Sunday, June 14, 2015
It's the unseen
that keeps the
seen alive.
When you don't
take care of the past,
don't expect a
different future.
If you are going to be selfish
then at least do it right.
See yourself in everyone &
everyone in yourself.
Now, the beauty is were someone to say to you, "you are a selfish bastard!" You will reply with a huge smile & say, "I AM..thank you for noticing."
Lack of compassion
leads to pain & suffering.
There is no such thing
as failure with the Guru.
my own
I have been through pain & suffering
so I know what it's all about.
I don't wish it on anyone.
I wish you well.
It is childish to wish for something for yourself.
It is child-like to wish for others.
I AM the wish-fulfilling tree.
Everything that is dangerous comes with a warning. Here is my warning. "Be careful what you wish will get it."
I AM living the unimaginable.
This is not how I imagined
life to be, on this Planet.
The People have the Power.'They' have no power. That does not mean they are stupid. They create so much fear that the people willingly give them the power to go to war!
What is the Catalyst
that brings up fear?
That's all
I can do
is give.
for everyone.
The mirror doesn't
care who looks
into it.
When one knows what is
acceptable & not-acceptable
then all one can do is wait.
Everyone gets what they imagine.
It just doesn't come in the
shape & form they recognize.
Attraction to the Mantra
produces True Happiness.
Life-Supporting actions
God makes it possible for you to deny Him.
He also makes it possible for you to love him.
They sing 'hymns'
not hers.
Everything that you need,
in life, is within you.
It's a self-contained package.
And Love is what makes it possible.
Respect is the foundation that a
relationship can be built on.
Vigilance is a
Siddhi Power.
The Guru
is the
Love is a very,
very dangerous power.
Success is a
Facet of Love.
You can't write about
what you haven't seen.
The painting is in the canvas.
The world is in the void.
By identifying with the limited
you take on its nature.
Hence you believe in birth & death.
You can have control
over the whole Universe
but only as WITNESS.
Will you ever know
the joy of discipline?
You believe
because you
don't know.
The Foundation
of it all
"If brains were gunpowder boy,
you wouldn't have enough to
blow your bloody hat off!"
When the fruit is ripe
it falls from the tree.
'I'm forever blowing bubbles'
should be the theme song
for the Federal Reserve.