Monday, May 31, 2010
Without collective thinking;
there is no such thing as service.
I surrendered
my life
to humanity.
The ultimate way
to use power
is not to.
Only fearless beings
are interested
in the unknown.
Everyone who meets me
is faced with the Truth.
There is no such thing
as a country without a society,
otherwise it's just land.
As long as your breathing
you are always home.
For those who
don't know
where home is;
there is no hope.
When there is no food left
all you'll be left with
will be the chemicals.
The more chemicals
the less food.
If your voice
isn't musical,
don't disturb
the Silence.
is based
on Time.
Without the bees
you won't be able
to turn over
a new leaf
and that's
a fact.
Without fruit there won't be any
partridge in a pear tree.
The song will go,
"and a partridge in a bare tree."
If you don't know
what gratitude is
you can't play that game.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
is for the ignorant.
You have to
keep coming back
until you learn?
That's ignorant.
Growing up poor
made me think
about the things
money couldn't buy.
As a child growing up, I was punished for doing 'wrong' by having things taken away from me, and I did a lot of things 'wrong' according to the society I lived in. Once everything was gone, I was free of it. I was left to focus on the one thing that no one could take away from me.
The Lord works in mysterious ways!
If religion made people happy,
why do they spend so much time
chasing the toys in the world?
Hunger brings food as long as you are not in debt, That is how the law works. Break mans' laws and you have to pay. Why would you imagine Natures' laws to be any different?
You have to buy the American Dream
just like you go to the video store.
When your actions
speak louder than your words
you don't talk about what God said.
People want Enlightenment to escape from what is not acceptable when, in fact, acceptability and surrender to ones' Self manifests Enlightenment.
There is nothing wrong, per se, about cannibalism. Eat the false notion you have of yourself and digest it.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
There is nowhere to go.
There is no going backwards,
no going forward.
Timeless Being
You're either asleep or awake.
There's no in-between;
that's a fantasy.
This is a Planet of sleepwalkers.
Sleepwalkers are woken up by the
cold, hard facts of reality.
Only a man
who lives in Peace
can rest in Peace.
A mind that is addicted to worrying will worry about anything & everything. Should it not be able to find anything to worry about, it will invent something.
you become
aware of,
What must that be
if the distractions
are like this?
The bigger
the distractions,
the bigger
that's hidden
from view.
The man
who performs
his duties
has a very good
with his God.
One cannot get away
with anything,
living with the Guru.
has an Inner Guru,
even the mass-murderer
has an inner Guru.
That is our
Supreme Protector.
with the
To be happy where you are
imagine where you'd like
to be is terrible.
Monday, May 24, 2010
is something
you live every day
of your life
without selling out,
I tattooed the Truth on my forehead. No one asked me what it meant. After many years of pondering, I realized that most people have difficulty reading English and I wonder why they can't read Sanskrit. A tragedy you may think;not really. The Gods can read Sanskrit.
Differences apply to the world.
Sameness applies to the Inner Silence.
One of the benefits
of a difficult life
is that one is forced,
through violence,
to develop a good attitude.
Once you accept the fact
that you cannot die,
there are no more problems.
Facts may not appear to be
as much fun to live with as fantasies
but they'll be there for you in the end.
When you build
fantasies on facts
they will appear
to be real.
The world & the collective mind
are the same, non-different.
Why do you think there are
so many perfumes around?
Stinking attitude, stinking body.
Find the fact
& the fantasy
When babies are born
they see the wold
in black & white.
As they grow,
their experiences
color it.
Once there's
nothing left to do
& the world continues;
it will prove
you are not the doer.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
There is
a method
to this
One develops
by diving
into the
There is nothing
that makes one
respect food more
than the lack of it.
The abuse of power
affects all men.
It's not what you eat
that makes you fat.
It's your lack
of respect for food
and your attitude
towards it.
A man once asked me
if I could give him a
direct experience of God.
"Yes", I said.
I asked him if he could swim.
He said "No."
"Great", I said.
Then I threw him in the Ocean.
I appeared empty-handed and
I will disappear empty-handed.
In-between appearance and disappearance,
nothing sticks.
It helps tremendously
by taking a 'hands-off'
approach to life.
The situation
decides the correct
course of action.
The situation
is the compass.
Respond appropriately and
I'll see you when you get home.
I have never really had a life to call my own.
Looking at you, I realize how fortunate I am.
Stability, to me, is having the ability
to sit there and allow the power of God
to manifest, un-interfered with.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Don't expect God
to remember you
in winter when you
forgot Him in summer.
The more natives you kill
the less chance you
have of surviving.
I live for my laughs
& my audience
loves my laughs.
Were you to 'have to' bow your head to God in order to survive; how are you going to do that if you hadn't been thinking along those lines?
If you want to live longer,
get a clock that goes backwards
& make sure the numbers are in reverse.
Controlling of societies is easy;
take the opportunities away.
The nature of the mind
is to create.
An undisciplined mind
can only create
drama & problems.
Money rules
by greedy fools.
Friday, May 21, 2010
There's a big difference
between fear & curiosity.
Which camp are you in?
Fear is of the unknown,
curiosity is of the known.
The less illusions you have
the less pain you're going to feel.
Only the ignorant
get bored.
Selfish people
don't experience
the joy of gratitude.
How can you feel gratitude
if you don't express it?
People who live
in shallow waters
live shallow lives.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I do not imagine
that there is
something wrong
with anyone,
why would I
want to help them?
Do not presume
that your psychiatrist
is any more sane
than you are!
When things get bad enough
you will understand these words.
When a man is prepared
to kill another man for power,
what do you think he's going to do
when he gets that power?
Limited power
takes a lot
of maintenance.
To get at the real power
you have to walk the
Valley of Death.
Without commitment
life is weak.
Your loss will be my gain.
Your loss of ignorance
will allow love to flow
and that will be my gain.
There's always room
for more water
in the river of love.
Speed-bumps are like problems,
they don't just magically appear.
They're created to slow you down.
They are necessary for a speeding,
All problems
are creations
of the mind.
Don't get yourself in a rut.
(A rut is a grave
with the ends
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Love never goes to waste.
Love is not time-bound.
Nothing can survive without it.
Those who commit suicide are
screaming for attention.
That's quite a scream, isn't it?
When violence becomes second nature,
one doesn't notice it anymore.
What collateral damage really means is;
"It's your fault;
you got in the way of our bombs."
Once a country is invaded,
its' occupants live on a battlefield.
The price of illusion is maintaining a body.
You cant have illusions without the body.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The death
of the known
is the birth
of the unknown.
Death of ignorance
is the birth
of enlightenment.
It's what you know
that will be your downfall,
not what you don't know.
How many people have you ever met in your life that have said too you, "I don't know. I'm ignorant in that area but I'm willing to learn if you can find it in your heart to teach me." Until I hear those words, I don't sow seeds in barren land. Should you care to question my words don't come to me, Find a barren women and she will help you.
Once mans' seed is copywritten
you will need permission to breed.
The seed
in the ground
is non-different
from the seed
in the man.
The Soul-Seed.
Wrap your mind around it.
Give it the water of attention.
It will yield to you the fruit of love.
Your denial of the Truth
speeds up your demise.
Death cannot kill life.
It is a catalyst.
Debt creates heat in the paper money world & eventually burns up the paper money. We are in the beginning of a Golden Age now; paper money won't cut it.
If that's the drama;
what doesn't it
want me to look at?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Soul wanders aimlessly
around the world,
searching for happiness.
But where does it come from?
Where is home?
If everyone, en masse, turned the TV off,
nothing would be impossible to accomplish,
including getting your country back.
I am giving everyone
the benefit of my
A riddle:
The point is in time,
not of time.
The point is on one side,
the I is on the other.
Weakness of character
is not acceptable.
Once America goes broke
there will be no such thing
as 'the poor'.
Only people with True Vision
can laugh about the world and
its drama.
You leave
the delusion
to go
into the light.
You can't
take delusion
with you.
If you really want
to go to heaven,
do it now!
Don't wait!
Don't waste a minute!
Do you know yourself
apart from the mind/body
person you believe yourself
to be?
I have a great relationship with God and I've had a great many battles with Him, yet, never once did He tell me that I am a sinner. I tried to convince him of that and lost the battle.
lived through memories
is not living.
A man with a big mouth
and an undisciplined tongue
does not experience the silence.
Banks have no power without your money.
Banks fund wars with your money.
Only I am qualified
to manage my own
financial life.
No one else has
my welfare at heart
like I do.
If you don't feel
the pain of humanity,
then don't kid yourself
that you are living
the good life.
It's not the quantity
of information that you get,
it's the quality.
It's quite a
to manifest love
at every opportunity.
Trust comes before believing.
If you don't trust yourself
then how can you trust
the one who is giving you
the information?
God and the postman
are non-different.
Do you ever doubt that
he won't deliver your mail,
if you have any?
A study of the government will tell you what the people are like. The people and the government are reflections of each other. The government comes out of the people.
Complainers never take care of their problems, otherwise they'd have nothing to complain about. Take care of the problem ~ the complainer and the complaint will dissolve. They appear and disappear together.
Take care of the violence
that you harbor in your heart
& there will be no such thing as war.
The Golden Rule for a successful life is;
Whatever disturbs your peace, get rid of it.
'How bad does it have to get'? Did you ever ask yourself that question? I asked myself that question at 4 years of age. My security was taken away in the span of a sentence. The foundation of life was ripped from beneath me.
Insecure societies
are well-armed.
As the changeable, insecurity will be your natural state.
To the Unchangeable, there is no such thing as fear.
Once you realize that
change is an illusion
you become
ageless & timeless.
Nobody questions anything!
Should you value your privacy,
don't tell anyone about yourself.
That's the message isn't it? The faster you learn to speak the faster you get what
you want. Ask any well-spoken person.
Friday, May 14, 2010
If you hear the words,
"I just had a great idea",
know that the mind is talking.
If you hear the words,
"I'm hungry",
know that the body is talking.
I met the God of Death.
He told me to tell you,
"He's not a racist."
You think you're breathing;
it's desire that's breathing.
It wants something.
How do you
change the changeless?
It isn't possible.
That is the
challenge for everyone.
Go ahead, try and change it.
I wish you well.
I will benefit from it.
Everyone loves attention. Me too! I AM the supreme attention whore. But let me tell you this; too much of it is not good as you will forget how to give it to yourself.
He's not coherent
because his mind
is overheated.
Cool the mind &
rearrange its
molecular structure.
The first 10 years he finds out 'It's possible'.
The second 10 years he finds out 'It's impossible'.
The third 10 years he lives beyond both.
Even the commander
on the battlefield
takes orders!
I take orders
from no one.
End of story.
If you want to know what the planets are doing, don't look to the heavens, look to its affect on Earth. Whatever happens 'down here' is a reflection of what's happening 'up there'.
No one actually lives 'on' a planet.
The planets exist within consciousness
& affect consciousness.
You have access to consciousness.
Even in deep sleep something has to stay awake in order to tell you that you are asleep. The first thing it tells you is that you are asleep. The second thing it tells you is what woke you up. The third thing it tells you is I love you.
Peoples' love
comes and goes
but their fear
remains constant.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
When one
is detached.
happens automatically.
When a boat
is detached
from the dock,
it drifts
across the ocean.
To survive, you're going to
have to find a detached man.
Lifes expressions
are always changing.
It's man who gets stuck.
who get bored
are not deep enough.
When one allows
Life to do the guiding,
everything will be alright.
What use is an enlightened mind
when the feelings are not fully developed?
Without them, the feelings. one would not be able to live.
God exists in feelings.
The easiest way
to find out what you are,
is to negate everything you are not.
Pain & suffering
drives one deeper.
Focus on the potential;
it will become actual.
Without bottomless trust,
how can one live life
to the fullest?
To get
you have to pay
No one can say
what Truth is;
one can only
live it in the
Silence of themselves.
Without religions,
you wouldn't have wars!
Everyone has a contract with life,
fulfill the terms and be happy.
When you want
a new life,
let go of the old
and live anew.
Should you want to
experience Reality
you have to
shatter your
belief systems.
That's easy,
stop believing!
Every day is a good day,
It's just that some appear
to be better than others.
Every day is the same.
It just has a different name.
How can you be
economical in life
if you don't know
anything about
the economy?
Gold protects you
from financial rape.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Even at a young age
I was acutely aware
of the injustice
of the world.
God protects
shorn lamb
If you're looking for Spirituality
stick to the Facts of life..religiously.
If Jesus simply intended
for you to repeat His words,
He would have made you a parrot.
Find out who controls
the food & water
& you'll find out
who's running the show.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
To get free
of the illusion
of time,
you have to
have some.
Time I AM the Destroyer of All Things. If you want to live forever, don't become a thing. I AM THAT. Not forgetting, of course, that there is no such thing as forever without Time.
Don't think you're going to escape from the prison of time by going to heaven. In heaven, they measure time by eternities.
Next time you're on your own, whenever that may be, try this little experiment. Talk, out loud about yourself for 20 minutes without using the words I & AM. At the end of 20 minutes you will become the observed, not the observer. You will experience witness consciousness. The object of the experiment is annihilation. When the penny hits the deck, I know you'll understand. If & when the shock wears off, you'll thank me.
Ever wonder why babies have so much light?
They haven't used it all up yet.
Monday, May 10, 2010
The world
is the
ultimate black hole
when you let it
suck you in.
selfish people
are weak.
In the end
the top dogs
start fighting
with each other.
In a 'dog-eat-dog' society there can only be one dog left standing. But, as you know from playing Monopoly, when one player owns everything, the game is over. The winner becomes the loser as there is no one else left to play with.
The last shall be first
& the first shall be last.
You cannot
deny the Truth
as your denial
asserts it.
To know the Truth
you have to be
open and accepting.
The Truth
manifests itself as
Pure Awareness which
controls everything
by doing nothing.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Wanting to know
presumes there is
something to know.
Wanting to know
presumes you know.
Pure Awareness
controls everything
by doing nothing.
Genuine revolution
takes place before
the 'big event'.
After the 'big event'
is merely
kicking & screaming.
Living is an addiction.
No body wants to die!
One mans' loss
is another mans'
One mans' gain
is another mans'
Profit & loss,
it doesn't have
to be like that!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Don't worry; there won't be any mistakes. Everyone is going to get what they deserve. I have total trust that your actions will not let you down.
Don't let anyone
convince you any different.
God is perfect and you claim to be imperfect. The fact is, you and God are inseparable; so between the two of you, you prove my point.
'Only' is a word that dishonest people use a lot, as in, "I'm only human." A true Human Being would never use 'only' and 'human' in the same sentence. When a man says, "I'm only human", what he is actually saying is, "I'm to lazy to manifest my full potential."
Friday, May 7, 2010
All I ever wanted
was for people
to be happy.
I can speak the truth
as I have nothing to lose.
You are convinced
you have choices.
You chose the world
you have a lot to lose.
Beyond the imagination
thought is not
based on ignorance.
Try to imagine the unimaginable
& your mind will revert to silence.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
If you really want to help people, leave them alone. Once you've been given that knowledge, should you not act on it then you are full of shit. You are using them to make you feel better about yourself which translates to emotional problems. That's it in a nutshell.
You can't have
your cake and eat it
but you can have
both ends of the stick.
One doesn't have to
manifest love.
All one has to do is
remove the obstacles
that impede its flow.
Once you remove the obstacles,
there is no such thing as
It's got to produce Joy,
whatever it is.
Keep distractions to a minimum.
Too many distractions and
one gets distracted.
Man believes
he can do so many things
yet he can't even control
his own mind.
The faster you go
the faster your life runs out.
A slow, leisurely life
promotes excellent health.
If it doesn't pump the heart
then it's not music to me.
If you don't know
anything else~
you don't know
anything else.
Don't feel sorrow
for the dead man,
save it for yourself.
He's out of it.
You're still suffering.
Imagining that you were born
is the ultimate Drama!
Living without hope
is the most freeing
thing you can do.
It forces you to live
Ask yourself this one question...
If this is as good as it's going to get
for the rest of my life, is that acceptable?
If it's not then hard times are a'comin!
The more grateful one is
for what they have,
more automatically
comes to them.
The more the government
governs the people,
the faster society breaks
down and falls apart.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Life is like a fishing net.
Focus on the whole, not on the net.
That is what the fish does.
Even a fish has that ability.
is for
the powerless.
The rich & powerful
do not sit around
hoping that the
weak won't attack them.
A man can live without eyesight. A man can live without his hearing. Many live without the sense of smell. A man can live without the sense of taste. No man can live without feelings. God exists in feelings, therefore no one can live without God.
I AM because God is.
God is because I AM.
false entities.
There is
no such thing
as choices
for the committed.
At 16 years of age, in the Outback of Australia, a man once asked me if I believed in God. My reply was, "yes". He then asked me how much money I had. I replied, "500 dollars". He then asked me why I saved money. My reply, at the time was, "just in case!" The man replied, "Just in case, what? That God lets you down?" I had no reply. That night, I pondered the mans' questions and discovered my lifes work.
If there is a hole for it to get in
then there is a hole for it to get out.
A mirror
doesn't care
who looks into it.
is a unique form
of insanity.
One cannot know the Self,
they can only be the Self.
It takes great courage
to live without
belief systems.
The root cause
of all fear is
will never end
until the cause
is removed.
There are no problems
without incorrect information.
Incorrect information
creates confusion and conflict
which causes negativity.
Negativity, in turn,
manifests as war,
and death.
is based
on a false
point of
In between
or flight
doesn't float
on the ocean
like seaweed.
One has to go
to the bottom
to discover it.
God gives the tools.
The Guru teaches you
how to use them.
You do the work.
True happiness
is the ability
to give up
what you don't need.
A peaceful mind
is the basis of
a joy-filled life.
If you take the lesser,
you cannot have the greater.
Death is not of the being.
It is the death of time.
True power comes
from belief in myself.
One can only be free
from what one understands.
The same switch
that turns the TV off
is the same switch that
turns the interest on.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
When one really feels,
the Ocean inside of them swells.
You no longer say,
"They're only feelings".
Only feelings? You fool!
There is an ocean of Peace
within every human heart.
For those who would
like to experience it,
find out what is disturbing it
and get rid of it.
The pain of separation
is about to explode
on the surface of life.
Once you turn off your TV
or it gets taken away from you,
you will have to
'Do unto others as you
would have them do unto you'.
Between the tick & the tock
is the Timeless.
When nothing appears to be happening,
that's when the most is happening.
Who do you think has the strongest will to survive, you or the Planet? I'm voting for the Planet. In order to survive, the Planet can get rid of you.
Don't imagine by plundering and
poisoning the Planet you will survive.
It's so simple,
it's genius!
A complicated mind
hasn't got a snowballs
chance in hell.
When the air
in the body
is balanced,
the mind
is silent.
Beyond the mind
there is no God
or the man he created
in his own image.
The first shall be last
& the last shall be first
& man will become a food supply.
If you believe
you were born,
you can't plan ahead.
If it's not in your memory bank
it never happened.
Only the ones who are prepared
to give up their life on behalf
of humanity will survive.
Don't expect the bank
to give you any money
if you don't have any in it.
Dreams are stress relief
and manifesting them is
not a good antidote.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Life is never boring
with the Guru.
Life is like a loaded gun. You never know when it's going to go off. Why do you think they're called time-bombs? Time itself is the bomb.
A peaceful man
is not a
prisoner of time.
People who support
war & torture will
get dragged down with it.
Without attack & defense
there is no such thing as war.
If you get bored
then you haven't
gone deeper into your
Only the man who
doesn't need help
can help.
Weakness of character
is not acceptable.
Once America goes broke
there will be
no such thing
as the poor.
Only people with true vision
can laugh about the world and
its drama.
All movement
needs solidarity.
You leave the delusion behind
to go into the light.
You can't take delusion with you.
If you really want
to go to heaven,
do it now!
Don't wait!
Don't waste a minute!
Do you know yourself
apart from the mind/body
person you believe yourself
to be?
I have a great relationship with God and I've had a great many battles with Him, yet, never once did He tell me that I am a sinner. I tried to convince him of that and lost the battle.
Life lived
through memories
is not living.
A man with a big mouth
and an undisciplined tongue
does not experience the silence.
Banks have no power
without your money.
Banks fund wars
with your money.
Only I am qualified to manage my own financial life.
No one else has my welfare at heart like I do.
If you don't feel the pain of humanity,
then don't kid yourself
that you are living the good life.
It's not the quantity
of information that you get,
it's the quality.
It's quite a responsibility
to manifest love
at every opportunity.
Trust comes before believing.
If you don't trust yourself
then how can you trust
the one who is giving you
the information?
God and the postman are non-different. Do you ever doubt that he won't deliver your mail if you have any?
A study of the government will tell you what the people are like. The people and the government are reflections of each other. The government comes out of the people.
Complainers never take care of their problems, otherwise they'd have nothing to complain about. Take care of the problem ~ the complainer and the complaint will dissolve. They appear and disappear together.
Take care of the violence
that you harbor in your heart
& there will be no such thing as war.
The Golden Rule for a successful life is ~
Whatever disturbs your peace, get rid of it.
How bad does it have to get? Did you ever ask yourself that question? I asked myself that question at 4 years of age. My security was taken away in the span of a sentence.
The foundation of life was ripped from beneath me.
Insecure societies
are well-armed.
As the changeable,
insecurity will be your natural state.
To the unchangeable,
there is no such thing as fear.
Nobody asks
any questions.
Understanding enables you to put the picture together. Once the last piece of the jigsaw puzzles is put in place, you can smile and enjoy it for a fleeting moment - then disassemble it.
The comedian and the audience
appear and disappear together
like the cigarette & the smoker.
If I am not taking care of myself
I can't take care of others.
(Truth be known, there is no such thing as 'others')
In the Outback of Australia, on a wet dirt road, a man got his vehicle stuck, bogged down to the axle. Another car drove past him and immediately got stuck - bogged down to the axle. As he was looking at his vehicle, the first man walked up to him and said, "G'day mate!, I'm here to help you get unstuck." The other man looked at the blokes car and said," ? ". If your heart wants to help someone get unstuck, first you have to get yourself out of the mire, otherwise, you are only prolonging his agony.
If you want the real
you have to give up the false.
Everything has its price.
You give up the world
every night when you
go to sleep.
What's the difference?
Just being aware of it
fixes it.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
When nothing appears
to be happening;
there's a lot happening!
All one can do is
remain stable in
conditions like this.
I don't help anyone
unless they ask me.
That way, I know
that they're ready.
Stubbornness & resistance
stop people asking for help
when they need it.
who care
too much
about survival
are motivated
by fear.
I am
by love.
The Soul wanders aimlessly
around the world,
searching for happiness.
But where does it come from?
Where is home?
If everyone, en masse, turned the TV off,
nothing would be impossible to accomplish,
including getting your country back.
I am giving everyone
the benefit of my
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