Sunday, May 2, 2010


Life is never boring
with the Guru.

Life is like a loaded gun. You never know when it's going to go off. Why do you think they're called time-bombs? Time itself is the bomb.

A peaceful man
is not a
prisoner of time.

People who support
war & torture will
get dragged down with it.

Without attack & defense
there is no such thing as war.

If you get bored
then you haven't
gone deeper into your

Only the man who
doesn't need help
can help.

Weakness of character
is not acceptable.

Once America goes broke
there will be
no such thing
as the poor.

Only people with true vision
can laugh about the world and
its drama.

All movement
needs solidarity.

You leave the delusion behind
to go into the light.
You can't take delusion with you.

If you really want
to go to heaven,
do it now!
Don't wait!
Don't waste a minute!

Do you know yourself
apart from the mind/body
person you believe yourself
to be?

I have a great relationship with God and I've had a great many battles with Him, yet, never once did He tell me that I am a sinner. I tried to convince him of that and lost the battle.

Life lived
through memories
is not living.

A man with a big mouth
and an undisciplined tongue
does not experience the silence.

Banks have no power
without your money.
Banks fund wars
with your money.

Only I am qualified to manage my own financial life.
No one else has my welfare at heart like I do.

If you don't feel the pain of humanity,
then don't kid yourself
that you are living the good life.

It's not the quantity
of information that you get,
it's the quality.

It's quite a responsibility
to manifest love
at every opportunity.

Trust comes before believing.
If you don't trust yourself
then how can you trust
the one who is giving you
the information?

God and the postman are non-different. Do you ever doubt that he won't deliver your mail if you have any?

A study of the government will tell you what the people are like. The people and the government are reflections of each other. The government comes out of the people.

Complainers never take care of their problems, otherwise they'd have nothing to complain about. Take care of the problem ~ the complainer and the complaint will dissolve. They appear and disappear together.

Take care of the violence
that you harbor in your heart
& there will be no such thing as war.

The Golden Rule for a successful life is ~
Whatever disturbs your peace, get rid of it.

How bad does it have to get? Did you ever ask yourself that question? I asked myself that question at 4 years of age. My security was taken away in the span of a sentence.
The foundation of life was ripped from beneath me.

Insecure societies
are well-armed.

As the changeable,
insecurity will be your natural state.
To the unchangeable,
there is no such thing as fear.

Nobody asks
any questions.

Understanding enables you to put the picture together. Once the last piece of the jigsaw puzzles is put in place, you can smile and enjoy it for a fleeting moment - then disassemble it.

The comedian and the audience
appear and disappear together
like the cigarette & the smoker.

If I am not taking care of myself
I can't take care of others.
(Truth be known, there is no such thing as 'others')

In the Outback of Australia, on a wet dirt road, a man got his vehicle stuck, bogged down to the axle. Another car drove past him and immediately got stuck - bogged down to the axle. As he was looking at his vehicle, the first man walked up to him and said, "G'day mate!, I'm here to help you get unstuck." The other man looked at the blokes car and said," ? ". If your heart wants to help someone get unstuck, first you have to get yourself out of the mire, otherwise, you are only prolonging his agony.

If you want the real
you have to give up the false.
Everything has its price.
You give up the world
every night when you
go to sleep.
What's the difference?

Just being aware of it
fixes it.