Saturday, November 15, 2008


PhotobucketYou only need to talk about it when you're not living it and you are making money out of it. Then you are, what is called in the Outback - A no-hoper.

As a child,
I found out
very early on,
that there was
no hope for me.
It took quite a
few years to
realize that it was
a blessing in disguise.

Why would you need hope
living in the here & now?

There is no such thing
as hope
to a life
in the moment.

Better to rely
on yourself,
than hope.

Anything that gets
in the way
is a distraction.
Ask 'Dead Ernest.'

'An increase in Joy'-
An easy thing to say,
a difficult thing to live.

Buying pictures creates disappointment.
The only thing you can do at that point
is to take it back and ask for a refund
for whatever it cost you. If they don't
have a refund policy, you're stuck with
the picture!

"What's wrong with me running your life? I couldn't mess it up worse than you have. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't be in your life."


I've seen a lot of 'Peace Men'
dressed in white,
but I've yet to see
the Peace!
I am the 'Peace Man'
who dresses
in black.