There was once a man who grew up as a child in an oil-rich family. Everything he owned came out of oil. There was once a man who grew up in a family that dealt drugs for a living. Everything he owned came out of drugs. One day a drug war was started and the man blamed the addicts for his downfall. "It's because you're addicted to drugs!" said the man when questioned about the war. There was once a man who was addicted to Love. Everything he had he owed to Love. He lived happily ever after.
Whatever your addiction make sure there is an endless supply of it, otherwise, you will end up defending or attacking in warfare because of a shortage.
A lifetime of living and I have yet to come across peak oil..ooops, I mean peak Love.
My world runs of energy the same as yours. If you need a new clean energy source, why not try Love. It is the foundation of sustainable living.