Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Bliss is beyond qualities.
Bliss cannot be experienced
in the confines of the mind.

First comes investigation.
Next comes detection.
Then come light.
When light is thrown on the problem,
it dissolves.
Ignorance is darkness.
The speed the darkness
is dispelled
is equal to the intensity
of the light
that is generated.

Every event
has a witness.

Everyone talks themselves
into delusion.
They have to talk themselves
out of delusion.
Language is the jailer.

Desires demand attention
or else they die.

The mind
creates, maintains & destroys.
That is the function of the mind.

Time & space
are created
by the mind.

A neurotic mind is always talking to itself, creating illusions and dreams which cause suffering, which is in itself not natural. One cannot function naturally through a neurotic mind.

The complex mind
will never understand
the simplicity
of the silence,
one has to go
beyond the mind.

Everyone wants to be a Chief.
No one wants to be an Indian.

Breathing is not personal.
Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu,
the breathing is the same in all.

When Supreme Reality turns outward
it manifests as consciousness.
Consciousness appears as the world.
It is only an appearance.

The pure 'I'
gives birth
to the 'AM'.

A peaceful mind
is the basis
joy-filled life,

If you take the lesser
you cannot have the greater.

Mind is the scaffolding
that holds consciousness
Supreme Reality
is the
underlying foundation.

Death is not
of the being,
it is the
death of Time.

over and over
as truth.

Truth and power
creates reality.

It is the
power of conviction
behind the words
that manifests Truth.

Whatever changes is not Truth.
Truth is.
There is no truth in the word ‘tomorrow’.
There is no truth in the word ‘yesterday’.
What is here and now is Truth.
Truth is.
Truth is.
Truth is.

projected into the future
creates pain & pleasure.

is the
of God.

Only one who is truly alone
Does not experience loneliness.

Giving too much
is as bad as
not giving enough.

and a still mind
create the
power of conviction.

Lack of conviction
is caused by
laziness & restlessness.

It is the power of conviction
that gives words their power.
Words by themselves
have no power.

Without ‘I”
‘you’ have no reality.
When ‘I” replaces ‘you’
the problem is gone.

The only time ‘work’ works is when one works for others. Working for oneself is selfish. Selfishness does not and can not work. It is doomed before it starts.
Now, true selfishness is called selfless.

The earth belongs to every man.
What grows on it belongs to God.

God is food.
Food is God.

When man doesn’t know
where his food comes from
he loses contact with his God.

The basics are food, shelter & warmth.
Anything beyond that can be had at a price.

There is no happiness
separate from oneself.

All problems
are man-made.

but not