Monday, November 30, 2009
You can only imagine
what you have seen before.
I want what I have.
What I don't have
I don't want.
Not enough love
is killing
the Planet.
Too late -
the last bus has gone!
Love makes
the world go round.
Better to
manifest it now,
lest it stops.
The Planet is dying
from lack of love!
I was raised
from the dust
of the Bonnet
of the Red Rock.
Accept the situation
as it is and
BOOM!, it changes.
is mine.
Mans' actions
will determine
my vote.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
There is such thing as personal without identity. Everyone has their own natural identity but it is not what you imagine it to be.And if you don't believe me then identity yourself with the suffering of children. Then come back and tell me I'm wrong.
Your indifference
to the suffering of others
is already bringing suffering to your door.
Once the supermarket shelves are empty
you will have no problem, whatsoever,
relating to hunger.
Protecting women & children is selfish.
It ensures our survival.
If we're not all the same
then why does the hunger come back?
Only a hypocrite will say,
'I'm full' when another is empty!
Allowing weak people
into power positions
is a
The actions of an
undisciplined man
can only produce misery.
The actions of a
disciplined man
produce joy.
Looking for answers
is a fools game.
is born crying.
Very few
die laughing.
True power
has to be taken.
It cannot be given.
Do you have have
what it takes?
The mirror
doesn’t care
who looks into it.
If there is a hole
for it to get in,
then there is a hole
for it to get out.
is a unique form
of insanity
Radical change
radical action.
True understanding
is not
a ‘me’.
I can
give it?
Can you
take it?
One can
only be free
from what
one understands.
The switch
that turns the TV off
is the same switch
that turns interest on.
A peaceful mind
is the basis
of a
joy-filled life,
If you
take the lesser,
you cannot
have the greater.
Mind is
the scaffolding
that holds
Supreme Reality
is the
Death is
not of the being,
it is the
death of time.
repeated over
and over again
disguises itself
as truth.
Courage doesn’t float
on the ocean like seaweed,
one has to go to the bottom
to discover it.
A fully developed mind
is a silent one.
A fully developed heart
is sweet.
It only knows how to give.
Societies survival
depends on one
Supreme law.
When there are
two laws
that is a sure sign
of societies demise.
People who hope
have no power.
shapes life.
Deep commitment
manifests a
potent life.
never woke
anyone up.
One who is in debt
has no quality of life.
If you can
imagine it,
that’s not it.
All expectation
ever led to was
Anyone can say it,
not everyone can
feel it.
In order to truly live,
you have to stand
behind your actions.
I stand
behind the truth.
That is all you
will ever get from me.
People who don’t waste time
are the masters of time.
Guilt comes
out of the past.
It never comes
out of the future.
Stubbornness is a weakness.
One uses it to hide behind
to deal with anger.
Protecting yourself from love
is an act of violence.
Living life
in the world
is preparation
for leaving.
If you believe
in reincarnation
don’t you have to
leave to come back?
All coming & going
is total fantasy.
Don’t wait
for time,
there isn’t
enough left.
Grace is
showered upon one
in direct proportion
to their
listening ability.
While you are
reading these words,
know that I AM
watching you.
I am giving you clues.
Use your mind to
investigate the ultimate mystery –
your very own beautiful self.
If you can’t see it
Wash your eyes out.
Ignorance is like a
speck of dirt in the eye.
Were everyone fed at the same time
and not a living soul missed
there would be no more hunger on this planet.
there was one
there was zero.
Don’t forget
to read between the lines.
The words are merely pointers.
No one knows what they will stand for
till they find out what they
refuse to stand for.
What’s left – that’s it.
Better to have
five minutes of quality than
fifty years of quantity.
Life inhabits.
Consciousness owns shapes and forms.
You own zero.
The meek shall inherit the earth.
The closer
a man lives to zero
the shorter distance
he has to go home.
to zero.
Absolute & complete trust
is the power of manifestation.
I was perfect the
first day on this planet.
I will be perfect when I leave;
free of contamination.
is a natural state.
is learned.
To appreciate it
you have to be
aware of it.
There are
worlds of differences
between the idea of freedom
and true freedom.
True freedom
does not need telling
all the time
that it’s free.
In tune
the times.
The nature of greed
is that it never knows
when it’s had enough.
Anything that is limited
is doomed before it starts.
One cannot drop
what they don’t know.
What one is not aware of
will not let them go.
Once the church
becomes more opulent
than the people
it is called corruption.
Man is a slave to the gods.
Man does not need gods.
It is the gods that have
convinced man that he does.
Shallow breathers
are not deep beings.
It does not matter
how long it takes.
Truth cannot lose.
All likes and dislikes
have a price tag.
Likes and dislikes
are rich mans neuroses.
Poor people cannot afford them.
Reality is
in the subject
not in the object.
When you give an
inanimate object
a name,
it becomes an entity.
Q: What is the basis of listening?
A: Interest.
Take care
of the little things;
the big things will
take care of themselves.
Getting what one wants
does not lead to happiness.
is an
aspect of time.
No one can
fake interest.
You either
are or you’re not.
half-hearted results.
Life is like a fishing net.
Focus on the hole, not on the net.
That is what fish do.
Even fish have that ability.
The mirror doesn’t care
who looks into it.
Radical change
radical action.
The Guru starts
where imagination ends.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
You don't have to live in a city to learn.
I attained everything, sitting on my own
in the Outback of Australia.
I had no TV or Radio, yet I knew
everything that was
going on in the world.
It's either acceptable or not. If it's acceptable then you're a victim and you go through whatever compromises or adjustments you have to. There are no options or delusional choices in not-acceptable. Not-acceptable is prepared to die.
motivates the ignorant.
motivates the enlightened.
What can anybody say when they hear the Truth? If you insult the Truth when you're in the company of the Truth, then you're dead. No one yet has succeeded in challenging the Truth and lived to tell the tale.
From the standpoint of
how much time you have left,
the shortest, fastest,
most direct way is the best.
Had I have found another way,
I would have been only to willing
to share it with you
If you don't have much
light in your mind
then you're not too bright.
Successful plants have deep roots.
I have no roots in the world.
That's why I never had any success in it.
If I'm not a success at it
then what use is it to me?
I successfully
destroy ignorance
wherever I find it.
I know very little ~ but I know it well!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Religion & spirituality
are a phenomena.
They must be making
a living at it;
they're still going!
I learned more
about spirituality
digging a 9'deep X 6'wide
septic tank hole
at 15 years of age,
in the Outback of Australia.
Lead me not
into temptation
to try & fix it.
The world is
like it is
because people are
as they are.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Nothing will change
while the
system of Government
stays the same.
The only ones who
can change the
system of Government
are the people.
People who have done
a lot of hard work
have strong character.
I relieve peoples' suffering
by not adding to it.
You can only remember
the past NOW.
You can only imagine
the future NOW.
Trust no future
however sweet.
When you reach a stage
where there's nowhere to go,
you'll find out there's nowhere
to come back to.
In order to come back
you have to go.
People are not interested
in the unknown because
they have never experienced it,
therefore, they don't trust it.
Do understand;
there can be no chicken
without an egg.
There can be no egg without a chicken.
Only a fool would ask,
"What came first the chicken or the egg?"
They appear and disappear together as one.
If there wasn't such a thing as 'God', Then why do we have a word 'God'? Years ago there was no such thing as space travel. We made a 'rocket' and the word 'rocket' became part of our vocabulary. When we didn't have the word 'car' in our language, there was no such thing as 'cars'.
and the word
Chasing happiness
is a fools game.
Keep still
and it will manifest
of its own accord.
I would like
everyone to be happy.
When one is doing
what they truly love
there is no such thing as time.
Love is not timebound.
It is a timeless state.
has experienced
love in their life.
Love & god
are inseparable.
Whatever you need in life,
it will be there for you
when you need it.
You brought it with you
when you appeared.
Once you mortgage your life
to something, don't complain
that you have no time.
If you would like
your life to change,
first you have to know
what you would
like it to change to.
Before change,
your work is
in the imagination.
After change,
you deal with facts.
I used to think I knew everything that was going on in my life and where I was going, until I took Sanyas. From then on, I realized nothing. That was 20 years ago. Today I know even less.
If you see me through a quiet, disciplined mind you will have instant recognition of me as I AM. If you see me through an undisciplined mind that is fraught with waves, then you will see me as you want to see me. How I appear to you is none of my business.
Look at your reflection
in a pool of water.
Then throw a stone
in the water and tell me
what the difference is.
I appear and the world appears.
I disappear and the world disappears.
That is the nature of appearances.
I don't need a car.
The body needs a car.
I had a hard time with that one.
That was difficult for me,
years ago, seeing myself
in others & others in myself.
Needing anything
to make you happy
is a failure.
Relying on anything
time bound
for your happiness
is doomed to failure.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The source
of everything
is in everyone.
You can't buy joy,
it's not a commodity.
Being alive
doesn't mean
one is living.
There's no such thing
as life without laughter.
When there's no trust & love
there's no relationship.
Trust & love relate
to each other beautifully.
Greed is contagious.
One has to live beyond the world,
(the haves' & have-not world)
When I can entertain myself
in someones' company,
I'd call that good company.
You can't buy qualities.
You have to earn them.
How many 'have-nots', do you think,
are sat down worrying & crying
that the 'haves' house got burned down?
If you don't want
a heart attack,
learn how to give.
There is
no such thing
as a world
beyond the
One either deserves
everything or nothing.
Monday, November 16, 2009
There has to be
something present
to say I AM.
There is no
legitimacy in
There has to be
an equal amount
of presence for
existence and denial
to exist, as an idea.
has never
let me down.
There has to be
someone there to
accept the
existence of God;
likewise with denial.
What lies
Were you to deserve what you claim,
you wouldn't have to put it on the card.
Before you
You had better pray to your God that the price of Gold not go down. Were gold to go down to $250 an ounce, 85% of the people on this planet will be gone.
They don't use
paper money
in a Golden Age,
they use Gold.
Why give a man a sharp knife
when you know he's stupid enough
to cut his own throat.
As a child I wanted everything I saw.
It caused great disappointment.
Once I taught myself to focus on need,
the wants fell away like leaves on a tree.
People call
it a dream.
The people who
were not allowed
to participate
in the American Dream
will do very well
in the future.
Find out how many laws have been written & acted upon to guarantee your freedom. Then count how many laws have been written to restrict your freedom.
There is no
such thing
as a 'free world'.
Any nation in debt is owned
therefore it cannot be free.
The slave master
has a set of rights
over his slave.
Were that not
to be the case the
slave would not work.
The credit card companies are
supported by the laws of the land.
They have more rights to
get their money back
than you have to walk away.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The government is a reflection of the people, unless you want to play the 'blame-game'. True freedom and responsibility are inseparable. Do not expect to maintain the state of freedom with totally inappropriate responses. Governments can only act as you allow them to. Homeland security is an internal state of being, not a piece of paper with man-made laws written upon it. When you are not prepared to die for your constitutional rights, the do not complain when they are taken from you. I can guarantee you, there is not one politician alive who would be prepared to die in order to uphold your rights!
My integrity is priceless but it cost me my worldly success.
I can not recall the amount of times I have told people in power positions to 'go fuck themselves' rather than bend to their will, in the false hope of gaining a few extra shekels! I would rather depart this plane of existence a total unknown than sacrifice one gram of integrity.
I once made a business deal with a man I met in Las Vegas. A couple of days later, I asked him how the PR work was advancing. His answer was, "Well, it's not easy you know. When you go out there you have to kiss a lot of ass." "Not so." said I. "I don't understand", said he. "I do not and have never had to kiss-ass. You have done and still do. That is why I am giving you 20% from the sales."
I have been on my death bed on numerous occasions and I can tell you, first-hand experience, my whole life flashed before me in a nanosecond. Every single detail of it. I am not unique. The same thing will happen for you. You will then be fully aware of what life is really about, but by that time it will be too late; You will have missed the whole point.
Each time there is a fatal accident , I am the first on the scene. I claim my own & leave the rest for the authorities to clean up.
I once watched a man choke to death on his own blood, due to the fact that the steering wheel crushed his chest in a head-on collision with another vehicle. I could not save his life so I whispered the Mantra in his right ear. It was the greatest parting gift that I could give him. What a pity he received it on his death-bed due to the fact he had forgotten it on his birth-bed.
In the beginning was the word. There is nothing in this Universe of greater value than the Mantra. It is the be-all and end-all of everything.
Once you
run out
of power
you turn
to hope.
Hope is a dead word.
Nice is another one.
Weakness relies on hope.
Strength relies on trust.
(Which starts with yourself.)
Are you interested
in going beyond hope?
People who
rely on hope
have no power.
Those who live
in hope
will die
in hope.
Why would a man need hope when he has the power to change the situation? All he has to do is act on his power.
Once you run
out of power
what do you
do next?
Rely on hope?
who hope
are not
in change.
First of all, propaganda convinces you that you have power & control in your life, then laws are enacted to stop you using it.
At the end of the day, what do I really know...nothing! (which is still not quite correct. Nothing implies that there was something there when in fact there never was anything there.)
It's all in the mind, Mate.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Words based on Truth
are simple & uncomplicated.
They are not meant to confuse.
There are 2 R's
that create war-
resources & religion.
All creation
needs protecting,
otherwise something
will come along &
destroy it.
You either support now
or you get taken down
with the rest of them,
One cannot
investigate the Self
with a noisy mind.
Don't wait for time;
there isn't enough left.
Everyone experiences pure peace
after the last heartbeat.
You will know it by its absence.
Were the world to be such a wonderful place then why aren't babies born with a smile on their faces? Think about a place you'd like to go and it will put a smile on your face.
Everybody is born crying.
Very few die laughing.
In order
to be born
you have
to die.
Acting on
negative energies
weak characters.
I AM the Guru.
I only know
how to reflect.
True power
has to be taken.
It can not be given.
Do you have what it takes?
The mirror
doesn't care
who looks into it.
Radical change
radical action.
I start where
imagination ends.
One can only be free
from what one understands.
The switch that turns the TV off
is the same switch that turns the interest on.
If you take the lesser
you cannot have the greater.
Death is not of the Being,
it is the death of Time.
Nothing changes
except our
of it.
One who is in debt
has no quality of life.
Hope is
for the
If we can imagine it,
that's not it.
All expectation ever created was disappointment.
The experience of disappointment should tell you,
in no uncertain terms, that you expected something,
even if you were not aware of it.
Anyone can say it,
not everyone can feel it.
In order to truly live,
you have to stand
behind your actions.
People who waste Time
cannot create Time.
People who don't waste Time
are the Masters of Time.
Guilt comes out
of the past.
It never comes out
of the future.
Stubbornness is a weakness.
One uses it to hide behind
so they don't have to
deal with anger.
Friday, November 13, 2009
You cannot do
When you want
for someone else,
you don't need to want
for yourself any more.
No one has any idea
of what is going to happen.
They are just projecting.
can remain
the same when
Desires fulfilled
breed more desires.
To deserve freedom,
first, you have to know
what to be free of!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Time is the great equalizer.
Time, itself, destroys fantasies and dreams. It erodes them away. Even if you manifest your fantasies and dreams, don't forget, at the end of the day, you are living a fantasy or a dream. We are very fortunate that the body is 'time-bound' and will die at some time or other, otherwise we would be bogged down in fantasies and dreams for eons. Imagining that you were born and are going to die is the biggest dream and fantasy of them all!
Shattering your biggest illusion
takes care of all the smaller ones.
Looking for the Truth
is no better than any
other dream or fantasy.
Know that you are the Truth
and be done with this
Dreams do not make Reality.
All they can do is distort
Dreams have a nasty habit
of turning into nightmares.
To dream
you have
to be
To be free
of a dream
you have to
wake up.
Better to give up
your childish toys,
than to have them
ripped away from you.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The man who says,
"I am God!" is
just as deluded as
the man who says,
"I am a plumber!"
the Mantra;
to me.
A chain
is only as strong
as its
weakest link.
When the mind accepts it,
it is no longer a problem.
There is
no such thing
as darkness.
There is only
lack of light.
Light appears
to the mind
as darkness.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
There is
no such thing
as others.
They are all
Reflections of the Self.
How long do you think a man would survive living in a society that never even batted an eyelash when one of its' own is killed?
A crisis is
something that happens.
You cannot
a crisis.
Survival means nothing
to the indestructible.
A rich man
is not free.
He is a
of his wealth.
What would create the most fear?
The fear of dying is the fact.
That you were not born,
therefore, you cannot die,
& you will not be the person
you believe your self to be.
People will kill
for their ideas
that were
given to them
by their Society
and their Culture.
I will never
bring up
the subject
of spirituality.
I simply appear in your life.
You can't have
a movie without
characters, can you?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Meeting the Guru
is not the
of something,
it is the
end of everything.
One has to keep themselves jolly
and tell themselves a good joke
once in a while.
The future is imaginary.
One can only guess.
Even the best psychics
can still only predict
the imaginary future.
No one has a real future ahead of them.
There is no such thing as a real future.
The only way to live in the world is with no investment in it. If you have an investment in the world you have to take care of it. If you believe it to be real then you are heavily invested.
What do you do
when you love
someone so much,
and then they beat you?
Turn the other cheek?
burns fast
gets hot.
No more bandaid jobs!
Have you ever noticed
that a bandage is easy
to put on &
causes discomfort
when ripped off?
Have you ever noticed
the amount of times
America has declared war?
The war on poverty - lost it!
The war on illiteracy - lost it!
The war on drugs - lost it!
What do you think
the chances are
for the war on terror?
Make one mistake
with me &
I'll eat you!
You can stick
with your modern ways;
I'll stick with the primal.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Presence manifests intent;
absence cannot do that.
is an act
of love.
The credit card sucks
the life force out of you.
It is a vampire.
If you are
in debt
you are a
When you are in debt
you're running out of
life force.
Things manifest
out of thin air.
That's how
they're able
to disappear,
right when
you need them!
Anger and fear live in the same house.
Love and compassion live in the same house.
It is not possible for anger and love
to live in the same house.
It is not possible for fear and compassion
to live in the same house.
When you build something on
the Foundation of Reality,
it will appear to be real.
Without the foundation,
you have no house.
The whole Universe is built
on the Foundation of Reality.
Those who refuse to look
at the symptoms have no hope
of addressing the cause.
People have to look
at themselves
and ask,
"Why have we created a world like this?"
When your Tree of Life
bears rotten fruit,
you will have to eat it,
as that is all
there will be to eat.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
It has got nothing to do
with the Government.
It's all about the people.
There is no such thing
as a Government
without the people.
Moral corruptness
manifest itself
as weakness
Cleaning house.
Out with the old,
in with the new.
Death of the Old World Order
is the birth of the New World Order.
have been living
& dying
since time
I like being anonymous.
I am the biggest
black hole
you will ever meet.
Get close to me
& I will suck you in!
One has to maintain
a certain level
of stress to walk upright.
That is the penalty
that man pays for
walking upright
on two legs.
Each President brings
his picture with him.
Meditation & scuba-diving are very similar. To spend time on the bottom, the scuba-diver has to remain in a peaceful state so he doesn't use up his air supply. The Guru does the same. He dives to the bottom of the Ocean of Consciousness and sits there peacefully.
are a
breeding ground
for problems.
Only a man
in debt
can be owned
by the master.
Debts & slavery
are inseparable.
Any fool
can get
into debt.
'Give a man enough rope
and he will hang himself'.
Our Society is cracking up
and no amount of Botox
will patch it up.
What creates Joy
in my heart
is knowing
that the Guru is
The Be-All and End-All of Everything!
Facts manifest
Joy in the heart.
Fiction manifests
suffering in the mind.
"Just the facts, Mam!"
When you turn
on the light,
shadows disappear.
Shadow Governments cannot exist in the light. Shadow Governments consists of shadow people. Shadow people hang out in the shadows, watching you. They're called shadow-watchers. If you don't want them in your life, turn up your inner light so there are no shadows for them to hide in.
If you don't
want problems
in your life,
don't open the
door to them,
or better still,
don't create them
in the first place.
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