Sunday, February 28, 2010
The possibilities
are endless.
The probabilities
are zero.
The I AM is all you've got.
You cannot say, "I am not."
Being smart
has got nothing
to do with
at all.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Necessity always gets supported.
Wants & don't-wants don't.
The only way to survive is
through stability of mind.
Situations are not permanent.
How can life be permanent?
The world is made up of situations,
no situations - no world.
All Karma means is;
an incorrect response
to the situation.
Correct responses
do not create Karma.
Karma simply means;
doing nothing in the
absence of something.
Your world is
as you believe
it to be.
Withdraw your belief
and it ceases to exist.
The man with a silent mind
has no 'personal world'.
A person
is glued
by concepts.
Don't take it personal
and it will cease to exist.
The childs' first breath is out.
The Sadhus' last breath is in.
Everyones world
hangs on one breath.
You may like to live
to the ripe old age of 100,
but is it necessary?
Politics are there
to confuse the people,
not help them.
How can you move it if you can't feel it?
If you are moved to do something,
then you must have felt it.
Never have I met
a Truth I didn't like.
This blog is for people
who are having a hard time
growing up.
Everyone that I have ever met
has given me something.
You can't
go to
There is
only conflict
on the
surface of life.
In my world
there are no
and no conflict.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Man believes
he can do so many things
yet he can't even control
his own mind.
The faster you go
the faster your life runs out.
A slow, leisurely life
promotes excellent health.
If it doesn't pump the heart
then it's not music to me.
If you don't know anything else,
you don't know anything else.
Don't feel sorrow
for the dead man,
save it for yourself.
He's out of it.
You're still suffering.
Imagining that you were born
is the ultimate drama!
Living without hope
is the most freeing
thing you can do.
It forces you to live
Ask yourself one question;
"If this is as good as it's going to get
for the rest of my life, is that acceptable?"
It it's not then hard times are a'comin!
The more grateful one is
for what they have,
more, automatically,
comes to them.
The more the government
governs the people,
the faster society breaks
down and falls apart.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I want for others what
I want for myself. Then
want becomes a strength
not a weakness.
If it can't be
applied in daily life
it is not the Truth.
Haven't you ever wondered
if that 'thought'
was yours or not?
I manifested my own uniqueness.
I was quite shocked when I was seen as insane.
I AM the head of an ancient lineage of crazies.
No followers
just one long line.
After the I AM
what else can
man come up with?
I AM is the Primal Concept.
All concepts thereafter are
lesser to one degree or another.
The mind makes love to itself and conceives. A mind 'fetus' is called a concept. When you act on them they become your responsibility.
The Society
that you live in
is responsible for the
mental pictures called concepts.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Everyone is a gold-mine.
The only difference is,
with some; one has to dig
really deep to see their
hidden wealth.
The fake will
always let you down.
The genuine - never.
the Source of the breath
develop a relationship
with it.
If you don't have the power,
then it's no good sittin'
on your ass, hoping.
To know Supreme Reality
You have to drop out of
Do it with awareness or
how will you know
how to get back in?
You have to pay for the Personal.
The Impersonal is free.
I have yet to find someone willing to take it.
I took it, therefore I can give it.
Finding someone who wants it,
that's another story.
If you want more, you'll have to tune in! Use the 'perspective' knob. (it's in the right temple.) The contrast knob is on the left. Fine-tuning is smack bang in the center. Who am I?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Compassion, to me,
is continuing
to live
out of love,
not necessity.
There are
certain events
in life
that happen,
where one can
never be the same.
There is no tomorrow
so take care of today.
Eliminate 'ifs', 'buts' & 'maybes'
out of your life &
you will enjoy it
much better.
It's a bit 'iffy' when you say 'if'.
Some leave and some stay home.
I've traveled this whole world
without leaving home.
The first shall be last
and the last shall be first.
Don't think about
what you've done.
Focus on what
needs doing.
The less you do
the more you get.
Feed your mind these words
while I take care of your heart.
....seeing as it's all imagination anyway.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The times can't be
any different
than the way things are.
Philosophy is the language
one creates in an attempt
to describe the indescribable.
Each experience gives information.
Information leads to knowledge.
Knowledge is structured in consciousness.
Only the changeable can change.
I AM the unchangeable.
It is the unchangeable
that makes the changeable possible.
‘Going to’ never happens.
‘Has’ has happened.
Give up the lesser
to gain the greater.
What use is a kite
if it won’t fly?
One can only be a master of the known.
If you want to be a master of the unknown
you have to become a nothing and a nobody.
In other words, an unknown.
A known quantity is boring.
An unknown quantity is dangerous.
With so much concrete
it’s no wonder
life and times are hard.
Success creates confidence.
Confidence creates success.
Failure creates self-doubt.
Self-doubt creates failure.
There is not enough love
manifested on this planet
therefore it will die
and everything on it
that walks and crawls.
One day
there will be
no tomorrow.
is an
external process.
It tries to get in.
The trick is
to keep the doors shut
and lock it out.
Only a man with no delusions has a future.
There is no future in ignorance and delusions.
What am I not aware of that I need to be aware of to improve the quality of my life now?
Just the asking of the question –
that is enough.
Give up
your biggest concepts
and all the smaller ones
have to go with it.
It is not possible
to love anything or anyone
if you are separate from them.
I took on the greatest challenge,
the Destruction of Ignorance.
Cultural ideas and concepts
keep society glued together.
Challenge that
and you will
come unstuck.
Whatever does not
work for you
is no good to you.
Misplaced belief
is stupidity.
The limited
can never control
the Unlimited.
is the only
way to live;
with awareness.
The mind gives birth. Its children are ideas. In order to keep its children alive it has to focus on them. In the process of doing so it becomes attached which ultimately leads to suffering.
The simple very seldom goes wrong, but if it does, it is very simple to fix. When life becomes so complex that computers are needed to run things, problems become very difficult to fix.
Once one presumes
they can die
they will do
whatever it takes
to survive.
The more one is being themselves
The less talking goes on.
You can’t continue talking
to the self if you
are being yourself.
The only thing
you can legitimately be
is yourself.
If you do not master the dog
the dog will master you.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The biggest scam
ever run on people
is that they have choices.
What you are not aware of
is choosing for you.
Living the way Americans live,
now, is very short term.
I grew up with pigs.
They're cleaner than
a lot of people
I have met.
Even a fool knows
how to spend money.
I have always seen life as work.
I have worked for life my whole life.
Work, now, is letting life work for me.
What now?
Move on.
People miss
the most
Relying on anything time-bound
for your happiness is doomed to failure.
Needing anything
to make you happy
is a failure.
In a roomful of nudes
there are no characters.
They come with the clothes.
Give up your childish ways and toys,
now before I take them from you.
I cannot give you anything.
I can only take away
your dreams and fantasies.
When one is identified
with dreams and fantasies
they will fight to to protect them.
Civil war is
coming soon!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
One day you wake up
and you're not dreaming
anymore. Is everything
you know about yourself
dependent on the dreaming then?
Where does one
get a smile from?
to the mind
as darkness.
There is no such thing as darkness.
There is only absence of light.
Open the shutters
of your mind
and let
the light in.
God exists
in the pen
as well.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Belief & disbelief
get in the way of
seeing things
as they are.
It takes a
huge amount of power
to manifest God,
who is very
is made out of light.
Without the light
there is no such thing
as existence.
The light
It is Self-governed.
It is its own Guru.
never asks
for help.
Without the light
you would not
see the dark.
is an
The room may appear dark.
Open the doors & windows
& the appearance is no longer.
can take
any shape & form
they desire.
For an appearance to be known,
it has to appear in your world,
otherwise it doesn't exist.
How can a society be
spiritual without morals?
It's not possible.
Deny me
& you
have it.
The study of the
Mechanics of Consciousness.
At the end of the day,
they're only ideas.
Ideas don't want to die.
It's the ideas that
keep man alive.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
expresses itself
in its' own
unique way.
expresses itself
in a pathetic way.
There is no such thing as
uniqueness in ignorance.
Everyone is the same.
I ascribe to these words
and the Truth supports me.
The sound
that the
Sun makes.
You may call me 'Mr.OM'
until you get to know me better!
Enlightened beings do not argue the point.
They don't have one to argue with.
That is the domain of ignorance.
Life, what a subject!
One has to live it
to find out about it.
Even the loftiest ideals
fail to manifest sometime.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
is an idea,
isn't it?
You can only imagine
what you have experienced.
Pain is a great motivator.
Pain is a great teacher.
Everything about my my life has been a comedy or a tragedy. I wouldn't change a frame of it, otherwise I wouldn't have attained what I have.
Question everything! Don't just assume. I mean to say, you assumed that you were born and now look what's happened to you. You're frightened of dying. To truly live you have to deal with death.
If you convince yourself that you're a sinner then you'll have to spend an equal amount of time convincing yourself that you're not.
If you can't live in the NOW,
then live in the imaginary FUTURE.
It's more exciting than the dead PAST.
Everyone lives in the NOW
whether they like it or not.
If you imagine the FUTURE
you imagine it NOW,
If you dwell on the PAST
you're doing it NOW,
YESTERDAY, the PAST was once the FUTURE.
I am the best friend you will ever have. You will not find better than I. That doesn't mean you won't find someone as good as me. Everyone I meet is as good as I am.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Lifes expressions
are always changing.
It's man who gets stuck.
People who get bored
are not deep enough.
If one allows
to do the guiding
will be alright.
What use is
an enlightened mind
when the feelings
are not fully developed?
Without them (feelings),
one would not be able to live.
Life is
one big test.
The easiest way
to find out
what you are;
negate everything
you are not.
Pain & suffering
drives one deeper.
on the potential,
it will
become actual.
Without bottomless trust,
how can one live life
to the fullest?
To get attention
you have
to pay attention.
No one can say what Truth is.
One can only live it
in the Silence of themselves.
Without religions
you wouldn't
have wars!
Everyone has
a contract with life.
Fulfill the terms
and be happy.
If you want
a new life,
let go
of the old
and live anew.
If you want to experience Reality
you have to shatter your belief systems.
That's easy, stop believing!
Every day
is a good day.
Some appear
to be better
than others.
Every day
is the same.
It just has
a different name.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Without interest
how can life be
Lack of awareness
causes sabotage.
Awareness stops
it happening.
The Process is unique to everyone
but the fact remains the same.
Nothing to remember.
Nothing to forget.
If you don't have anything
what do you have to lose?
The less things you have, and by things I mean ideas & concepts, desires & dreams; the less pain you will feel when Reality takes them away.
In consciousness, there is no such thing as Reality. In reality, they are seen as illusions.
In Reality,
you are
the only thing that is real.
Anything living
has a spark of life in it.
One spark in an engine
causes an explosion.
Monday, February 8, 2010
It's too late NOW.
Not tomorrow.
Not yesterday.
Not in my lifetime..
There is no such thing
as growth,
without commitment.
If you're not committed
to watering it,
don't grow it.
The reason you've never
heard of me before
is because
I am not
When the electricity goes out and the noise stops you will fly or die. At that point you will come to know me very well. After all, we all know that noise is a weapon fearful people use to try and drown out the silence.
The hallmark of
a free society is
You can't have endless possibilities if you are in debt. When you are in debt the possibilities are equivalent to the amount of debt you are in. Someone owns you!
There is no such thing as political correctness for a man who is a master of his mother tongue. Political correctness is language control. Control the language and you control the people.
My mother tongue is the language of silence.
Political correctness = Bullshit.
I have been
ignored for many years.
On your deathbed
I will have your
full attention.
If you are your own best friend
then you are my best friend.
If you are your own worst enemy
then you are my worst enemy.
I have never had a car payment, nor have I ever made one. I have never paid over $4500 for a car. I have been a driver for 44 years of some of the most beautiful cars that were ever made.
The only thing
I can say is I AM,
not I was.
Wherever you meet me,
your full potential
will manifest.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The greatest asset,
in these times
that are manifesting,
is a silent mind.
What people
call fun
is neurosis
based on fear.
Join the line
if you are looking for justice
on this planet.
Supreme Intelligence
works in mysterious ways.
Can a possibility
hurt you?
If you don't like it
don't read it.
If you don't understand it~
keep reading.
the ultimate reality show.
That's the problem with all Governments;
they don't think things through.
It's all the same to the man
that's seen it all.
It's all the same to the man
that's beyond it all.
Where is the information coming from?
I get mine directly from the Source.
When do you get yours from?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Without feelings man is dead.
Only a man who can feel
everyones pain is truly alive.
Going beyond
Gods', Goddesses, Gurus' &
Religion that is my success.
A good reminder now and again;
there's nothing wrong with that!
Where there is life
there are feelings.
Where there are feelings,
there is love.
You can not buy qualities.
You have to earn them.
I love to feel.
I feel to love.
I only know my own truth.
I live my own truth.
If it ever lets me down,
I will know it's not the truth.
One cannot
have duality
without duality.
The curse of Enlightenment is,
one feels humanities pain.
If you can stand to live
with humanities pain
you are entitled
to Enlightenment.
I sacrifice my own pain to feel the pain of humanity.
I live with humanities pain every day of my life.
Interest is life force.
The more interest you have in life
the more life will make itself available to you.
an ocean
of peace.
Whatever disturbs
that peace
has to go.
It is as bad to acquire
as it is to give up.
By all means
give up the unnecessary
and acquire the necessary.
The only reason one creates
God and heaven is because
they are living in hell.
Live conceptually free.
True freedom is from concepts.
Why would one trust a concept
when they have their own self
which was there before
and after everything
and nothing.
The only thing
one cannot live
separate from
is life.
There will be no peace on this earth
until man sees it as his duty to manifest it.
That is a worthy cause to live for,
to manifest peace on earth.
One can only
appreciate time
when they are
free of it.
the mind
dwells on
long enough
it becomes.
There is only peace in security.
There is only security in peace.
There is no security
in an insecure world.
The only way one
can survive terrorism
is to manifest more peace
than the terrorist can
manifest terror.
It makes one
incredibly strong
when they’ve only got
themselves to rely on.
When dreams turn into nightmares
they wake you up.
If you don’t enjoy nightmares
don’t go to sleep.
By all means take rest.
To live your dreams
you have to be asleep.
The shock of enlightenment is
that nothing changes.
The day is soon approaching when every one will share a common interest - Survival.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The object and the subject
appear and disappear together.
The subject comes
out of the object.
You cannot invent something
unless you've seen it.
To dream the American Dream
you have to be asleep.
There is no such thing
as programmed Reality.
Reality shatters programs.
I have no problem
with programmed consciousness.
De-programmed consciousness
is known as Awareness.
A deluded mind
is as bad as
putting a
thick, black blanket
over a light bulb.
There is no such thing as darkness.
There is only the absence of light.
Your asking
tells me,
You're ready
to listen.
I have attained much in my stay on this Planet. Ask and I will give it to you. It's no good to me anymore. If you don't ask, that will be a shame. Shame on you for missing a mercurial opportunity.
What I have done
you don't have to do
were you to know how
to enjoy the fruits
of my labor.
Sweetness is in the tongue
not in the sugar.
Those with bitter tongues
wouldn't know that.
The image on the screen
doesn't make anything happen.
It's the power behind the screen
that makes it happen.
To the blind they know nothing of it.
How large is the mind
that it contains
this world and the planets
and everything else in it?
If you are going to give
your time to something
make sure it's
something you like.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
There is no such thing
as a relationship
Mans' attention span is as
long as a sound bite.
Once you forget
where home is
you are in
great danger.
You can't have comedy
unless you discipline
the drama.
What does it matter
if you believe the Truth
or disbelieve it?
It makes no difference.
Laughing & praying are equal.
They are both great ways to
communicate with God,
Hypochondriacs are always sick.
Ignoramuses are always stupid.
If you want
to get rid
of a bad habit,
create a good one.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Being alive
doesn't mean
one is living.
There's no such thing
as life
laughter & jokes.
What percent
of the homeless
are veterans?
When there's
no trust and love
there's no relationship.
One has to live
beyond the world;
the haves &
have-not world.
When I can entertain myself
in someones' company,
I'd call that good company.
You can't buy qualities.
You have to earn them.
How many 'have-nots' do you think
are sat down worrying & crying
that the 'haves' house got burned down?
If you don't want
a heart attack,
learn how to give.
There is
no such thing
as a world
beyond the
One either deserves
everything or nothing.
Monday, February 1, 2010
What you believe
or don't believe
makes no difference
to the Truth.
Live life
to the fullest
with what's presented.
That's a fact!
If you don't know what you what you want in life then I guess you don't want anything. If you don't want anything, that implies no lack.
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