Monday, September 8, 2008
When the shit hits the fan I will be the richest man on the planet. I have what money can't buy.
The truth is the only catalyst
that will give you true freedom & security.
There is no security in an insecure world. You're wasting your time looking.
Looking for security in the world implies that you are riddled with fear.
Were it to be your own direct experience that the world is a reflection of yourself, the question of security would not arise in the first place.
In a dog-eat-dog society, have no fear that the top dogs will be running the show forever. At a certain point they will start fighting each other, as they are infected with the same disease, GREED.
You would not overload the hard drive of your computer with information, therefore why would you overload your mind with information? It takes up space and in this culture more than any other I hear the words, "You're in my space!" If you value your 'space' then dump the useless information.
Don't worry about being empty.
Emptiness manifests as wisdom.
Abuse your mind by not using it correctly, then the 'powers that be' will control it and use it against you.
in debt.
Integrity is everything.
Trust cannot be built without it.
(Trust has to be built on something!)
The power of Creation
comes from the Creator,
not the created.