Saturday, May 27, 2017



The Guru brings out
the love in everyone.
It's in there.
It can't be put in there.

It is everyones' duty
to manifest Heaven on Earth.

People who are full with love
are not disposed to fear.
They laugh in the face of it.

You can only imagine the known.
The unknown is unimaginable.

To get free
of something
one has to
in it.

The candle gives light
at its own expense.

People with
no inner light
live in dark days.

One who is committed
lives a dangerous life.
He has no options or choices.

A wise man
does the

are for

What you are
not aware of
is choosing
for you
all the

Without collective thinking;
there is no such thing as service.

I surrendered
my life
to humanity.

The ultimate way
to use power
is not to.

Only fearless beings
are interested
in the unknown.

Everyone who meets me
is faced with the Truth.

There is no such thing
as a country without a society,
otherwise it's just land.

As long as you are breathing
you are always close to home.

For those who
don't know
where home is;
there is no hope.

When there is no food left
all you'll be left with
will be the chemicals.

The more chemicals
the less food.

If your voice
isn't musical,
don't disturb
the Silence.

is based
on Time.

Without fruit there won't be any
partridge in a pear tree.
The song will go,
"and a partridge in a bare tree."

If you don't know
what gratitude is
you can't play that game.

The work cannot happen
without a quiet mind.

Like anything,
once you stop chasing it,
it will come to you.

What's your is yours
and always will be yours.
What's not is not
& never will be.
Why worry, Yorky mate.

The mechanics
of consciousness
& how the mind works.

It's not possible to get free
from what you're not aware of.
That's where suffering comes in.

Stay in the silence.
Don't come out.

The safest place
is in the silence.

Arrogance says, "I know"
& will not ask.
Humility says, "I don't know"
& therefore asks.

What effect
are you going to cause,
out of ignorance?

Friday, May 26, 2017



If you
want more
from life
than the basics,
then you are in trouble.

You don't exist
when I close my eyes.
You exist when
I open my eyes.

The kind of power that
I'm talking about takes
incredible courage to manifest.
There is not a man alive
who it does not reside in.

The Question is;
Do you have what it takes?

To attain
the greater
you have to
give up
the lesser.

What are you
interested in?
Are you interested in
endless creation
or destruction?

What are you not willing to give up?

One has to
maintain their integrity
wherever they live.

I don't change,
time changes.

While people are still
talking about it
nothing will change.

This too
shall pass.

Empires come & go.
And what about the
New World Order,
what happened to
the old?

Everything I suffered,
everything I gave up,
everything I attained,
I offered for free,
no one wanted it.
Therefore, I will give
you what you want -
Ask and you shall receive it.

The only way to get the fox
out of the trap was to kill it.
There are many traps in life,
hence death is necessary.

If you want this
you have to give up that.
I gave up this life
for that.

Happiness or sadness
has no sway over me.

You can put your childish toys away
and move on, or the times will take
them away from you, regardless.

It's very simple,
it's either

Inner security~
Where else will you find it?

I look in awe.
I am unable to
describe what I see.
It stuns me!
My mind maintains
silence in its presence.
It is intelligent enough
to know that.

When the laws of the land
are in tune & in keeping,
with the laws of Nature,
societies grow & flourish

Thursday, May 25, 2017



Everyone is enlightened already.
Remove the obstacles 
& lies & what's left is it ~ Your Natural State.

What other option is there? No one ever gave me a better option. Until someone gives me a better option than Trust then I will continue to Trust.

The doer is
what never

The Power of Love
within the heart.

At the end
of the day,
who cares?

God exists
in feelings.

I may forget the Mantra
but the Mantra doesn't forget me.


How much control could you possibly have?
You can't even control the mind, the breath
or the blinking of your eyes.

Gold radiates success & perfection.
The same qualities as the Sun.

You cannot go beyond
what you do not understand.

You cannot
have devotion
without Trust.

When it's done from the heart
there is no need to keep score.

See what life has in store.
See how it unfolds.

One you give it up
there's nothing to take.

Discovering the
Mysteries of the Mind.

Drama is a non-stop
express train to hell.

Drama is boring.
Any idiotic mind
can create that.

What is in a name?
A relationship.

Patience develops
great strength
of character.

Sanyas is the death of
wants, hopes & dreams.
That is direct knowledge.
That is experience talking.

Concepts & wrong thinking
block ones
of the Truth.

You can only really worry about what you know.
How can you worry about the unknown?

The answer to
everyones questions
is written on my forehead.

Life, itself,
is change.

The primal is not programmed.
If you want to get in contact with it,
you better be prepared.

Without freedom
there is no life.

How can there be simplicity
with all these complications?

My mind is silent
unless I need it.

There is a Divine Spark in everyone,
otherwise, they wouldn't be alive.

I can take the bad away
but the good will go with it.

It is ignorance
that makes things

'I don't know'
is the safest place to be.

'I don't know
frees one up
from knowing.

The little I need to 'know'
to live a peaceful life
surprises me at times.

There is not much to know.
It is a on a 'need-to-know basis.

Happiness, itself,
wants to be shared.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


If you're stuck in quicksand, yourself,
how are you going to help someone else get out?
Keeping your own feet on solid ground
is all the help anyone needs.


I refuse to accept the world as it appears today! Absolutely unacceptable!


A poor man never made any money out of war.


There is always work for one who is willing to do it.


Destruction of ignorance manifests God.


In all the TV & Movies that you've ever seen...have you ever seen a regiment of vegetarians going to war? Eating meat overheats the mind which turns into aggression. A small spoonful of Tigers' meat would kill a man if he ate it.
That's a fact.


The only way to conquer the word is through love. I see the world as a child of love. Without love there is no world.


Everyones' actions affect everyone.


Every warrior has his shield.


One can only survive with unity.


I had to find strength within myself to survive.


How can any society be at peace when its people have not made their mind their best friend, their mate? Whoever is looking for a 'soul-mate', make your mind your best mate and the search is over!


Right & wrong is mans' consciousness.
Correct & incorrect is Gods consciousness.
Perform correct actions and live a regret-free life.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017



Peace is
bad for

No one can accuse you
of being ignorant
when you speak the Truth.

You can't practice
being in the Now.

You can't
the Now

The basis
of manipulation
is separation.

Trust in the Space
between the Breath.

We came with everything
we need to make us happy.

warts & all.

Talking is

All thinking & talking are
 expressions of the Matrika Shakti.
Words become infused with that power.
The power in words; the Matrika Shakti.

I guess I don't have much
because I don't want much.
I always found the
basic necessities enough.

Were I to be accepted by Society
& have followers then I would know,
for sure, that I was doing something wrong.

Only correct actions
bring correct results.

Even Jesus had to have a day job;
what is this world coming to.

Monday, May 22, 2017



A Balanced
state of mind.

The closer one gets to themselves,
the better they get to know themselves.

When the lights go out,
the urge to merge
will no longer surge.

When you are on time
how can you be in time?

"Time ~ You're on!"

I do have the power to help people. I carry the power to help people because I already put myself beyond help. Next time you see yourself trying to help people, know that it's not for them; it's for you. When you're truly ready to help people you will LEAVE THEM ALONE!

There is a lot of power in the hands.
When you're in debt your life
is not in your own hands;
it's in the hands of someone else.

There is no such thing as a person.
What you call a person is a bundle
of habits, ideas & desires.

If you don't want to come back to the level of consciousness you're at now then clean up your debts & mess. They can only drag you down.

Debts are a millstone around your neck.
(A millstone is a large, heavy, round stone with a hole in the center. In days gone by when someone was accused of being a warlock or a witch, a millstone was tied around their neck. They were then thrown into the river. If they drowned they were innocent. If they came to the surface, it was proof-positive they were a warlock or a witch.)

It's a one-way street.
I don't do one-way streets.
On the road to love, it's two-way.

The Truth is easy to find.
Take your thumb & first finger and place them in your mouth.
Hold the tongue firmly & you will know the Truth.
Truth manifests Itself as Silence.

As a child, a teacher said to me (in a not-too-pleasant tone) "Empty vessels make the most noise, boy!"

All talk & promises of security
are blatant lies.
There is no such thing as security
in an insecure world.

A tap on the head
in the right place &
the show's over.

You can only
have fun with it
when you've done it.

The world is your oyster &
I AM the irritant.
I will turn you
into a Pearl of Wisdom.


 Perhaps it was 15 years ago, maybe more, before we had a computer when the radio was our source of information & entertainment. Broadcasting out of New York City was a radio host who was (at that time) a 'shocking' sensation.  Rude, crude & vulgar were his trademarks. We would listen to him to see if he could be any more controversial than he was the day before. This one morning we were having breakfast with the radio on. There was a guest on the show who was having a dispute with the 'shock-jock' about something he was telling the host that he felt really strongly about..that he was really committed to.
"Bullshit!", said the shows' host.."If you were really committed, you'd tattoo it on your forehead!"

We couldn't believe what we were hearing. The shock of this led to fist bumps in the air and high 5's!

Take into account the fact that many years before, Guru Om had, in meditation, received this message. "Remember when you were a little boy at Blackpool and you were drowning? You said that if I saved your life you would do ANYTHING for me. Well, I want you to tattoo these symbols on your forehead. You will be my billboard! You will carry the formula for the Destruction of Ignorance for all the world to see! Without destruction how can there be Creation?"

For over a year after the tattooing happened, Guruji would not leave the house very much and when he did, little old ladies would cross themselves when they saw him and say 'DIABLO!'  Or people would cross the street to avoid passing by him. One man walking through a parking lot with his dog saw Gurji and said to the dog, "You did not see that, it was a figment of your imagination!"

Often I would hear myself say, "Your loss will be your gain!" It took a while before that statement was changed to, "Your loss IS your gain!"

I often wondered why so few people would ask Guruji (perhaps 3 in 20 years) what the symbols meant or even ask the question, "Why would you do such a drastic thing as that?"  I asked one young woman. "Aren't you the least bit curious as to what the tattoos mean?" (I would have followed him down the street to catch up to him to ask, as I am, by nature, full of curiosity.) Her response was, "Oh, I didn't want to ask. I thought it was personal." When I told Guruji about this little encounter he said, "If it was personal I would have tattooed it on my ass!"

So dear 'shock-jock' Thanks for the validation!

Sunday, May 21, 2017



Once you have the skill of
transmuting fear into joy,
you've cracked it.

Fear of death
simply means
fear of the unknown.

To the Enlightened mind
there is no such thing as
'what next'?
It's always
'What now'?

"What now'? is the
most loving thing
you can do for yourself.

'What next?'
has the potential
to create fear & panic.

You impart reality
to the world
through your existence
as a name, shape & form.

When you, yourself,
are profiting from war,
why would you want it to stop?
The same applies to slavery.

didn't bring me
to this place,
circumstances did.

that's alive
has to live
with the
fear of death
whether it
likes it or not.

The Mantra is
the most important
thing in life.
It's the difference
between life & death.

Were I not be able to change it,
I have to accept it.
Nothing has changed.
It's always been like this.
It's you that weren't aware of it.
The good news is, awareness of it changes it.


If you ask me, with
love in your heart,
I'll do it.
I'll do anything
for love.

You can't wish
something into existence
if it's not meant to be.

It's necessary,
therefore, it's good.

'Business as usual'
has to go.

When you put conditions
on unconditioned love
it is no longer unconditioned,
it is a business deal.

Saturday, May 20, 2017


I am a disaster.
I cannot help anyone.
What I can do is
create the conditions
for you to help yourself.


Friday, May 19, 2017


How can a man speak
about Enlightenment
using the language
of ignorance?

How can there be
free will
when one is a
prisoner of concept?

The dynamics
of thinking.

What separates Guru Om &
the rest of society
is the depth of His feelings &
the connection of His heart.

After your first breath
you're fucked.
Don't believe me,
death will convince you.

If you haven't done your work
your laughter is fake.

You are
your own

How can I master
what I don't

One cannot fake
the Natural State.

Manifestation Power.

is held together
by Time.

One cannot
focus a
noisy mind.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


As one has to be qualified
to study at Harvard, Princeton or Yale,
so one has to be qualified
to study at the
University of Life.

Man claims, "I changed my mind!"
The mind changes of its own accord.
It creates, sustains and destroys
with each breath.

One has to have
a certain amount of courage
to deal with fear.

Like and dislike
cannot exist where
there is love.

When you have
had your fill
of ignorance,
you'll wake up.

Recognizing the suffering of people
puts everything in the right light.

When the movies over
you're left with the

Perform only
those actions

It is ignorance
that ask questions
and needs answers.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017



The death
of the known
is the birth
of the unknown.

Death of ignorance
is the birth
of enlightenment.

It's what you know
that will be your downfall,
not what you don't know.

How many people have you ever met in your life that have said to you, "I don't know. I'm ignorant in that area but I'm willing to learn if you can find it in your heart to teach me." Until I hear those words, I don't sow seeds in barren land.

Once mans' seed is copy-written
you will need permission to breed.

The seed
in the ground
is non-different
from the seed
in the man.

The Soul-Seed.
Wrap your mind around it.
Give it the water of attention.
It will yield to you the fruit of love.

Your denial of the Truth
speeds up your demise.

Death cannot kill life.
It is a catalyst.

Debt creates heat in the paper money world
& eventually burns up the paper money.
We are in the beginning of a Golden Age now;
paper money won't cut it.

If that's the drama;
what doesn't it
want me to look at?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017



Conflict comes out of
what one wants &
what's actually happening.

If you don't ask for
what you don't need,
you'll always be looked after.

When you want
what's happening
there is no conflict.

Belief systems limit
your experience of life.
People argue
about the belief,
not the system.
Without belief,
the system will
not support you.


Your belief
in what I say
doesn't matter
as it cannot
alter the fact.

full stop.



If your bottom line is power
then you better take love; it's the ultimate power.
That is, if you have the guts, of course.

Monday, May 15, 2017


  Perhaps it was 10 years ago, maybe more, before we had a computer when the radio was our source of information & entertainment. Broadcasting out of New York City was a radio host who was (at that time) a 'shocking' sensation.  Rude, crude & vulgar were his trademarks. We would listen to him to see if he could be any more controversial than he was the day before. This one morning we were having breakfast with the radio on. There was a guest on the show who was having a dispute with the 'shock-jock' about something he was telling the host that he felt really strongly about..that he was really committed to his beliefs.
"Bullshit!", said the show host.."If you were really committed, you'd tattoo it on your forehead!"

We couldn't believe what we were hearing. The shock of this led to fist bumps in the air and high 5's!

Take into account the fact that many years before, Guru Om had, in meditation, received this message. "Remember when you were a little boy at Blackpool and you were drowning? You said that if I saved your life you would do ANYTHING for me. Well, I want you to tattoo these symbols on your forehead. You will be my billboard! You will carry the formula for the Destruction of Ignorance for all the world to see! Without destruction how can there be Creation?"

For over  a year after the tattooing happened, Guruji would not leave the house very much and when he did, little old ladies would cross themselves when they saw him and say 'DIABLO!'  Or people would cross the street to avoid passing by him. One man walking through a parking lot with his dog saw Gurji and said to the dog, "You did not see that, it was a figment of your imagination!"

Often I would hear myself say, "Your loss will be your gain!" It took a while before that statement was changed to, "Your loss IS your gain!"

I often wondered why so few people would ask Guruji (perhaps 3 in 29 years) what the symbols meant or even ask the question, "Why would you do such a drastic thing as that?"  I asked one young woman. "Aren't you the least bit curious as to what the marks mean?" (I would have followed him down the street to catch up to him to ask, as I am, by nature, full of curiosity.) Her response was, "Oh, I didn't want to ask. I thought it was personal." When I told Guruji about this little encounter he said, "If it was personal I would have tattooed it on my ass!"

So dear 'shock-jock' Thanks for the validation!