Monday, September 14, 2009
Soft beds put people to sleep.
A soft life does the same thing.
A hard life creates
great strength of character.
I am the wealthiest man
on this Planet.
What I am pointing you to
is what money cannot buy.
If your mind is Public Enemy #1,
how can you expect to have a happy life?
A peaceful mind is a happy mind.
A happy mind gives rise to a happy life.
The whole society
is parasitical.
Parasitical societies
do not survive.
In these days of terror you need to ask yourself this question; what have I done in my life that qualifies me to survive? Scramblings and justifications do not the cake cut.
The next thing
was I had to go
beyond it.
When you are told something very important to do with your life, as you know it; and it goes in one ear and out the other, then for sure there is nothing between your ears.
The laws of Nature that
govern this Planet,
man can break them
but Nature cannot change them.
Put your laws before your nature
and when they are good and just laws,
you will be good-natured.
The Earth
belongs to you.
What grows on it
belongs to God.
There's not much time left for anyone now. I know we are in dire straights when the flowers lose their scent. That means we are in the final stages of 'life as we know it.' After that, you will see it for what it truly is.
Dark Knights' earnings so far are $441.5 million and some politician idiot is telling me we are heading towards a recession!
A man once went to bed
and dreamed he
was a millionaire.
In the morning,
when he woke up,
he didn't have
a penny to his name.
Thoughts are brain waves.
They are like waves on an ocean.
How you interpret them depends
on how you are programmed.
Stop focusing on the content of the mind and go deeper. To go deeper you have to let go. You will naturally sink. (Don't forget to enjoy the scenery along the way, otherwise, you will have to take another trip.)
Pluto is going to loosen the dirt
in the fabric of Society.
How can you get benefit
from the mind if you have
no working knowledge of it?