wish
something into existence
if it's not meant to be.

It's necessary,
therefore, it's good.

'Business as usual'
has to go.

When you put conditions
on unconditioned love
it is no longer unconditioned,
it is a business deal.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015




There is no justice among the people anymore,
therefore, how are you going to survive?
You can't, you won't, it's not possible.

I don't need a 10 acre Ashram & a half-a-million devotees.
I don't need a marketing company either.
All you need to know about yourself
is tattooed on my forehead. I did it for you.

Life is like
a big masquerade party.
How many masks
are you wearing?

Wouldn't it be better to
give up your toys now, rather
than have them taken away?

I have created my life
exactly as it is;
not by doing,
by refusing.

What I have gone through in life you can benefit from. All you have to be is receptive & open. What I have gone through, you don't have have to.

Peace will always
win over violence.
It's simple;
the violent ones go
& the peaceful ones stay.

The pain & misery of life
causes one to search
for the solutions.

I never miss
an opportunity
to manifest love.

I'm feeling
the good
because I
dealt with
the bad.

One cannot separate
the world situation
from the Planets.

Were you to leave the radio on 24/7
it would eventually burn out;
likewise, with the mind.

Look at the lies
people tell themselves.

Just as the insurance companies have policies,
life, too, has its policies.
The best one is honesty.

The greatest tragedy in life
is not manifesting your potential.
You let us all down.

My appearance
created my life &
decided your destiny.

I couldn't go back.
My appearance decided that.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015



Staying open
to the unknown
in life
is the formula
for living life to
the fullest.

Turn away
from the world
& have a look.

What is coming
is beyond mans
which will
shatter it.

When you are looking
for something
you need a world
to look for it in.

Once you fill up
all your time,
you're out of it.

In my life,
anything that
isn't positive
has to go.


Bad feelings
are not pleasant
things to
carry around.

Forgive them
for they
know not
what they do.

You don't have
to do what
I've done
in life.
I've already
done it.

If you have
a sweet tooth,
you're welcome
to eat the
of my labor.

Why people can't fly
is because they are
attached to the Earth.


my life
until the

No thought
No shape
No form
shapeless &

I live it.

Stop seeing yourself
as the performer of actions
& you will find out that
coming and going is Godly.

The road to freedom
lies beyond labels.

When you've convinced yourself
that there is no where to go,
then you'll always be home.


Whether you're stuck
with no money
or stuck with
all the money
in the world;
stuck is stuck.

Once mankind ceases
to care about
his own kind,
he can no longer

You don't look for,
You look at.

Any fool can sabotage
A wise man destroys.
That is the challenge!


Whatever you
can't control
is good for you.
Enjoy it.

When you
don't want
where is the
need for time?