Sunday, January 25, 2009


The survival instinct is in everyone. Survival implies all costs. Survival is committed and heavily invested in shape and form, which you know as 'the body'.

I can tell you, from practical experience, that when you lay on your deathbed, your whole life will flash before you in a nano-second. You will be faced with all your lifes' actions; good, bad - right, wrong.

Have you ever done anyone a purposeful wrong? They're the ones' who will greet you when you exit the body.

Only one who has dealt
with death and detachment
can do this work.
(If not, do not apply!)

The work I speak of will not make you any money. It will not influence people and win you friends. It will not give you an advantage. You will get no 'thanks' for doing it. It will destroy all your fantasies and illusions. Still want the job?

True power is not acquired.
It manifests through the
Art of Surrender.

Giving up all concern for ones' self. Your efforts at helping people can only make you feel good.

When you really want to help someone; do them a favor, leave them alone. In the long run, and sometimes in the short run, your interference will only make matters worse.

War-mongering nations
are at most risk
when they are going broke.

Unconditioned love
is the only thing
that can win
in a nuclear war.

on death
& destruction.

Don't become
a victim of