Friday, September 25, 2009
The desire to live is the messenger of death.
Longing to be happy is the outline of sorrow.
The world is an ocean of pain and of fear.
Despair and anxiety are always so near.
Dream on the American Dream.
We live in our dream worlds.
They last for some time.
These mental formations we all claim are mine.
At last when we sleep they pale out of sight.
And all we are left with is the dead of the night.
Dream on the American dream.
Money and power, sex, name and fame.
They all go together to make up the game.
Dreams they do not Reality make.
They're hollow and empty, their contents are fake.
Dream on the American dream.
The cars that we drive made of plastic and steel,
Contain our Self image asleep at the wheel.
The monster's released with the turn of a key,
Then roars down the road singing, "Hey! look at me!"
Dream on the American dream.
We suffer delusions that cause separation.
Through pride and false ego we call it a nation.
We're so proud to live so that others can die,
But the facts of the matter will make us all cry,
Dream on the American dream.