Reincarnation is not
of the body & the person.
Once that's dead
it's gone forever ~ Amen!
Desires & thoughts
are what reincarnate.
Going beyond your
self-created limitations
is called incarnation.
Re-incarnation is nothing more
recreating the same old problems.
Look to your own mind
and see how many times
the same thought
has arisen,
in your life.
Once one knows that
coming & going are
Godly, what need is there
of concern?
The weak
are purposely 'helped'
into power positions.
The 'unseen'
manipulate them
at will.
Politics were not designed for the benefit of the people. You elect a politician and send him to Congress with the expectation that he is going to represent your welfare. When you find out that he's not representing your welfare then there's only one other move on the board. Go there and represent yourself.
When you want something you do not deserve and you get it without working for it, you open the door to all sorts of disembodied entities.
How can you
have your cake
and eat it?
Once you eat it,
it's gone.
Unstable minds create
crazy ideas.
Stable minds create
intelligent ideas.
Killing is not an
intelligent idea.
If you are not doing
what you love in life
how can your expect
happiness to come to you?
My love manifests as
Destruction of ignorance
is the Birth of Enlightenment.
Each age has its' own laws of Nature, totally unique to it. Have you ever noticed the level of violence manifesting in Society (and that's with mans' laws in place.) What is it going to be like when Nature overrides mans' laws, so they don't exist anymore.
Study the laws of a country and they will reveal the peoples weaknesses. The more laws, the weaker the Society.
There are no
such thing
as choices
for a
prisoner of the mind.
Whatever you
are not aware of
is deciding
and choosing for you
all the time.
Everyone lays
on their deathbed
each night.
No one can
guarantee that they
are going to
wake up
in the morning.
Quick fixes
never work
for anyone.
If there's nothing for
fear to feed on,
then how can it
live with you?
All problems
are self-created.
Awareness is light.
Shine the light
on the shadows
of your life.
Nothing is
as is
to be.
No one is
who they imagine
themselves to be.
Stop imagining,
and see yourself
as you truly are.
The man who says
"I know who I am now"
is just as deluded
as the man who says,
"I don't know who I am."
Moths don't fly
around burnt-out candles.
Women aren't interested
in burnt-out men
Light creates fire
and fire gives light.
Take the limited
and dissolve it
in the unlimited
and live.
Ignorance is
not bliss.
Politically Correct:
Whoever controls
the language
the people.
All forms of
end in misery.
Whoever controls
the food & water supply
controls the people.
Where does the idea
of freedom
come into it?
Convince a prisoner
that he is actually free
and you won't have
any problems with him.
I have nothing
to protect and
nothing to hide.
If you are interested
in finding out
whether a politician
is lying to you or not,
watch his tongue.
If it moves,
know that he is lying.
Once you stop worrying
about yourself
know that you are
making progress.
The man of wisdom
knows he is
no better
a dog.
If you want to know the man, study his dog. It will tell you everything you need to know. The dog will manifest what the man hides.
It has not mastered the art of deceit.
Before you can receive knowledge you have to
Don't expect to receive what you can't give.
If you want attention, learn how to give it.
If you want my attention, you have to pay in a currency that I demand. I use the currency called
Pay me 5% of your attention and you get 5% knowledge.
Pay me 100% of your attention and get the lot.
Now, there's a challenge worth picking up.
At 4 years of age I was given this knowledge directly from within. No books or intermediaries were necessary. What was necessary were the right conditions.
The right conditions manifested as putting myself in the Atlantic Ocean not knowing how to swim. After going down for the second time, I can assure you, my full attention was on God, or so I believed, until I went down for the third time and found the last remaining units of attention. In that moment,
I became 100% present and correct.
Once you are in that
space of Unconditioned Love,
do not allow anything
to recondition it.
I love myself
in spite of,
not because of.
All of those who say,'Absolutely..I agree!' have no idea what I am talking about.
Only the man who has looked into the eyes of the God of Death will know what I am talking about. Never will he say, 'I agree with you'.
Death is psychological.
It is necessary for Birth.
Birth and Death
depend on each other.
The root cause of fear
is Birth and Death.
In my life, I have been told many times, "If you do this (or that) something bad will happen." My answer was then, as is now, "Good, I can hardly wait."
'IF' is the tool of emotional blackmail and fantasy.
Don't become an old shoe,
just because they're comfortable.
Discipline your mind
and break in the new.
For knowledge to manifest,
a catalyst is required.
A catalyst is that
which causes
direct transmutation
without itself
becoming contaminated.
Knowledge is
an addiction.
Wisdom is
a necessity.
This Planet
was highly capable of supporting, minimum, 12 Billion people, were we not to demand more than the basics. The more greed manifests, the less people the Planet is capable of supporting.
Once you hear people talking
about the effects of Global Warming,
know that it's already too late!
The Future has a nasty habit
of rushing into the Now.
There is no security
in an insecure world.
The world hangs by a thread.
Deny it reality and be free of it.
(but do not then expect it to give you anything,
other than the basics,
which is all you are entitled to.)
It is not possible to kill a man who has no fear of Death. He will willingly donate his life to his Society and what he believes in, namely his God.
Terrorists are evil necessities. They introduce man to his fear. They strike the bell of fear in the hearts of men. No fear, no terrorists; no terrorists, no fear. They are reflections of mans fear. Most times, men who are committed to the death for what they believe in are seen as terrorists.
To survive a terrorist attack,
a man must be wholeheartedly
willing to donate his life to his God.
A true devotee of God is a terrorist to ignorance.
Just seeing him strikes terror in the dried-up heart.
One can only torture the lover of Gods'
body, not the Being.
The Being lies beyond
torture and comfort.
When people criticize every word you utter,
it's a sure sign that you're correct!
Right & wrong
Good & bad
Should &
Holy & evil
are childish toys
that the mind has
not given up yet.
There is no such thing as '
your mind' and 'my mind.'
There is consciousness.
A frightened horse wears blinkers.
Blinkers restrict vision.
Remove your blinkers,
challenge your fear,
and see God everywhere,
in all things, at all times.
The God-conscious mind
never loses contact with God.
There is no such thing as 'unconscious'.
Unconscious simply means 'not-remembering'.
Beyond name, shape & form there
is no such thing as fear & loss.
I do not care who believes or disbelieves me.
Belief systems are for time and circumstance.
Better to prove me wrong.
In order to do that, you will have to
dive into the Ocean of Love.
That action can only
improve proof.
The mind is a springboard.
Dive off, into the Ocean of Love
which lies at the center of
every ones heart.
Do not conduct business in the House of God or the tables may be turned on you.
In India, people ask me for money. I ask them, "Do you go to the bank and ask for Blessings?" They answer, "No." "Then why come to me and ask for money?"
The bank is the God of money. Don't ask God for money. Earn the Guru's Grace and become the richest man on the Planet.
To know God, go beyond your concepts of Him.
Do not mistake your concept for the Real Thing!
The Real Thing will chop off your head
with the sword of Love & Compassion.
I manifest as a
Thief in the night.
Make sure you lock
up your ignorance or
I will steal it.
Don't forget,
the key to the
prison of ignorance
is the same key
that opens the
door to freedom.
Knock and the door will be opened up unto you.
Attention is knocking.
Dreams are only echos
of your waking state.
A Societies indifference to
the suffering of others
will bring suffering
to that societies door.