Sunday, January 11, 2009


I am the most fortunate man alive.
As a young man,
my life was so miserable;
I had to do something about it.

No one can convince me
that there is no such
thing as God.
I once saw a cow cry.

There is no such thing
as God,
without the world.
There is no such thing
as the world
without God.
God is the world.
The world is God.

went with

How do you keep warm when its cold?
Keep your clothes on.

In 2012
all of mans karma
is going to manifest.

I have to suffer for you, therefore I have a right, it is a duty, to make sure you do not commit crimes.

is man made.
No one compels
to suffer.

Do you really believe that the man who gets shot and dies is suffering. Try to imagine, please, the suffering of the shooter.

Suffering is mental.
Pain is physical.

Once the pain
becomes great enough,
you willingly
give up the body.

Were you to feel, on behalf of the body, for just a few minutes; you would not force it to do half the things that you do.

Look at the state of mans' consciousness. Do you have the courage, when someone offers you important information that is connected to your survival (as you know yourself), do you act on it? Or do you say, "I don't want to know?
Your answer determines your survival.

85% of people are trapped.
They are prisoners of their dreams.
85% of people live in their dreams.

Forget the distractions;
what's really going on?

Were you to know
how little time
you had left,
you would use
it wisely.

It is the culture that manipulates. Destroy the culture, you destroy the people. Only a madman would want to get free of the culture. Most people are desperate to be a part of it.

There is no such thing as a 'job'. There is only my integrity.

Why do you imagine the powerful, worldly people wield this immense power? Just about every day, every rich and powerful man on this Planet is reminded of his lack of power, each time he goes to the toilet.