Saturday, January 5, 2008


When one stays open
anything is possible.

When one is totally present
they don’t leave themselves behind.

The man who can manifest peace
is in full control of
everything & everyone.

The voice of silence
makes itself know
through feelings.

If the body is real
why is it one doesn’t see it in dreams?

The truth keeps one humble.

Honesty is the foundation
of a perfect relationship.


A society that turns animals into a food supply is doomed.
When animals are no longer on the menu what will you eat?
Dare I say - each other!

Better to be waiting
then to be left behind.

The more debt a man has
the more he suffers.

The world is limited.
Therefore everything
in it is limited.

Space is created
for a world
to manifest in
and time
holds it

Timeless beings
are spaceless and

The imaginable very rarely happens.
It is usually the unimaginable that happens.
What man does not recognize he calls ‘that’.
When ‘that’ manifests in life there will be no more question
‘What is that?’

Look after today
and tomorrow will
take care of itself.

It takes energy to imagine.
It takes energy to dream.
It takes energy to live.

I can’t give unless I can take.
I can’t take unless I can give.

There is a light in everyone, otherwise, no on would be able to see each other.

Who cares what color the postman is
as long as you get your letter.

There has to be so much destruction to put things back into balance.

Manifest action comes through levels.
The deeper the level the more meaningful the action.

I have more love than you have hate, therefore, I win.!


To reach dimensionless reality one has to step out of the mind.

Those who dare win.

I am
you are.

Not knowing motivates one to live life to the fullest.

You cannot buy time.
You can only create it
by not wasting it,

The biggest addiction is interfering. If you really want to help people leave them alone.