Friday, December 31, 2010
If you are not the master of your own mind then you have no right to free speech. Even when a man is given the right to free speech, he will not value it; otherwise he would defend it with his life. Free speech originates in the heart.
Illusive language
illusive worlds.
A disciplined mind
presents it
in the best light.
Getting rid
of what
All sabotage
means is;
asking for something
that you cannot
give yourself.
There is a lot of joy
in an uncomplicated life.
The breath comes in.
The breath goes out.
Should it not
come back in,
you're dead.,
The inbreath & the outbreath
make love to each other.
Out of their union,
the world is created.
If you live
in a breath-based world,
don't expect
the world to outlive you.
In that one
is the many.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Without feelings
man is dead.
Man has not seen anything yet
about the Power of Nature.
How come when I appear
the shit hits the fan;
& I wonder why
I have no friends.
I grew up
without money,
therefore, I am
well aware
of the things
that money can't buy.
The problem is
when you manifest a dream
you're stuck with it & stuck is stuck.
Only a man who can feel
everyones pain is truly alive.
Where there is life
there are feelings.
Where there are feelings,
there is love.
You can not buy qualities.
You have to earn them.
I love to feel.
I feel to love.
I only know
my own truth.
I live
my own truth.
If it ever
lets me down,
I will know
it's not
the truth.
One cannot
have duality
The curse of Enlightenment is,
one feels humanities pain.
If you can stand
to live with humanities pain
you are entitled to Enlightenment.
I sacrifice my own pain
to feel the pain of humanity.
I live with humanities pain
every day of my life.
Interest is life force.
The more interest
you have in life
the more life
will make itself
available to you.
an ocean of peace.
Whatever disturbs
that peace
has to go.
It is as bad to acquire
as it is to give up.
By all means
give up the unnecessary
& acquire the necessary.
The only reason one creates
God and Heaven is because
they are living in hell.
Live conceptually free.
True freedom is from concepts.
Why would one trust a concept
when they have their own self
which was there before
& after
& nothing.
The only thing one cannot
live separate from is life.
There will be no peace on this earth
until man sees it as his duty to manifest it.
That is a worthy cause to live for,
to manifest peace on earth.
One can only
appreciate time
when they are
free of it.
the mind
dwells on
long enough
it becomes.
There is only peace in security.
There is only security in peace.
There is no security
in an insecure world.
The only way one can
survive terrorism
is to manifest
more peace
than the terrorist can
manifest terror.
It makes one
incredibly strong
when they’ve only got
to rely on.
When dreams
turn into nightmares
they wake you up.
To live your dreams
you have to be asleep.
The shock of enlightenment is
that nothing changes.
The day is soon approaching
when every one will
share a common interest - Survival.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Once two know,
it's not
a secret
Know your
own secret.
If you allow it,
don't complain
about it.
When man goes to sleep,
there is no world.
The world is dependent
upon man to stay awake.
You can't live
in a day dream
& a night dream
at the same time.
Why not go
beyond the doer
and accomplish
the lot?
No matter how
big or how small
the addiction is,
it's still an addiction.
Do less,
In a global society with global wealth and global problems, (as in the amount of people that are being killed on this Planet or are starving in Africa), If you don't do something about it - guaranteed you are next!
The reason people
can't turn the TV off
is because it
will turn
their life off.
Those who can live
without television
are doing.
Why would you have
something in your life
that you're not addicted to?
Next time you
look in the mirror,
know that the
image you are seeing
is created by
your likes & dislikes.
not here
to teach
After a lifetime of Sadhana
I have come to the point -
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Wanting to know
presumes there is
something to know.
Wanting to know
presumes you know.
Pure Awareness
controls everything
by doing nothing.
Genuine revolution
takes place before
the 'big event'.
After the 'big event'
is merely
kicking & screaming.
Living is an addiction.
No body wants to die!
One mans' loss
is another mans'
One mans' gain
is another mans'
Profit & loss,
it doesn't have
to be like that.
It's very simple;
if you want the good,
you have to take the bad.
You've had the good times,
what now?
There is no 'what next'.
A society that thrives on
(and is addicted to) drama,
ought to be ecstatic
about what's happening.
It's the 'Greatest Show on Earth'!
All the small dramas
are preparation
for the big one.
A man of wisdom
is not addicted
to entertainment.
A big-enough shock will stop the mind of a man in no time at all. Multiply that by 6 billion and it will give a glimpse of the drama to come.
The unconditioned
is beyond consciousness.
End times
simply means
end of business as usual
for everyone.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
At the end of the day,
compassion always wins out.
There is no power
in the book.
The power is in
the one who
picks it up.
I can help you
to help yourself.
There is
a method
to this
One develops
by diving
into the
There is nothing
that makes one
respect food more
than the lack of it.
The abuse of power
affects all men.
It's not what you eat
that makes you fat.
It's your lack
of respect for food
and your attitude
towards it.
A man once asked me
if I could give him a
direct experience of God.
"Yes", I said.
I asked him if he could swim.
He said "No."
"Great", I said.
Then I threw him in the Ocean.
I appeared
empty-handed &
I will disappear
appearance &
nothing sticks.
It helps tremendously
by taking a 'hands-off'
approach to life.
The situation
decides the correct
course of action.
The situation
is the compass.
Respond appropriately and
I'll see you when you get home.
I have never really had
a life to call my own.
Looking at you,
I realize how
fortunate I am.
Stability, to me, is
having the ability
to sit there &
allow the power of God
to manifest, un-interfered with.
Friday, December 24, 2010
I didn't
come to America
to argue.
What is
the currency
of a Golden Age?
Once you get so many people
believing in something;
it appears to be true.
Dimensionless Beings
don't have a wrong side
or a right side,
nor do they have
good sides or bad sides.
I live
in the world of
Once an intelligent being sees that something is not supporting him, he moves on. An ignorant man doesn't have that ability, therefore situations are created that put his survival at risk. An intelligent man moves willingly through the Power of Love. An ignorant man is moved and motivated through violence.
How can you appreciate
what you've never had?
in the 'now'.
'Will be'
is of no use
to me at all.
A man,
who has aligned
his will
with God's will,
knows nothing
of 'will be'.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The nature of fear is weakness.
Once people can't handle
any more fear, then riots ensue.
is a form of stupidity &
stupidity is dangerous.
Death is a very hard way
to find out about deep feelings
but sometimes very necessary.
A chicken taught me that one.
What is it going to take
Not bad enough yet?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Peace & Beauty;
Divine Qualities
The new
has no
I look after God
in the Summer &
He looks after me
in the Winter.
That's the deal.
You can't have the Guru
without God.
You can't have God
without the Guru.
As long as people
are talking about it
nothing will ever happen.
It is an indisputable fact
that is not open to discussion.
Go inside and find out for yourself.
When the pain is great enough you will.
What you are not aware of
is choosing for you all the time.
The idea of choice is a false notion.
Seers come and go.
The act of seeing
The spiritual seeker,
imagining he's going
to reach his destination..
The seeker disappears-
The path remains.
Life unfolds
the same way
you wrapped it.
Don't expect your life
to be any different
than the creator
of your life.
How can it be?
lack of
in me
is of
no interest
to me!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
What is it like for you
without second-hand knowledge?
Looking for answers
is a fools game.
For there to be a civil war
people have to wake up.
Everybody is born crying.
Very few die laughing.
True power has to be taken.
It cannot be given.
Do you have have what it takes?
The mirror doesn’t care
who looks into it.
If there is a hole for it to get in,
then there is a hole for it to get out.
is a unique
form of insanity
Radical change
radical action.
True understanding
is not needing a ‘me’.
I can give it?
Can you take it?
One can only be free
from what one understands.
The switch that turns the TV off
is the same switch that
turns interest on.
A peaceful mind
is the basis
of a joy-filled life.
If you take the lesser,
you cannot have the greater.
Mind is the scaffolding that
holds consciousness together
Supreme Reality
is the
underlying foundation.
Death is not of the being,
it is the death of Time.
Ignorance, repeated over and over again
disguises itself as truth.
Courage doesn’t float on the ocean like seaweed,
one has to go to the bottom to discover it.
A fully developed mind
is a silent one.
A fully developed heart
is sweet.
It only knows how to give.
Societies survival depends on one
Supreme law. When there are two laws
that is a sure sign of a societies demise.
People who hope
have no power.
Commitment shapes life.
Deep commitment
manifests a potent life.
never woke
anyone up.
One who is in debt
has no quality of life.
If you can imagine it,
that’s not it.
All expectation
ever led to
was disappointment.
Anyone can say it,
not everyone can feel it.
Always go to bed happy
in case you don't wake
up in the morning.
'Separated by time & space'
is no good to me.
All forms
of separation
are misery
There is only
the here & now.
It's all here & now,
including you.
Not 'too big to fail' ~
too big to survive!
Monday, December 13, 2010
What use are politicians
once you stop believing them?
Racism is the most
devicive form
of control.
are their own
worst enemy.
One has to be uninvolved
in order to witness it.
There is no such thing
as two selves.
It is the same
one Self in all.
Higher & lower
Inner & outer
are all
of the mind.
There is,
and can be,
only one,
and you are that one.
You are that soldier.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The world that one lives in
will provide for them &
they will, in turn, reciprocate.
If it doesn't
make you,
how can you?
a relationship
with the Self.
The world is
the surface
of the Self.
In the world
of differences,
there are none.
You change the mind
you change the person.
You change the thinking
you change the person.
To the degree
that you can feel
is equal to your
relationship with God.
There's no life
without Love ~
Full stop.
Nothing can live
without Love ~
Love is life
Love is God
Love is everything.
I live to love.
I love to live.
Depth of Love =
Quality of life.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Without interest
how can life be
Lack of awareness
causes sabotage.
Awareness stops
it happening.
The Process is
unique to everyone
but the fact
remains the same.
Nothing to remember.
Nothing to forget.
If you don't have anything
what do you have to lose?
The less things you have, and by things I mean ideas & concepts, desires & dreams; the less pain you will feel when Reality takes them away.
In consciousness,
there is no such thing as Reality.
In reality,
they are seen as illusions.
In Reality,
you are
the only thing
that is real.
Anything living
has a spark of life in it.
One spark in an engine
causes an explosion.
that gets your
is interesting.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Guru introduces you to God,
then lets you get on with it.
You can have a
direct relationship with God.
You don't need a 'go-between'.
Religion is a 'go-between'.
You try getting away from that!
All the laws of Nature
that have been broken;
there will be retribution for it.
After all I've
been through in life,
you'd think I'd be of
some benefit to Society.
Love is
for its' own sake.
'Do not forsake me..'
That's become
an excuse now;
to say,
"I'm only human!"
One creates
all their own problems
through what they entertain.
Be careful who you
invite to the party.
Equality consciousness
starts at home.
I'll leave the construction business to you.
I'm in the destruction business.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I know what is real;
the Unchangeable
showed me that.
It's your interest
that keeps it going.
Your interest
in dreams
keeps you asleep.
Thank goodness
for nightmares.
The clock
is not going
to be wound
up again.
Business as usual
is over.
is a facet
on the
Diamond of Kindness.
Mass anger
no hope.
Give the heart
an opportunity
to experience itself,
through human kindness.
Once you experience
the Heart of Matter,
you will become
Pure Awareness.
There is no such thing as unconscious.
There is lack of awareness.
These days,
the only difference
between man & animals
is legs.
Don't you tell me there is no such thing as unconditioned love. Go on YouTube and watch the video of the dog nursing piglets!
Monday, December 6, 2010
The best way
to end the day
is to let it go.
The Simplicity of Truth.
It is not complicated.
Only a simple mind can grasp it.
When enough people
are interested in Peace,
the Prince of Peace will appear.
And the way to do that is
get rid of what disturbs it.
Once the people stop consuming,
of what further use are they?
They are non-functional.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Can a
hurt you?
If you don't like it
don't read it.
If you don't understand it~
keep reading.
Reality show.
Mass movement
of people
will come
to a stop
once the
The only way the Middle East will survive is
if they put their differences aside and become allies.
It's all the same
to the man
that's seen it all.
It's all the same
to the man
that's beyond it all.
Where is the information coming from?
I get mine directly from the Source.
When do you get yours from?
Friday, December 3, 2010
I AM The Guru. Of that,there is no doubt. Yet, at the same time I am worthless. Were I to be seen as valuable, wouldn't people be falling over themselves to ask me questions?
When revolt is
no longer
a revolting idea,
you will be free.
I'm interested in
what's here & now.
Unless it's here right now,
it's no good to me.
There is no such thing as
security in an insecure world.
The closest you'll get is Gold.
Meditation was a way
of understanding
what & why
my life was like it was.
either keeps you free
or makes you a prisoner.
Using words
you don't understand
is dangerous.
Nothing matters
once one has
the Mantra.
is what you
are not aware of.
I do not want
a life of convenience
thank you very much.
Convenience costs
money & freedom.
Once you get involved in it,
you're not in control.
Witness consciousness
is the key to control.
Resist ye
not evil.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The more you
torture me &
keep me down,
I will consolidate &
rise even higher.
Only one's self;
Everyone lives in their own world and you can imagine yourself to be whatever you would like to be. For example; I live in my world. In my world imaginings are no good.
You can only be what you are.
Anything less is not acceptable.
that they are
that they are not
is insanity.
It is irreparable.
It will never change
while it's on this path,
the path of ignorance.
Every time you put a weak man
in a power position,
he will abuse it.
He will destroy himself &
take you with him.
I'm the only one
I have to please.
I accepted
the challenge.
The crime is being born.
Investigate it.
Imagining that
one can be happy
in the world
causes rebirth
of the idea.
I can only wish for others
what I wish for myself.
Dragged around by desires
until you can no longer survive,
how pathetic.
The desire
needs a
There's a
fool born
every minute.
Recognize you
recognize me,
I come from
the silence
to set
you free.
Once the false
God of Electricity
is gone,
you'll know
who I AM.
Patience; you can't do
anything without it.
Dry as a gumboot
in the middle of summer.
Once the animals are
gone from this Planet,
man cannot survive.
Part of mans' mind is animal. Watch 2 animals mating then watch 2 people mating. You won't find a difference. Therefore, once the animals disappear it will take the idea of a body away. Conclusion; if you enjoy access to the body then better look after the animals.
You may not care
at the slaughter
of women & children
in distant lands;
but you will when it is
your women & children.
My consciousness tells me
what I can & cannot do.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
You can only imagine
what you have seen before.
I want what I have.
What I don't have
I don't want.
Not enough love
is killing
the Planet.
Too late -
the last bus has gone!
Love makes
the world go round.
Better to
manifest it now,
lest it stop.
The Planet is dying
from lack of love!
I was raised
from the dust
of the Bonnet
of the Red Rock.
Accept the situation
as it is and
BOOM!, it changes.
is mine.
Mans' actions
will determine
my vote.
Monday, November 29, 2010
opens the door
to living in
the world of all possibilities.
Nothing will change
while the
system of Government
stays the same.
The only ones who
can change the
system of Government
are the people.
People who have done
a lot of hard work
have strong character.
I relieve peoples' suffering
by not adding to it.
You can only remember
the past NOW.
You can only imagine
the future NOW.
Trust no future
however sweet.
When you reach a stage
where there's nowhere to go,
you'll find out there's nowhere
to come back to.
In order to come back
you have to go.
People are not interested
in the unknown because
they have never experienced it,
therefore, they don't trust it.
Do understand;
there can be no chicken
without an egg.
There can be no egg without a chicken.
Only a fool would ask,
"What came first the chicken or the egg?"
They appear and disappear together as one.
If there wasn't such a thing as 'God', Then why do we have a word 'God'? Years ago there was no such thing as space travel. We made a 'rocket' and the word 'rocket' became part of our vocabulary. When we didn't have the word 'car' in our language, there was no such thing as 'cars'.
and the word
Chasing happiness
is a fools game.
Keep still
and it will manifest
of its own accord.
I would like
everyone to be happy.
When one is doing
what they truly love
there is no such thing as time.
Love is not timebound.
It is a timeless state.
has experienced
love in their life.
Love & God
are inseparable.
Whatever you need in life,
it will be there for you
when you need it.
You brought it with you
when you appeared.
Once you mortgage your life
to something, don't complain
that you have no time.
If you would like
your life to change,
first you have to know
what you would
like it to change to.
Before change,
your work is
in the imagination.
After change,
you deal with facts.
I used to think I knew everything that was going on in my life and where I was going, until I took Sanyas. From then on, I knew nothing. That was 20 years ago. Today I know even less.
If you see me through a quiet, disciplined mind you will have instant recognition of me as I AM. If you see me through an undisciplined mind that is fraught with waves, then you will see me as you want to see me. How I appear to you is none of my business.
Look at your reflection
in a pool of water.
Then throw a stone
in the water and tell me
what the difference is.
I appear and the world appears.
I disappear and the world disappears.
That is the nature of appearances.
I don't need a car.
The body needs a car.
I had a hard time with that one.
That was difficult for me,
years ago, seeing myself
in others & others in myself.
Needing anything
to make you happy
is a failure.
Relying on anything
time bound
for your happiness
is doomed to failure.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Quite interesting,
life at times.
Only those who have
gone beyond illusion
of control can laugh.
One has to keep going
when there's no way back.
There is no such power
as personal freedom.
While ever one man
is in chains, we all
are in chains.
True Freedom
is freedom
from the personal,
small bubble of a
dream that people
imagine themselves
to live in.
While ever one man suffers
we all suffer.
While ever one man
is being tortured,
we are all being tortured.
The idea of
personal & separateness
There is no such thing as a personal experience. It has been experienced before you and it will be experienced after you. There is nothing that one man can experience that another man cannot. Very seldom will an inexperienced man learn from an experienced man. His limited ego will demand that he wants to make his own mistakes. All those that believe that way are ignorant fools. Even mistakes are not yours, otherwise they would not be repeated over and over again by, for example, world leaders.
I AM the Universal Being. There is nothing personal about me at all. I do not claim anything to be mine. The idea of mine is another false idea foisted on the heads of people for the benefit of someone else.
Do not expect
a false question
to give you
a correct answer.
Only correct questions
can give correct answers.
You may claim this land to be yours. Your claim is invalid. You are merely in possession of stolen goods. Even the original people of this land did not claim it to be theirs/mine. Ask them and they will tell you, "We are the caretakers." Ask them, "Who owns the land?" and they will tell you that the land owns us. What grows on it belongs to God. Humanity as a whole, collectively, is the caretaker of all lands. Individually, you have no separate land rights. You tell me, of what use is barren land to anyone? Even in our, so-called, modern societies, a barren woman is of no use to a man who wants to go forth and multiply. Would you rape your mother and plunder her house? why would you do it to this life-giving land. Contemplate the situations you are dependent upon, food, water, shelter, sunshine, wind and then come and talk to me about personal power.
So many wars and crimes against humanity have been committed and as yet very few have been held accountable for these acts and atrocities. And you wonder why Joy is not bubbling up from the center of your heart?
Only an ignorant fool will believe another ignorant fool when he tells him you came here to experience enjoyment, when the truth is you came here to do the work. THE GREAT WORK!
Many years ago, in the Outback of Australia, I heard a white fella' and a black fella' having a heated discussion in Giltraps Hotel. The white fella' said to the black fella', "If that's how you feel about the land, then fuck you, you can have it back!" The black fella' said, "We don't want it back, thank you very much, you fucked it, you fix it!"
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
The seeing of it
puts one beyond it.
In the silence
there is a presence.
If you want to truly
find out what God is
(beyond your romantic
fantasies and
neurotic needs)
then sit in that silence.
The world will
not get you free
from the world.
Ignorance will
not get you free
from ignorance.
Without discipline
you have to work
for everything.
With discipline
you make everything
work for you.
When like-minded people
support each other
all is possible.
For a
timeless being
the time
is always right.
Much better
to be divinely mad
than half-mad.
One tests themselves
until they are acceptable.
Once you are acceptable
to yourself
Where is the need to test?
There is
no such thing as
a world
without each other.
Without a mirror
you do not exist.
The subconscious
of everything
we are not aware of.
The first step:
One refuses to blame
anything for nothing
& nothing for everything.
All dependency
creates weakness.
speeds up
the weakening process.
Q: What has the most power
hunger or habit?
When all else fails
you’ve always got yourself.
Nothing is ever
as it appears to be.
That you can count on.
Time does not exist
when you are happy
doing what you love to do.
The space
is more interesting
than the things
that come out of it.
Uniqueness begins
Where programming ends.
There are no mistakes
Only experiments.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Desire moves
It creates
In my world,
Love is the
Prime Mover.
There is nothing
outside of the mind.
"That's all
he used to call me,
'you pommy bastard'!"
You can only believe or disbelieve in fantasy, not facts. Facts are not subject to belief systems. They are - as are you.
The longer you
look at shortcomings
the faster they
turn into longcomings.
The Earth demands blood;
can you blame Her?
God helps those who help themselves.
He didn't tell me to help you!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
While ever they make money out of war who is going to stop it? There's only one way it can be done; get rid of your own internal war.
Perfection is all-inclusive.
That's what makes it so.
If you don't want problems,
eliminate them from
your vocabulary.
I refuse to
allow 'problems'
into my vocabulary.
One who knows
the Source
of the movies
has seen it all.
One of the
benefits of war is,
it builds character.
If there wasn't such a thing as violence in Nature, there wouldn't be such a thing as violence in man.
Teach your mind
how to behave itself.
more gratitude
more gratitude,
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
In order to have a world
there has to be opposites.
Great beings
are always at
home in their heart.
When you kill someone
it's a mistake
you cannot correct.
Truly free people
do not do what they want,
they do what is necessary.
to a slave,
is Freedom.
are like muscles,
use them or lose them.
know your rights,
then exercise them.
Weaken the American Constitution &
the citizens will suffer
from weak mental & physical health.
The reason the constitution
is being
eroded away
is because of
societies weakness.
Life has
too easy.
is something
one lives,
not brags about.
Before one can live freely
one has to destroy
outmoded ideas and concepts.
You can only be free
of what you are aware of,
otherwise, you're just
living in a prison
that your senses
can't see or feel.
Supposedly, the terrorists are going to invade America and take our freedom away from us. If that's the case, they had better do it soon or there won't be any freedom left for them to take.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Religion & spirituality
are a phenomena.
They must be making
a living at it;
they're still going!
I learned more about spirituality
digging a septic-tank hole, 9' X 16',
at 15 years of age
in the Outback of Australia.
Knowing nothing
creates wonderment.
I live a wonderful life.
My world is
full of mySelf.
Good fortune to me
that I love mySelf.
I understand
you might want
to help people.
Better to help
How does
it know.
Once two know,
it's not
a secret anymore.
Know your
own secret.
If you allow it,
don't complain
about it.
When man goes to sleep,
there is no world.
The world is dependent
upon man to stay awake.
You can't live
in a day dream
& a night dream
at the same time.
Why not go
beyond the doer
and accomplish
the lot?
No matter how big
or how small
the addiction is,
it's still
an addiction.
Do less,
In a global society with global wealth and global problems, as in the amount of people that are being killed on this Planet or are starving in Africa, if you don't do something about it, guaranteed, you are next!
The reason people
can't turn the TV off
is because it
will turn
their life off.
Those who can live
without television
are doing.
Next time you look
in the mirror,
know that the image
you are seeing
is created
by your
likes & dislikes.
I am not here
to teach
After a lifetime of Sadhana
I have come to the point,
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