Sunday, November 16, 2008


My life is a life of service. I ask for nothing in return. I serve Humanity as I see fit. There is only one man alive today, on this Planet, who is carrying the teachings of the God of this Planet, on his head. I am that soldier! I did not ask your permission to do it. I felt the suffering of Humanity. I acted in my own unique way. Tattooing a foolproof Peace formula on my head destroyed my worldly life. I did not do it out of ignorance. The only way I could do it was, I had to attain that inner peace myself first, otherwise I would have been branded a hypocrite. Carrying this foolproof Peace formula on my head for the past 20 years has not won me friends and influenced people. In fact, it has been the opposite. I have been laughed at and ridiculed by many. Am I sorry I did it? No, I have no regrets. I do not perform and support actions, within myself, that I am going to regret. My strength comes out of the fact that I cannot fail.

I have one desire in my life. This is it: I DESIRE PEACE ON EARTH AND GOODWILL BETWEEN ALL MANKIND! Question: Will you support me? Will you vote for my desire?
I am already at Peace. I found it within myself. Therefore, my desire will not benefit me, it can only benefit you.

I have waited for many years to see my desire manifest. I am a Master of Patience. Great joy is manifesting in my heart. The more the shit hits the fan the closer my desire comes to fruition. I will have my desire manifested with or without your help. I would rather have your help and support but that is up to you.

The Kingdom of Heaven lies within each and every one of us. There is an ocean of Peace within each and every one of us. To help me, find out what disturbs your Peace and destroy it. THERE CAN NEVER BE TOO MUCH TO MUCH DESTRUCTION.