Thursday, December 31, 2009


Only a free man
has any choice
with what he does
with his life.

A man in debt
is not free.
He is a prisoner
to that debt.

on anything
is misery.

One nurtures inner happiness
by focusing on it.


has an opinion.
No one
has the facts.

aren't worth
a fart in a

If you truly want to know
whether 'water-boarding'
is torture or not;
ask a drowning man.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The world will always be as it is
As long as people are the same.
When people stop and look again
There'll be no pleasure and no pain.

The world is like a great big screen
On which you all project your dream.
The only thing I know that's real
Is the power behind the wheel.

Freedom is now
Where else can it be?
Freedom is now
All you have to do is see.

We live our fantasies and dreams
We cram our images in jeans
We haunt the shopping mall and street
Projecting on the ones we meet.

We hurt the ones we love the most
As we race to the winning post.
We never stop to think and care
Just as long as we get there.

We live our lives in fear and hope
In dark despair we often grope.
Ghosts and demons haunt our mind.
We feel we have an axe to grind.

We tell each other how it is
We think that life is one big quiz
The knowledge that we belch and spew
Is rooted in the me and you.

We chase success in empty worlds
We act like foolish boys and girls.
We laugh, we cry, we curse and scream
As we drown in our private dream.

And on it goes until the end
Until we find we cannot bend.
The life that we lived hopefully
Has ended up in memories.

Freedom is now
Where else can it be?
Freedom is now
All you have to do is see.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009




Nothing will change while the system of Government stays the same. The only ones who can change the system of Government is the people.

People who have
done a lot of hard work
have strong character.

I relieve
peoples' suffering
by not adding to it.

You can only remember the past NOW.
You can only imagine the future NOW.
Everyone is in the NOW.

Trust no future
however sweet.

When you reach a stage where there's nowhere to go, you'll find out there's nowhere
to come back to. In order to come back you have to go.

People are not interested in the unknown because they have never experienced it, therefore, they don't trust it.

Do understand - there can be no chicken without and egg. There can be no egg without a chicken. Only a fool would ask, "What came first the chicken or the egg?" They appear and disappear together as one.

If there wasn't such a thing as 'God', Then why do we have a word 'God'? Years ago there was no such thing as space travel. We made a 'rocket' and the word 'rocket' became part of our vocabulary. When we didn't have the word 'car' in our language, there was no such thing as 'car'. God and the word 'God' are inseparable.

Chasing happiness is a fools game.
Keep still and it will manifest
of its own accord.

Myself, I would like
everyone to be happy.

When one is doing what they truly love
there is no such thing as time.

Love is not timebound.
It is a timeless state.

has experienced
love in their life.

Love and God
are inseparable.

Whatever you need in life,
it will be there for you
when you need it.
You brought it with you
when you appeared.

Once you mortgage your life to something,
don't complain that you have no time.

If you would like
your life to change,
first you have to know
what you would like it
to change to.

Before change,
your work is in the imagination.
After change,
you deal with facts.

I used to think I knew everything that was going on in my life and where I was going, until I took Sanyas. From then on, I realized nothing. That was 20 years ago. Today I know even less.

If you see me through a quiet (disciplined) mind you will have instant recognition of me as I AM. If you see me through an undisciplined mind that is fraught with waves, then you will see me as you want to see me. How I appear to you is none of my business.

Look at your reflection in a pool of water; then throw a stone in the water and tell me what the difference is.

I appear and the world appears.
I disappear and the world disappears.
That is the nature of appearances.

I don't need a car.
The body needs a car.

I had a hard time with that one.
That was difficult for me,
years ago, seeing myself
in others and others in myself.


Needing anything
to make you happy
is a failure.
Relying on anything
time bound for your happiness
is doomed to failure.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Without feelings man is dead.
Only a man who can feel
everyones pain is truly alive.

Where there is life
there are feelings.
Where there are feelings,
there is love.

You can not buy qualities.
You have to earn them.

I love to feel.
I feel to love.

I only know my own truth.
I live my own truth.
If it ever lets me down,
I will know it's not the truth.

One cannot have duality
without duality.

The curse of Enlightenment is,
one feels humanities pain.
If you can stand to live with humanities pain
you are entitled to Enlightenment.

I sacrifice my own pain to feel the pain of humanity.
I live with humanities pain every day of my life.

Interest is life force.
The more interest you have in life
the more life will make itself available to you.

an ocean of peace.
Whatever disturbs
that peace
has to go.

It is as bad to acquire
as it is to give up.
By all means
give up the unnecessary
and acquire the necessary.

The only reason one creates
God and Heaven is because
they are living in hell.

Live conceptually free.
True freedom is from concepts.
Why would one trust a concept
when they have their own self
which was there before
and after everything
and nothing.

The only thing one cannot
live separate from is life.

There will be no peace on this earth
until man sees it as his duty to manifest it.
That is a worthy cause to live for,
to manifest peace on earth.

One can only
appreciate time
when they are
free of it.


the mind
dwells on
long enough
it becomes.

There is only peace in security.
There is only security in peace.

There is no security
in an insecure world.

The only way one can
survive terrorism
is to manifest
more peace
than the terrorist can
manifest terror.

It makes one
incredibly strong
when they’ve only got
to rely on.

When dreams
turn into nightmares
they wake you up.
If you don’t
enjoy nightmares
don’t go to sleep.
By all means take rest.

To live your dreams
you have to be asleep.

The shock of enlightenment is
that nothing changes.

The day is soon approaching
when every one will
share a common interest - Survival.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


In 2009,
the order of the day was
'too big to fail'
In 2010,
it's going to be '
too big too survive'!

There are too many extras in this movie.
For the next scene we only need 15%.
Pay them off.

Once you've been paid off,
you are unemployed.

Politicians are paid off to do favors. Once that happens, they are no longer in the employ of the people. In those worlds, bribery & corruption are not the crime; getting caught is the crime!

Everyone gets
what they deserve.

What are you going to do in the 'bad' times? Remember the 'good' times and hope that they will return?


I didn't
come to America
to argue.

What is
the currency
of a Golden Age?

Once you get so many people
believing in something;
it appears to be true.

Dimensionless Beings
don't have a wrong side
or a right side,
nor do they have
good sides or bad sides.

I live
in the world of


No one can change facts;
they can only distort them.

One cannot do anything
until they are moved to do it.

The non-doer
has no control
over happenings.

The All-Attractive One;
The Destroyer.

has more power
than the denier.

For life
not to become boring
one has to welcome
the new.

Different bait
for different fish.

at all costs.

even beyond the
brightest idea.

I suck your breath in and out.
Have you ever wondered
who has that amount of
power & control?

Your life
is in
my hands.
Lucky for you
I don't forget
as easily
as you do.

not on the bottom
of any ones list.


How do you separate
purity from quality?
It's not possible.


When the pain
gets great enough.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


The nature of fear
is weakness. Once
people can't handle
any more fear
then riots ensue.

is a form of stupidity &
stupidity is dangerous.

Monday, December 21, 2009


When the word revolt
is no longer revolting
to the mind, people will
revolt, make no mistake
about that.

You can't have the Guru
without God,
You can't have God
without the Guru.

If it disturbs my peace,
it is not-acceptable.

I do not follow trends;
I set them.

The next trend is

There are no mistakes
in experiments.
They either work
or they don't.
That's how you find out!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Peace & Beauty;
Divine Qualities

The new
has no

I look after God
in the Summer &
He looks after me
in the Winter.
That's the deal.

You can't have the Guru
without God.
You can't have God
without the Guru.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Lack of purity
is called

Nothing can happen
without interest.
Interested in going
beyond pain & suffering.

The Government & the people
come & go together.

When the peoples' actions change,
the Governments actions will change.

Even non-action
is a form of action.

The body is in the mind.
The mind is not in the the body.

Your physical health
cannot be better or worse
than the quality & purity
of your thoughts.

Monday, December 14, 2009


are there own
worst enemy.

One has to be uninvolved
in order to witness it.

There is no such thing
as two selves.
It is the same
one Self in all.
Higher & lower
Inner & outer
are all
of the mind.

There is,
and can be,
only one,
and you are that one.
You are that soldier.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


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Everything you need
to know about me
is written
on my forehead.

That was then
and this is now.

You are not
the doer!

You don't think about dying
when you're 18.
It's only when you're
up in your 80s'
that you think about dying.

Without the basics
what can you learn?
You won't have
a foundation to build on.

The fuel that keeps
your world alive
is called PRANA
[Your breath.]

Once you hit rock bottom,
you can't do it again
because there's nothing to do.

That's what I do,
I take everybody
back to the basics.


that gets your
is interesting.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I know what is real;
the Unchangeable
showed me that.

The clock
is not going
to be wound
up again.
Business as usual
is over.

is a facet
on the
Diamond of Kindness.

Mass anger
no hope.

Give the heart
an opportunity
to experience itself,
through human kindness.

Once you experience
the Heart of Matter,
you will become
Pure Awareness.

There is no such thing as unconscious.
There is lack of awareness.

These days,
the only difference
between man & animals
is legs.

Don't you tell me there is no such thing as unconditioned love. Go on YouTube and watch the video of the dog nursing piglets!



Monday, December 7, 2009


Should you try to have
a personal relationship
with the impersonal,
you too will become impersonal.

I participate
in the world
on a very deep level.

The absence
of peace
creates war.

that condone torture
have tortured minds.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


What's wrong with a reminder
now & again until you don't
need reminding again?

are not needed
on Truth & Fact

If you notice a sick man and offer him medicine, don't be disappointed when he doesn't take it. Now, if a sick man comes and asks you for medicine, don't keep him waiting.

When you stop
looking for praise,
there'll be no need
to accept blame.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Only a Truthful man can find the Source of Love.
Only a Loving man can find the Source of Truth.
You will find neither without Dead Earnest.

The only difference
between Love and Truth
is in the mind.


Knowledge is structured in Consciousness and Consciousness is not the Ultimate state. Once you know that you are not who you imagine yourself to be, where is the need to know anything else.


The human condition
is conditioned.
That's the problem.

One has to be aware
of the talking
in the mind.

Life is an objective experience –
not subjective.
Knowledge is in the
object not in the subject.
The artist is in the canvas.
The smoker is in the cigarette.

It is impossible to create happiness.
One can only create obstacles,
which are obstructions to happiness.

Before one can
entertain the silence
one has to be
introduced to it.
Only the silence
can introduce one
to the silence.

Consciousness is the disease.
The antidote prescribed is
to never have self-doubt.

The mind has an idea – the body.
The mind creates time
for it to move in
and space for it to live in
And then projects the body:idea into it.

What creates?

Ones most sacred possession,
the space between the breath.

and pain
cause change.

Awareness is thought-free.
Consciousness is dependent on awareness.
Awareness is not dependent on consciousness.
Consciousness can be conscious of itself,
but it cannot be conscious of awareness.

is just the

Fear is not of the known.
It is of the unknown.

The very fact that one knows there is a prison
is because they’ve been let out of prison.
The only way one knows they are in bondage
is because they’ve experienced freedom.

Attention & investigation
dissolves illusions.

First comes investigation.
Next comes detection.
Then comes light.

Satisfaction = Fullness.
Full of silence.
Full of unconditioned love,
which is a manifestation of the silence.
Satisfaction lies beyond the senses.
Silence is bliss.

Bliss is beyond qualities.
Bliss cannot be experienced
in the confines of the mind.

Once one loses everything,
once there is no more hope,
then and only then is it possible
for anything of any significance to happen.

The mind creates blockages.
The mind itself is a prison
and the mind is also the key.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I AM The Guru. Of that,there is no doubt. Yet, at the same time I am worthless. Were I to be seen as valuable, wouldn't people be falling over themselves to ask me questions?

When revolt is
no longer
a revolting idea,
you will be free.

I'm interested in
what's here & now.
Unless it's here right now,
it's no good to me.

There is no such thing as
security in an insecure world.
The closest you'll get is Gold.

Meditation was a way
of understanding
what & why
my life was like it was.

either keeps you free
or makes you a prisoner.

Using words
you don't understand
is dangerous.

Nothing matters
once one has
the Mantra.

is what you
are not aware of.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The only people who die happy are the ones who devote their lives to something beyond their desires and what they want out of life. The desire-less laugh in the face of death. The desire-full shit & piss themselves.

You can't live life
without getting into it.

It's the greed
that makes things
so expensive.

85% go.
15% stay.
In order for the 15% to survive they will have to manifest unconditioned love and that is the foundation of a great new society.

How does a conditioned society manifest
unconditioned love for each other?

The 10 Commandments
are all the laws
that any intelligent
society needs.

To find out how we are doing as a Society,
Google how many laws there are on the books.

To get free of the mind,
first one has to understand it
and how it works.

The world is like it is
because people have lost
contact with the Earth.
The world is like it is
because people are
like they are.
Change the people,
Change the world.

The mind itself is God.
When the mind is happy
everyone is happy.

If not now,

He who carries
the most Love, wins.

Actions create situations
which demand a correct response.

All problems are self-created.
Where they lead you is anybodies guess.

You can only have free will when you are free.
Once free, you can use your will, as a tool,
to uplift the Society you live in.

one has to know
what to get free from!

Freedom and fear cannot
live in the same room.

gets in the way
of Love
has to go.

You will be quite surprised
at what you will see when
thought stops interfering.

Contemplation is looking
without thinking.

Everything that is added
in life causes change.
The Changeless has
nothing added to it.

of the Laws of Nature
guarantees survival.

Pure action
Not reaction.

The Mind; You have the power,
not the mind.

It's as obvious
in the beginning
as it is in the end.
The confusion
is in the middle.

In deep sleep there is no religion.
In deep sleep there is no war.
In deep sleep the mind is in abeyance.

If you still have desires
you need a God to fulfill them.

Master the Self
with discipline.

The mind is like a child,
it wants everything it sees.

There is only one thing on my list ~ INTEREST
Nothing can happen without it.

When one is given the Gift of Life,
it is their duty to live it & investigate it

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


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God is not fussy,
He resides in everyone,
even atheists.

Don't get excited
over delusions.

My armor is
that I speak the truth.

To recognize the truth,
you've got to have at least
a little bit of it in you.

No one can claim
to be a Christian
and go to war and kill!

The duty of every Christian
is to see God in each other.
War is the absolute refusal
to perform ones' duty.

It promises everything
and gives nothing.
It gives life
and takes it.

There can't be a God
without a man.

No joy
No results.

Always speak the Truth.
It dis-empowers ignorance.

It is the duty of everyone
to manifest God Consciousness.

A man has only two hands.
When both of his hands are full
and he is offered a gift,
in order to take the gift
he has to put something down.

When thinking stops,
Love begins.

If you want to stay young,
stay in touch with your love.

You can't use love
against another.
You can only use their fear
to control them.

Just as a rotten apple
in a barrel will
contaminate all the others,
so will one out-dated, rotten idea
do the same.

Don't let anyone
steal your heart or
they will control your mind.

Looking for happiness in others is like
expecting a barren women to give birth.

There is an abundance of happiness in each and every one of us. Prove me wrong. Stop creating misery! Creating misery and then complaining you're not happy is a fools' game!

is the
great revealer.

The only way to
transmute a society
is for everyone to experience
the same thing at the same time.
It has to effect everyone

You only need
one for a party!

Love does not control.
Fear does.

Good habits keep
the bad habits out!

One can have power in the world
when they have power over their mind.


Joy is joy.
It doesn't
belong to anyone.
It's just there.

A prisoner
of ignorance.

People who have ideas about God
are separate from God.
Their ideas separate them.

If you're together
you'll make it.
If you're not,
you won't.

Creative intelligence
comes from the
center of the heart.

Knowledge exists in the Heavens.
It is ones' duty to pull it down
for the betterment and upliftment of man.

Monday, November 30, 2009


You can only imagine
what you have seen before.

I want what I have.
What I don't have
I don't want.

Not enough love
is killing
the Planet.

Too late -
the last bus has gone!

Love makes
the world go round.
Better to
manifest it now,
lest it stops.

The Planet is dying
from lack of love!

I was raised
from the dust
of the Bonnet
of the Red Rock.

Accept the situation
as it is and
BOOM!, it changes.

is mine.

Mans' actions
will determine
my vote.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


There is such thing as personal without identity. Everyone has their own natural identity but it is not what you imagine it to be.And if you don't believe me then identity yourself with the suffering of children. Then come back and tell me I'm wrong.

Your indifference
to the suffering of others
is already bringing suffering to your door.

Once the supermarket shelves are empty
you will have no problem, whatsoever,
relating to hunger.

Protecting women & children is selfish.
It ensures our survival.

If we're not all the same
then why does the hunger come back?

Only a hypocrite will say,
'I'm full' when another is empty!

Allowing weak people
into power positions
is a

The actions of an
undisciplined man
can only produce misery.
The actions of a
disciplined man
produce joy.

Looking for answers
is a fools game.

is born crying.
Very few
die laughing.

True power
has to be taken.
It cannot be given.
Do you have have
what it takes?

The mirror
doesn’t care
who looks into it.

If there is a hole
for it to get in,
then there is a hole
for it to get out.


is a unique form
of insanity

Radical change
radical action.

True understanding
is not
a ‘me’.

I can
give it?
Can you
take it?

One can
only be free
from what
one understands.

The switch
that turns the TV off
is the same switch
that turns interest on.

A peaceful mind
is the basis
of a
joy-filled life,

If you
take the lesser,
you cannot
have the greater.

Mind is
the scaffolding
that holds

Supreme Reality
is the

Death is
not of the being,
it is the
death of time.

repeated over
and over again
disguises itself
as truth.

Courage doesn’t float
on the ocean like seaweed,
one has to go to the bottom
to discover it.

A fully developed mind
is a silent one.
A fully developed heart
is sweet.
It only knows how to give.

Societies survival
depends on one
Supreme law.
When there are
two laws
that is a sure sign
of societies demise.

People who hope
have no power.

shapes life.
Deep commitment
manifests a
potent life.

never woke
anyone up.

One who is in debt
has no quality of life.

If you can
imagine it,
that’s not it.

All expectation
ever led to was

Anyone can say it,
not everyone can
feel it.

In order to truly live,
you have to stand
behind your actions.

I stand
behind the truth.
That is all you
will ever get from me.

People who don’t waste time
are the masters of time.

Guilt comes
out of the past.
It never comes
out of the future.

Stubbornness is a weakness.
One uses it to hide behind
to deal with anger.

Protecting yourself from love
is an act of violence.

Living life
in the world
is preparation
for leaving.

If you believe
in reincarnation
don’t you have to
leave to come back?

All coming & going
is total fantasy.

Don’t wait
for time,
there isn’t
enough left.

Grace is
showered upon one
in direct proportion
to their
listening ability.

While you are
reading these words,
know that I AM
watching you.

I am giving you clues.
Use your mind to
investigate the ultimate mystery –
your very own beautiful self.

If you can’t see it
Wash your eyes out.
Ignorance is like a
speck of dirt in the eye.

Were everyone fed at the same time
and not a living soul missed
there would be no more hunger on this planet.

there was one
there was zero.

Don’t forget
to read between the lines.
The words are merely pointers.

No one knows what they will stand for
till they find out what they
refuse to stand for.
What’s left – that’s it.

Better to have
five minutes of quality than
fifty years of quantity.

Life inhabits.
Consciousness owns shapes and forms.
You own zero.
The meek shall inherit the earth.

The closer
a man lives to zero
the shorter distance
he has to go home.

to zero.

Absolute & complete trust
is the power of manifestation.

I was perfect the
first day on this planet.
I will be perfect when I leave;
free of contamination.

is a natural state.
is learned.

To appreciate it
you have to be
aware of it.

There are
worlds of differences
between the idea of freedom
and true freedom.
True freedom
does not need telling
all the time
that it’s free.

In tune
the times.

The nature of greed
is that it never knows
when it’s had enough.

Anything that is limited
is doomed before it starts.

One cannot drop
what they don’t know.
What one is not aware of
will not let them go.

Once the church
becomes more opulent
than the people
it is called corruption.

Man is a slave to the gods.
Man does not need gods.
It is the gods that have
convinced man that he does.

Shallow breathers
are not deep beings.

It does not matter
how long it takes.
Truth cannot lose.

All likes and dislikes
have a price tag.
Likes and dislikes
are rich mans neuroses.
Poor people cannot afford them.

Reality is
in the subject
not in the object.

When you give an
inanimate object
a name,
it becomes an entity.

Q: What is the basis of listening?
A: Interest.

Take care
of the little things;
the big things will
take care of themselves.

Getting what one wants
does not lead to happiness.

is an
aspect of time.

No one can
fake interest.
You either
are or you’re not.

half-hearted results.

Life is like a fishing net.
Focus on the hole, not on the net.
That is what fish do.
Even fish have that ability.


The mirror doesn’t care
who looks into it.


Radical change
radical action.

The Guru starts
where imagination ends.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


You don't have to live in a city to learn.
I attained everything, sitting on my own
in the Outback of Australia.
I had no TV or Radio, yet I knew
everything that was
going on in the world.

It's either acceptable or not. If it's acceptable then you're a victim and you go through whatever compromises or adjustments you have to. There are no options or delusional choices in not-acceptable. Not-acceptable is prepared to die.

motivates the ignorant.
motivates the enlightened.

What can anybody say when they hear the Truth? If you insult the Truth when you're in the company of the Truth, then you're dead. No one yet has succeeded in challenging the Truth and lived to tell the tale.

From the standpoint of
how much time you have left,
the shortest, fastest,
most direct way is the best.

Had I have found another way,
I would have been only to willing
to share it with you

If you don't have much
light in your mind
then you're not too bright.

Successful plants have deep roots.
I have no roots in the world.
That's why I never had any success in it.

If I'm not a success at it
then what use is it to me?

I successfully
destroy ignorance
wherever I find it.

I know very little ~ but I know it well!

Friday, November 27, 2009


Somewhere between the Ham & the Sah
lies the center of sound.
When you find the center of sound
you'll also find your heart.

Man doesn't seem
to have any shame
left anymore.

If you don't challenge
limitations & belief systems
then, obviously,
they stay
in place

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Desire moves
It creates

In my world,
Love is the
Prime Mover.

There is nothing
outside of the mind.

"That's all
he used to call me,
'you pommy bastard'!"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009



Sunday, November 22, 2009


In order to have a world
there has to be opposites.

Great beings
are always at
home in their heart.

When you kill someone
it's a mistake
you cannot correct.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Religion & spirituality
are a phenomena.
They must be making
a living at it;
they're still going!

I learned more
about spirituality
digging a 9'deep X 6'wide
septic tank hole
at 15 years of age,
in the Outback of Australia.

Lead me not
into temptation
to try & fix it.

The world is
like it is
because people are
as they are.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Question everything..

These were my questions as a child;
"What have I done?"
"Why is this happening to me?"
"Why is it that every time my heart
opens extra-wide, corporeal punishment
is inflicted upon me?"

They fear
losing something
when, in fact,
they get

Wednesday, November 18, 2009





Nothing will change
while the
system of Government
stays the same.
The only ones who
can change the
system of Government
are the people.

People who have done
a lot of hard work
have strong character.

I relieve peoples' suffering
by not adding to it.


You can only remember
the past NOW.
You can only imagine
the future NOW.

Trust no future
however sweet.


When you reach a stage
where there's nowhere to go,
you'll find out there's nowhere
to come back to.
In order to come back
you have to go.

People are not interested
in the unknown because
they have never experienced it,
therefore, they don't trust it.

Do understand;
there can be no chicken
without an egg.
There can be no egg without a chicken.
Only a fool would ask,
"What came first the chicken or the egg?"
They appear and disappear together as one.

If there wasn't such a thing as 'God', Then why do we have a word 'God'? Years ago there was no such thing as space travel. We made a 'rocket' and the word 'rocket' became part of our vocabulary. When we didn't have the word 'car' in our language, there was no such thing as 'cars'.

and the word

Chasing happiness
is a fools game.
Keep still
and it will manifest
of its own accord.

I would like
everyone to be happy.

When one is doing
what they truly love
there is no such thing as time.

Love is not timebound.
It is a timeless state.

has experienced
love in their life.

Love & god
are inseparable.

Whatever you need in life,
it will be there for you
when you need it.
You brought it with you
when you appeared.

Once you mortgage your life
to something, don't complain
that you have no time.

If you would like
your life to change,
first you have to know
what you would
like it to change to.

Before change,
your work is
in the imagination.
After change,
you deal with facts.

I used to think I knew everything that was going on in my life and where I was going, until I took Sanyas. From then on, I realized nothing. That was 20 years ago. Today I know even less.

If you see me through a quiet, disciplined mind you will have instant recognition of me as I AM. If you see me through an undisciplined mind that is fraught with waves, then you will see me as you want to see me. How I appear to you is none of my business.

Look at your reflection
in a pool of water.
Then throw a stone
in the water and tell me
what the difference is.

I appear and the world appears.
I disappear and the world disappears.
That is the nature of appearances.

I don't need a car.
The body needs a car.

I had a hard time with that one.
That was difficult for me,
years ago, seeing myself
in others & others in myself.


Needing anything
to make you happy
is a failure.
Relying on anything
time bound
for your happiness
is doomed to failure.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


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The source
of everything
is in everyone.

You can't buy joy,
it's not a commodity.

Being alive
doesn't mean
one is living.

There's no such thing
as life without laughter.

When there's no trust & love
there's no relationship.
Trust & love relate
to each other beautifully.

Greed is contagious.

One has to live beyond the world,
(the haves' & have-not world)

When I can entertain myself
in someones' company,
I'd call that good company.

You can't buy qualities.
You have to earn them.

How many 'have-nots', do you think,
are sat down worrying & crying
that the 'haves' house got burned down?


If you don't want
a heart attack,
learn how to give.

There is
no such thing
as a world
beyond the

One either deserves
everything or nothing.

Monday, November 16, 2009


There has to be
something present
to say I AM.

There is no
legitimacy in

There has to be
an equal amount
of presence for
existence and denial
to exist, as an idea.


has never
let me down.

There has to be
someone there to
accept the
existence of God;
likewise with denial.

What lies

Were you to deserve what you claim,
you wouldn't have to put it on the card.

Before you

You had better pray to your God that the price of Gold not go down. Were gold to go down to $250 an ounce, 85% of the people on this planet will be gone.

They don't use
paper money
in a Golden Age,
they use Gold.

Why give a man a sharp knife
when you know he's stupid enough
to cut his own throat.


As a child I wanted everything I saw.
It caused great disappointment.
Once I taught myself to focus on need,
the wants fell away like leaves on a tree.

People call
it a dream.

The people who
were not allowed
to participate
in the American Dream
will do very well
in the future.

Find out how many laws have been written & acted upon to guarantee your freedom. Then count how many laws have been written to restrict your freedom.

There is no
such thing
as a 'free world'.

Any nation in debt is owned
therefore it cannot be free.

The slave master
has a set of rights
over his slave.
Were that not
to be the case the
slave would not work.

The credit card companies are
supported by the laws of the land.
They have more rights to
get their money back
than you have to walk away.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


The government is a reflection of the people, unless you want to play the 'blame-game'. True freedom and responsibility are inseparable. Do not expect to maintain the state of freedom with totally inappropriate responses. Governments can only act as you allow them to. Homeland security is an internal state of being, not a piece of paper with man-made laws written upon it. When you are not prepared to die for your constitutional rights, the do not complain when they are taken from you. I can guarantee you, there is not one politician alive who would be prepared to die in order to uphold your rights!

My integrity is priceless but it cost me my worldly success.

I can not recall the amount of times I have told people in power positions to 'go fuck themselves' rather than bend to their will, in the false hope of gaining a few extra shekels! I would rather depart this plane of existence a total unknown than sacrifice one gram of integrity.

I once made a business deal with a man I met in Las Vegas. A couple of days later, I asked him how the PR work was advancing. His answer was, "Well, it's not easy you know. When you go out there you have to kiss a lot of ass." "Not so." said I. "I don't understand", said he. "I do not and have never had to kiss-ass. You have done and still do. That is why I am giving you 20% from the sales."

I have been on my death bed on numerous occasions and I can tell you, first-hand experience, my whole life flashed before me in a nanosecond. Every single detail of it. I am not unique. The same thing will happen for you. You will then be fully aware of what life is really about, but by that time it will be too late; You will have missed the whole point.

Each time there is a fatal accident , I am the first on the scene. I claim my own & leave the rest for the authorities to clean up.

I once watched a man choke to death on his own blood, due to the fact that the steering wheel crushed his chest in a head-on collision with another vehicle. I could not save his life so I whispered the Mantra in his right ear. It was the greatest parting gift that I could give him. What a pity he received it on his death-bed due to the fact he had forgotten it on his birth-bed.

In the beginning was the word. There is nothing in this Universe of greater value than the Mantra. It is the be-all and end-all of everything.


Once you
run out
of power
you turn
to hope.

Hope is a dead word.
Nice is another one.

Weakness relies on hope.
Strength relies on trust.
(Which starts with yourself.)

Are you interested
in going beyond hope?

People who
rely on hope
have no power.

Those who live
in hope
will die
in hope.

Why would a man need hope when he has the power to change the situation? All he has to do is act on his power.

Once you run
out of power
what do you
do next?
Rely on hope?

who hope
are not
in change.

First of all, propaganda convinces you that you have power & control in your life, then laws are enacted to stop you using it.

At the end of the day, what do I really know...nothing! (which is still not quite correct. Nothing implies that there was something there when in fact there never was anything there.)

It's all in the mind, Mate.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


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Words based on Truth
are simple & uncomplicated.
They are not meant to confuse.

There are 2 R's
that create war-
resources & religion.

All creation
needs protecting,
otherwise something
will come along &
destroy it.

You either support now
or you get taken down
with the rest of them,

One cannot
investigate the Self
with a noisy mind.

Don't wait for time;
there isn't enough left.

Everyone experiences pure peace
after the last heartbeat.
You will know it by its absence.

Were the world to be such a wonderful place then why aren't babies born with a smile on their faces? Think about a place you'd like to go and it will put a smile on your face.

Everybody is born crying.
Very few die laughing.

In order
to be born
you have
to die.

Acting on
negative energies
weak characters.

I AM the Guru.
I only know
how to reflect.

True power
has to be taken.
It can not be given.

Do you have what it takes?

The mirror
doesn't care
who looks into it.


Radical change
radical action.

I start where
imagination ends.

One can only be free
from what one understands.

The switch that turns the TV off
is the same switch that turns the interest on.

If you take the lesser
you cannot have the greater.

Death is not of the Being,
it is the death of Time.

Nothing changes
except our
of it.

One who is in debt
has no quality of life.

Hope is
for the

If we can imagine it,
that's not it.

All expectation ever created was disappointment.
The experience of disappointment should tell you,
in no uncertain terms, that you expected something,
even if you were not aware of it.

Anyone can say it,
not everyone can feel it.

In order to truly live,
you have to stand
behind your actions.

People who waste Time
cannot create Time.
People who don't waste Time
are the Masters of Time.

Guilt comes out
of the past.
It never comes out
of the future.

Stubbornness is a weakness.
One uses it to hide behind
so they don't have to
deal with anger.

Friday, November 13, 2009


You cannot do

When you want
for someone else,
you don't need to want
for yourself any more.

No one has any idea
of what is going to happen.
They are just projecting.

can remain
the same when

Desires fulfilled
breed more desires.

To deserve freedom,
first, you have to know
what to be free of!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

